Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1537: History of fierce swords

The seven sons simply resisted, and they were directly caught by Su Yun, and then fell to the ground. The seven sons were like dead dogs. They lie on the ground and trembled. They did not dare to resist.

Festive Su Yun is not very familiar with the seven sons and the three kings, but this kind of singer and singer, there will be no less bullies in the weekdays, and the innocent people who may die in his hands do not know much, and the three generations As a teacher, not only did not teach well, but he thought about how to maintain the seven sons. His cover and connivance also made Su Yun very disgusted. He is not a broad-minded person, and the murderous murder that has been revealed before the Three Kings has already made Su Yun decide that there is no longer any mercy.

"In this case, then the life of my gangster will be given to the adults."

The Three Heavenly Kings noticed that Su Yun’s eyes were somewhat wrong. Knowing that this will continue, the situation will only be worse, and he said quickly.

"Just his life? Since you are here, stay with you."

Su Yun’s voice was so cold and cold that he shot again and wanted to marry the three kings.

The three kings screamed and hurriedly smashed a gap and drilled inside. But he was not close to the crack and was stopped by a figure. It was Jinchi Xianren.

It is also the peak of the gods. Although the overall strength of Jinchi Xianren is not as good as the three kings, it is very easy to intercept him.

"Want to go? Where to go!" Jinchi Xianren's palm slammed, and a golden eagle flew out, forcing the three kings.

Su Yun emptied over there, his hand seemed to run through the void, appearing beside the three kings, holding his neck and pulling him over. On the way, the three kings almost lost all resistance. ability.

"Do not kill me!!"

The three kings were in a hurry, but Su Yun did not mean to be soft. At this critical juncture, Sansheng Tianwang finally shouted a shocking news.

"Su Yun! Su Yun adults!! Don't kill me!! As long as you don't kill me!! I am willing to tell you where the dark days are now hidden!!!"

The relationship between Su Yun and the dark world knows that both sides are the first ancestor and the enemy. Nine Heavens has been conquered by Su Yun. The dark sky will never be like this, but now he is not Su Yun. Opponents, naturally do not dare to show up, and Su Yun has such a powerful enemy threat, naturally it will be difficult to sleep, to get rid of the dark sky, in the moment, it must be the biggest thing in Su Yun.

However, this is just the idea of ​​an outsider. Su Yun is most concerned now, it is not a dark sky, but a fierce sword! !

"Oh? Do you know where the dark sky is? Then you talk about it."

"Would you like to kill me?"

The three heavenly kings are busy.

"If you don't say it, I can know, don't you know that Wei Ming, who is proficient in Da Ling's technique, has followed me for many years?" Su Yun stunned his eyes and stared directly at the Three Kings.

Sansheng Tianwang was trembled, and at this moment he realized that he had been completely scared by Su Yun’s horrible power and killing, so that even Su Yun’s mastery of Da Ling’s technique was neglected. He said this. It means that he may have some connection with the dark sky, so that Su Yun will not let him go.

In fact, Su Yun, who passed through Da Ling's technique, did detect that the three kings had some connection with the dark sky. Although not many, it also showed that the three kings were dark people.

Su Yun snorted and directly opened the Tianling cover of the Three Kings. He threw out his three souls and threw them to the Jinchi Immortals next to him.

"This person has a strong soul, and you take it to practice."

Jinchi Xianren heard the sound, ecstatic, catching the soul, and immediately kneel down to Su Yun thanks.

"Thank you, adults!!"

The soul of the three kings, it can be said that it is a priceless treasure. For those who are at the peak of the gods, with such a powerful soul, they have a glimmer of hope in the realm of the pseudo-ancestor, although not much, but stronger than no .

The people in the vicinity of the gods, including the fairy, saw that they were envious. The soul of the Three Heavenly Kings is of great use to the pseudo-ancestor of Xianchang, but Su Yun is very generous to give Jinchi Immortals.

The three kings of heaven fell, and Su Yun looked at the seven sons who were dead, and did not say a word, and shot again.

It is not bad to be able to die under the hands of the ancestors.

The two were destroyed, and the courtyard was silent. At this moment, all the people who looked at Su Yun had only fear and respect. This is the strong, absolutely the strong, he stood here, even if it was a fairy. Long, it’s nothing.

Those blinded guys were removed, Su Yun looked at the table over there, the glass fairy and Zhang Gongzi trembled, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. If Su Yun wants to kill them, the whole fairy world, no one can save them.

However, Su Yun just looked at them and shifted his sight.

At this moment, those who ridiculed Su Yun and underestimated Su Yun, all of them were heart-warming and shivering, for fear that Su Yun would settle with them.

But Su Yun has not wanted to waste time.

He hugged his fist at the fairy, and said: "Sorry, rude."

"Adults are polite. When it is not under the hospitality, this is the case. Now that things have passed, please let the adults sit down. Let’s hold the Shendan Conference." Xian Chang was flattered and said quickly.

"Su Yun came here not to participate in the Shendan Conference, but there is something else to ask." Su Yun went straight to the theme, and this time there is no need to be polite.

"What do you do with adults? Please bluntly, and you will know what you are saying." Xian said.

Su Yun glanced at the courtyard, and the eyes of the immortals fell on him. He frowned and didn't speak. Instead, Xian Chang was a thoughtful person. He was busy: "Mu Yuan, you are entertaining for the teacher." These guests, Shen Dan Conference temporarily postponed, please forgive me."

After all, he bowed to Su Yun: "Adult, it is quite noisy here, I will wait until the inner hall is a narrative!"

Su Yun nodded and walked into the hall.

The hall is full of antiques, and an exquisite Ding furnace is placed in the center. It seems that the medicinal herbs are still refining in the Ding furnace, and the fragrance is floating from the inside.

Fairchild retired from the hall. There were only three people sitting here, Su Yun, Jin Chi Xian Ren and Xian Chang.

Xian Chang once again held a fist and respectfully said: "I don't know why Su Yun's adults are here to find the next one. What is it?"

"I heard that Xian Chang was an ancestor of the ancient times and knew a lot about the ancient things. Su Yun came here to ask some things at the beginning." Su Yun said.

"What happened in ancient times?" Xian long brows slightly wrinkled, and there was a slight sorrow in his eyes.

Su Yundong learned the other side's look, but did not make a sound. It didn't take long for Xian long to sigh and said: "I don't want to mention the ancient things with others, but since Su Yun adults ask, it is straightforward. I’ve told you, I don’t know what Su Yun’s adults want to ask?”

"The fierce sword is dead!"

Su Yun mouth spit out these four words.

The four characters fell, and the elder's face was obviously white.

"Why is the fierce sword dying? Why do adults ask this question?" Xian Chang seems to be very jealous of the fierce sword, and even the words have become unfavorable.

However, Su Yun took out the sword and placed it beside him. He said: "Because I have a fierce sword!"

This simple sentence is almost an interpretation of the supreme power.

He has a sword that is dead! !

Immortal swallowed, and the heart beat faster.

“What do adults want to know?”

"All you know!" Su Yun said.

Xianchang nodded and thought for a moment, slowly said: "Then I will start from the death of the fierce sword."

"Adult, perhaps you have heard of it. In fact, it is not the ancient people in the accurate case. It should be said that it was the first person in ancient times. I experienced all the events of the ancient times and also experienced the end of the deadly swords. The scene, but I have survived and continue to this day, all of this, of course, not only because of my strength, more, should be said to be my cultivation."

"You survived from the blade of the fierce sword?" Su Yun heard the words of Xianchang, showing a rather surprised look, asked: "What strength were you at the beginning?"

"Beginning to enter the realm of the gods." Xian Chang does not seem to be unexpected.

"A person who has entered the sacred world, can you escape the mouth of the fierce sword? Xianchang, the most annoying thing in the next life is the person who is full of nonsense. If you say that you are an ancient person, born after the death of the fierce sword, I believe it, but you said that you existed before the fierce sword died. This is simply a slippery world!" Su Yun said with a look of anger.

When Xianchang saw it, he quickly got up and said: "Adult, you can blame it, and it is true before the murderous sword is destroyed. It is a period of hunger, an earlier era than the ancient times. The power is stronger than that of the ancient times. They are also proficient in more bizarre means. At the time of the death of the fierce sword, we survived through these means, although the people who escaped from the fierce sword are not A lot, but there are still some, but the means we use are the same."

"The fierce swords are divided into four periods, which are the initial period, the riot period, the dying period, and the silence period. As the name suggests, no one knows how it was born before the birth of the fierce sword, and no one knows. How long does it exist in this world? The so-called first birth period actually refers to the period when the fierce sword is discovered, not the period when the fierce sword was born in this world. The position of the fierce sword is in the heavens. The first world of the world, that is, this interface, the fairy world! The fierce sword is silent in the fairy world, and I don’t know how many years have passed until a sword repairs its existence and excavates it. From that moment on, The fate of Tianwanjie has changed."

"The position where the fierce sword was excavated, you should have heard it, it is the fairyland! It is a dead world, where it is said that even the first ancestor will swallow it. Since the birth of the fierce sword, no one has ever set foot! ”

"Fairy mixed field?"

Su Yun heard the sound and was shocked.

That place can be said to be the most mysterious forbidden land in the world. No one has ever been there, and that place is said to be the center of the fairy world. The area occupied, the rumor covers one-third of the entire fairy world.

Really, will it be there?

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