Limitless Sword God

Chapter 147: Hundreds of swords flying together (2)

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The nine-color dragon boat slowly came on the sides of the boat, and hundreds of drummers screamed and drummed.

A list of flags fluttering in the wind, and a large 'Bao' character was printed on the flag with gold powder. In front of the dragon boat, hundreds of people wearing jade gowns, wearing bun, and squatting with gold and silver flashing magic weapons, neatly Standing.

In front of these people, is a middle-aged man in a wheelchair and whitish, the men's legs do not move, as if they can not stand upright, holding a fan in one hand, holding a cup of tea in one hand, looking at the head with a smile.

The scenes are vast and magnificent.

This is the treasure door!

It is the priceless treasure of this dragon boat. Every decoration on the dragon boat, every big array, I don’t know how much money it can be.

Jubaomen are all people who love the magic weapon. They don't ask for cultivation, they don't ask for rights, they don't seek status, and they don't want money. That's even less, because they have a lot.

Jubaomen are widely acquainted with the world, and they are coveted. In order to avoid the disaster, the headquarters of Jubaomen is this huge dragon boat. It floats over the Tianwu mainland. The whereabouts are uncertain. Except today's event, no one can find them in the past. .

When the big ship approaches, it covers the arrogance, and the entire unparalleled peaks are shaded.

The boat is coming, close.


A large number of figures flew out of the dragon boat and swayed directly to the front of the duel in the center of the "shuang feng".

Jubaomen have arrived!

Hey! ! ! ! ! ! !

At the same time, the melodious horn sounded from the entrance to the peak, the horns were heavy and suppressed, such as the dragon's low roar.

After seeing this life, many martial art people rushed out of the big array and looked at the peak.

On the road to the peak. The golden light kept flashing, and it seemed that there was a **** coming. Many people were shocked and screamed again and again.

Then I saw a list of men and women wearing gold-colored robes who had no "shuang feng" top.

These people are all beautiful men and women, everyone's atmosphere is thick and wide, such as the open sea, the innocent sky, they dress up noble, flashing in the golden light, even if the magic weapon is also the color of gold, everyone's waist is Hanging a gold order, the token is engraved with a slender golden dragon print.

In the middle of these people, there is a huge glass of gold sitting on the sedan, the sedan is suspended in the air, and a large, temperamental Jinpao man sits on it.

This person's gaze is correct, the eyebrows are serious, not angry and self-defeating, and the body is infiltrated with noble and irresistible temperament, and is overbearing.

"Long Yao Guoren is here!"

Someone shouted.

"That is Dragon Ao??"

"What? Long Aoguo's Wangye Long Aotian? How did he come? Long Aoguo sent him here?"

"The comprehensive strength of Long Aoguo is one of the best in the southern continent. I don't know how many times the leader of the group will take the lead. I didn't expect that this time they even sent Long Aotian. It seems that they are determined to win. If so, I will wait for the first. Take the treasure of the treasure.... Difficult!"

A pair of eyes complex looking at the golden glory of the coming like a team of gods, everyone is filled with helplessness.

The dragon is proud of the power, the strongest in the southern region, the authority is supreme, no one dares to blame its tiger.


Just after the dragon proud people entered the scene, the sky swept a large number of people, and they saw a group of people wearing GIs, carrying swords, and plain-looking people coming out of the air.

"Swallow the heavens!"

"Not weaker than Dragon's Swallows? They are here too!!"

"This is their fame stunt ‘the volley of the sky’. It’s volley, one step!”

"Yes! Don't look at the people who are swallowing, they are all Taoist priests. They are the biggest competitors of the previous Long Aoguo!! In the previous contests, the top three forces are Long Aoguo, Yan Tianpai and Tianweimen, and they are expected to squeeze into the three. The strong seed sects belong to the Shenjian faction and the Bonfire faction! However, the Shenjian faction has always been defeated in the hands of the swallows, and I wonder if this session will be a shame!"

An elder of a small sect said to the disciple of his martial art.

The disciples nodded in exasperation, and the first time they entered the competition, everyone was very interested.

"Snow shame? Is this difficult? The Shenjian faction will have to win this group of heroes today! The vast threshold!"

A long, confident voice swayed from the sky, people’s hearts trembled and looked up. They saw a number of Changhong flying in the sky. Several women in sword suits flew over the long sword, and they looked like they were light and light. Seeing people brighten their eyes.

The headed person is the elders of the Shenjian School. The appearance is about forty or fifty. But the actual age is obviously bigger. Wearing a bi-coloured long coat, the appearance is very serious. The eyebrows are red sand, and the body is constantly swirling.

And beside her, there is a big and a small beauty.

People look to the left, is a young and beautiful girl, the girl looks awe-inspiring, but the autumn is reflected in the hard-to-cover heat, she volleys the sword, the condescending glance at everyone on the top of the unparalleled peak, Huanren The depth of the war is getting stronger and stronger.

Beside the beautiful girl, a woman who is more beautiful in the city, the woman has a white gauze, long hair like ink, light with the wind, its beauty is beautiful, facial features, skin like snow, posture Ling Yanna, like a fairy who is a god, pulls people's eyes and can't move.

Her look is indifferent, the jewel-like eyes are lightly looking at everyone, the white neck is lightly moving, it seems to be looking for something. Finally, the fairy’s sight falls on a figure wearing a white robe in the end of the crowd, blushing thin The lip moved slightly, and it quickly moved away. The line of sight was low and no longer looked at people.

"Three elders, what happened to you?"

The white fan on the side asked curiously.

"Nothing." Long Xianli said lightly.

Several people settled in the rest of the Shen Jian faction and they were seated.

Even so, the surroundings are still very quiet.

Shen Hong, who looked serious, scanned the circle and found that many men of the martial art were demented and looked at this side. Most of the pair of eyes were locked on the body of Long Xianli, and immediately snorted and spread directly. Gas field.

Everyone was cold and beaten, and they rushed back to look back.


The disciples of the Shenjian School all laughed at their lips. They are not the first to see the elders of the dragon, so it is okay, even though they will be attracted to them every time they look at it, and they will take the heart.

In this case, Long Xianli has long been accustomed to it. I don’t think it’s strange. She is in her own seat. She is slightly closed, and she is light and breathless. She no longer cares about everything around her, as if she is isolated from the world.

Seeing this woman is very cold, people have their eyes on the girl wearing a yellow goose suit.

One big and one small are beautiful, and each has its own charm. It must be said that the quality of the Shenjian faction is far better than other sects.

"Tianweimen is here!!"

Just when everyone’s eyes were taken away by the two elders of the Excalibur, a snoring sounded at the top of the whole.

Su Yun, who stood at the end of the Su family, heard the heart jerk, his eyes flicking a sigh of relief, raising his head and looking into the peak.

At the entrance to the peak, into more than 30 figures, these people are wearing black clothes, white lines on the clothes, all look indifferent, breathable, can not see the depth.

There is no publicity of Jubao, no hegemony of Long Aoguo, no chic of the swallows, no fierce swords, they have, just two words...



Tianweimen people, only the rare 30 people, even a small martial art can not only send such a person to the scene, but they only have such a person!

It is enough to see that Tianweimen is quite confident in their own strength!

In their eyes, these people are enough to cope with such a three-year event.

The Tianweimen chose a section as their resting place. They did not send disciples before, but now it is not too late to set up. I don’t know what kind of magic weapon to bring out, one set to the ground, a big array will give birth... .

Su Yun’s line of sight has been glanced at the Tianweimen.

Heaven is involved... Heaven is involved... Heaven is involved...

Not here!

This time only to send a Tianzhu who has no real power?

Su Yun’s eyes drifted, and his heart was thinking.

"Young master, what's wrong with you?" Su Lier on the side of the side leaned over his lovely head and looked at Su Yun's face and wondered.

"Oh... nothing..."

The strongest sects were present, and the gathering of Jubaomen was already on behalf of the event.

After everyone was seated, the master of the treasure door in the wheelchair directly reached out and touched a golden storage ring at his finger.

The storage ring burst into a circle of light, shrouded his hands, and then he saw the hand swaying, and the palms smashed out two rounds of sleek jade, and the light rose to the sky and floated above the duel...

The giant treasure door quickly put his hands together, quickly pinched, and applied two gas arrays to seal the two groups of jade light in the air.

Then the person opened his mouth.

"Everyone! For three years, the unparalleled top, the gathering of the heroes, and the determination of the male and female. Today! I am the most grand and unparalleled group in the southern continent! Today, it is also a gathering of exchanges between the various factions in the South, in the lower gods, representing the treasure The door dedicate two pieces of my magic weapon, which is the reward of the head of the conference duel. Which martial art can get one or two, and which two babies belong to which martial art!"

Shenbao Wang smiled and said: "Introduction, these two treasures are the magic weapon of the best, close to the sun! All are rare baby!"

“The magic weapon close to the Yang product level!”

The surrounding sects are all in one piece and boil.

Although they guessed that these two pieces of baby are not allowed, but no one expected, the quality of these two treasures is so high.

"This baby on the left is called 'Fighting to the Stars', and the other way is to apply to him. It is the magic weapon of the gods, "Xingnan Shengzun", which can easily absorb any existing attack and attack moves, and will attack the existence. After killing this type of treasure, after urging this treasure, you can release the power of the previous attack and release, and return it to the attacker.... Oh, maybe these are not enough, but don’t worry, it still There is a more powerful place, that is its unforgettable power! But anyone who wears this object can be netted by the power of the gods inside the magic weapon, causing the eyesight to sublimate and unforgettable! Whether it is cultivation of mystery or It’s a group of alchemy, and it’s all very helpful.”

Never forget?

What is the path of his own?

The words fell, and the surrounding debates broke out, and all kinds of amazed, envious, and eager voices flew out.

Undoubtedly, this is indeed a magic weapon. If you have this thing, even if you meet a master who is several times stronger than yourself, you will have the power to fight.

God Bao Wang smiled and looked at the amazement in the eyes of the people, a hint of pleasure appeared on his face, and the child shouted loudly.

"This ‘Turning to the Stars’ is just the second reward for Junjie. Don’t be eager to marvel and see the first treasure!”

God Baowang waved his hand, and the magic weapon suspended in the air shook twice and flew out.

It is a strange crystal that shines with rainbow light. It is probably only the size of the eyeball. It looks beautiful under the light map and looks very good.

"What is this?"

"I don't feel the slightest breath! I don't know what grade it is."

"Listen to the real person of the faction, there is one of these two magic weapons and even a high god, it is necessary to get it! Maybe, it is this thing!"

Each of the various parties sent their heads to each other.

God Baowang opened again: "This treasure is called 'Jun Shen Li', it is a magic weapon, its function is not complicated, just quench it in the heart, you can make the wearer's spiritual atmosphere with five kinds The power of the main attribute! Gold! Wood! Water! Fire! Earth! That is to say, wearing it... can also bring out the true atmosphere, the redness of the breath, the cold water, the wind and the breath and the spirit! The power of the Five Elements!!"

The sound fell and the audience was quiet.

Quiet and scary, as if a needle fell, like a Hong bell hit...

People are staying.

Don't talk about disciples, even the elders, they are also looking forward to it.

It seems that at this moment, no one can keep the mind.

"Get it!! Be sure to get it!! Su Yun!! If you have this thing! You will be able to get it in the future! Get it! Be sure to get it!"

In the next moment, the roar of the old sword of the sword burst out from the sword of the Promise, and awakened Su Yun.

Su Yunjing looked into the air, looked at the jewel, and whispered his lips: "Jun Shenli..."

"All right!!"

Seeing that the people around are still in shock, Shenbao Wang is too lazy to talk nonsense. When he raises his hand, ‘Jing Shenli’ automatically flies back to its original position.

Then I listened to God Baowang and gave a big drink.

"The group of heroes, now, please ask the various factions to take turns to challenge! I am certified, named! The weak meat is strong, the winner is king, who can laugh at the end, who is this treasure!!"

These words are like a slap in the face and wake people up.

At this moment, every gang’s eyes are filled with fighting spirits that cannot be extinguished.

A master of the martial art is not nonsense, jumps straight into the middle of the duel, and hangs a fist around the arch. Lang said: "The chief disciple of the lacquer stone pie, Zhang Leopard, is here to teach you the predecessors!"

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