Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1433: Nine heavens

Thousands of days of strength is not good, can not escape far, Su Yun stared at the man with the suppression of seal means, leaping, the shadow of the light has not captured his half figure, feel the pressure behind The man who fled was trembling, and his heart had regretted it. When he knew that Su Yun was so powerful, he should go back and ask stronger people to come to suppress it. He still only has the strength of Su Yun’s strength. Like the eagle, they are not strong in their eyes, but I did not expect that a single Su Yun is so terrible.

Is the power of the fierce sword?

The man doesn't know, but now he has no time to think about it.

The latter Su Yun directly reached out and grabbed the void. The man who was still running away was directly smashed back. He did not respond, his arms were directly cut off, and a divine power was injected into his body, and his body was inside. The fairy veins are all shattered.


The man spit out blood and passed out directly.

"Qin Qianlong!"

Su Yun shouted.

Qin Qianlong in the distance rushed over.

"grown ups!"

"Take him back and give it to Wei Ming. I want to know everything about him!" Su Yun threw the man away.

Qin Qianlong grabbed his hand and nodded. "Yes!" Then the man was brought back to the station like a chicken.

The sword ancestors next to him have been watching Su Yun. Since the last battle of Xianting, Su Yun’s strength has increased a lot. This kind of talent is so strong and embarrassing.

"It looks like I am really old." Jianzu couldn't help but feel so embarrassed. At that time, the sword slashed across the world, it was difficult for the enemy, and the sword broke through the enemy. Although it was unfortunate that the hands of the traitor were separated, but fortunately the help of the younger generation, the reunion of the soul, just the change of the sea, so he has not followed On the footsteps, everyone or things can't escape the long rivers of the years, and then the glorious sun, there will be the moment of the end.

Jianzu sighed and stood still in silence.

He knows that the rest of the things, Su Yun can handle it very well.

Although thousands of days are embarrassing, but in the face of absolute strength, but powerless, not long after, it was arrested by Su Yun.

He had known the rebellion, but it did not have the slightest effect. On the contrary, the body's fairy veins were shattered, and one was repaired as a waste, and was directly returned by Su Yun.

Su Yun did not intend to interrogate the two men. In the face of Da Ling’s technique, it was too much trouble to ask questions. It was better to directly use Da Ling’s technique, which was simple and rude but effective.

Thousands of days are obviously also knowing that Su Yun has a big exquisite technique. After all, the Da Ling Palace has been returned to him. Immediately, he intends to commit suicide and self-destruct the soul. Can Su Yun give him a chance?

Back at the station, Su Yun and Wei Ming met a thick side and went to the Chamber of Deputies. These two were also brought over by Qin Qianlong.

The two glimpsed Su Yun sitting on the head and hurried down.

"Su Yun adults don't kill us!! Don't kill us!"

The two were stunned, and they were peeked at by the exquisite technique. All the information was acquired by Su Yun, and there was no use of value. Su Yun could kill them without any scruples.

"Reassured, if I want to kill you, I have already started, and will not bring you over. After all, I have nothing to ask!"

Su Yun said faintly.

"That Su Yun adults, what do you want us to do?" Qian Tian carefully asked.

In truth, they are worthless, memories are prying, and they are being ruined. Now they are no different from waste. Thousands of days are well known. He only prays to keep one. Life, as long as the life is still there, nothing is important. If there is no life, then it is really over.

"It's very simple!"

Su Yun said faintly: "Go and bring me a letter, go back and tell you the leader of the gods of heaven and earth!"

"What letter do you bring?" asked a thousand days of horror.

"People don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. If people commit me, I will commit crimes. If the gods of the ancient world continue to harass me, I promise that the ancient gods will be the second fairy court!"

Su Yun stared at the thousand days, faintly said: "Don't forget, in my hands, but with a fierce sword!"

This statement fell, and thousands of hearts trembled.

Su Yun said yes, he has a fierce sword in his hand. If he is forced to use the fierce sword, ask the whole fairyland, who can resist?

"go away!"

Su Yun is a light road.

"Yes," he quickly got up in a thousand days, and even ran out.

The man next to him saw and fled, but he was drunk by Su Yun.

"Reporting, one person is enough!"

"You want to kill me," the man said in horror.

"No, I won't kill you, I have no interest in your life." Su Yun's mouth raised slightly and smiled: "But some people are very interested in your life!"

"Who?" the man trembled.


An angry drink came in from outside the house.

The man squatted and turned his head and looked at it, but saw a group of Condors walking in.

Su Yun stood up and headed for the outside. When passing the door, he rushed to the Yangtze and others and said, "Let you deal with it."

"Thank you," Yangzi whispered.

Su Yun nodded and left. The man’s end is self-evident. How many people of the Condor family died in his hands. The Yangzi and others have hated him. He wants to eat his flesh. Good life to entertain him.

However, compared to this, Su Yun is more concerned about the organization of the ancient gods.

From the memory of men and thousands of days, the ancient gods and gods are an organization established in the heavens of the celestial world. Its leader is a mysterious existence. It is said that the dark sky was active in the fairy world long before. Before Xianting ruled the fairyland, the ancient gods and gods already existed, but the ancient gods of that time were not strong, and the dark days did not show up, and they rarely stayed in the organization until recently when Su Yun and Xianting confronted each other. He returned, after the reunification, the dark day began to conquer the power and the Xian faction, recruiting masters, vaguely the intention to lead the fairy world, originally the dark day is intended to recruit Su Yun, and then to the Xianting, but see the Su Yun forces so Wide, the darkness is silent, he intends to let Su Yun and Xianting people fight for your life and death, and then come forward to recruit Su Yun, and the ancient tribes such as Shenlong and Shenying, he also did not intend to let go. It is rumored that the darkness is extremely strong. The Dark Gods, which he cultivated, is said to be able to dominate the world and create time and space. It is especially terrible. When the gods of the ancient gods conquer the dragons, they will be defeated by the four kings. Long, resulting in God Dragon surrender. However, in the face of those forces that are unyielding and unyielding, the gods will take the most direct approach, that is, the killing will not leave.

The actions of the gods and gods are very low-key, and they have never been shot in the dark, so they cannot speculate on his strength. The strength of the four kings is also inscrutable. There is no concept for thousands of days. After all, thousands of days and four kings I have not seen several times, and it is impossible to see their cultivation.

Thousands of days go back this time, most of them are going to die, but this time, it is also announced that Su Yun and the ancient gods are officially fighting. According to the urinary nature of the ancient gods, the two could not recruit Su Yun twice. Then, for the third time, they would not be so gentle. Most of them would send the master directly to brutally suppress. If they resist, the Condor is the end.

Su Yun didn't think that after the immortal, there was another eternal god. In any case, it was too flat. He had to let Wei Ming and Qin Qianlong prepare in advance. There is no doubt that the strength of the gods is stronger than that of Xianting. Killing, they are just some cats and dogs, the real master did not show up.

"Nine heavens?"

Su Yun whispered and fell into thinking. This place is not loud in the fairyland because it is a cloud mountain near the eastern part of the country. There is a space crack above the cloud mountain, entering the crack and going to the fairyland. There are nine layers in the upper part of the fairyland. Each area is surrounded by a lot of fairy tales. However, there are no spiritual resources in these areas that make the fairy people care. The fewer immortals there are, the less they will be. Nine Heavens can already be said to be a ridiculous place. Many Xianpai even moved the Zongmen address to Jiuzhongtian. No one expected that the Wanxiang Tenjin public would choose the address there.

Nowadays, the gods of the ancient times have repeatedly provoked Su Yun, and the two forces have become like a fire. Su Yun also asked Su Shiluo to send some people to investigate in the past, only to wait for the results.

However, the people who sent the past were attacked by the gods of the ages, and few people returned, and the information obtained was even rare.

Su Yun knows that he is passive in the moment. Now he and the ancient gods are like the original Xianting and his forces, one bright and one dark.


At this moment, Su Shilu suddenly broke into the cultivation ground of Su Yun, and his expression seemed a bit flustered.

Su Yun immediately stood up and asked: "What happened?"

"Brother, the unparalleled party asks for help!!"

Su Shiluo shouted.

"Double party?"

Su Yun's face changed dramatically.


"The ancient gods sent people to the unparalleled faction, and they wanted to let the uncles surrender the Shangguan sister. It is obvious that the ancient gods know her relationship with you, so send someone to take it, and they want to coerce you!!"

"Xian Ting was not doing such a thing at the time, I did not expect them to be so despicable!"

Su Yun angered from the heart, and shouted: "Ji Luo, you immediately let Qin Qianlong prepare them, send people to support the Wushuang faction, I will take the first step!"

"What about the station?"

Su Shiluo asked.

"The sword ancestor and the lord are here, are they dare to let go? It is really going to be a battle for the big devil, but I am afraid that the entire fairy world will collapse! I believe that the ancient gods will be measured."

Su Yun said, and then jumped out of the door and rushed outside the station.

On the verge of leaving, he did not forget to bring a transmission token. If there is an emergency, directly transfer the transmission token and the person can return to the station.


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