Limitless Sword God

Chapter 1557: Jianmen

Hearing this voice, Chen Tianxie’s face changed greatly: “Not good, it’s guardian, this tomb has guards guarding! Speed ​​away!!”

But when he was shouting, the figure was already close, and the horrible killing directly enveloped the three men, a dark and huge claw, and ruthlessly tore the front of Chen Yiyun.

"Yu Yun!!!"

Chen Tianxie is a big man.

But it’s too late, the claws are extremely fast, and the horrible evil is in the air. Even if they are evil people, they can’t resist this strong and almost suffocating evil. They seem to think that this evil is no longer a gas. But a scary wall

Is the limb difficult to move? !

Chen Yiyun looked sideways, and the huge evil claws had already reached her, and they wanted to dodge but could not escape.

It’s over.

Chen Yiyun's body is a little trembling.

But just in the midst of this millennium, a thick arm suddenly came out from the side, like a lightning bolt to seize the huge claws that had been torn apart. After the claws were caught, it was like being frozen, and then moving forward. Not half a point.

Chen Yiyun was stupid, but Chen Tianxie next to her eyes was fast, and immediately pulled Chen Yiyun back.

The arm is naturally the arm of Su Yun, and he looks at his light and windy light, grabs the evil claws, and then gently waves, the evil claws immediately fly to the distance and land on the ground.

When the three men looked carefully, they saw the master of the evil claw.

The owner of this evil claw is a huge evil man about three meters tall. His limbs are extremely developed, and his body is covered with evil spirits. Only a pair of green eyes are exposed, fierce and fierce, and the heart is numb.

"Is this a wicked person?" Chen Tianxie frowned.

Among the evil people, very few people have grown up like this.

"No matter who he is, as the guardian of the cemetery, he should know where the evil heart is now."

When the sound fell, Su Yun looked up at the evil person and whispered: "Tell me, where is the heart of Qi Xie!"

"The arrogant, disturbing my master to sleep, but still dare to speak to me in such a tone, I really do not know how to live!! See me kill you, for my master to bury!"

The evil man roared and drove the huge body toward Su Yun.

But at this moment, Su Yun suddenly raised his hand and grabbed it toward the evil person. The strong ancestor's power wrapped around the evil person, and he squeezed his huge body and finally turned it into an ant size. Dragging in the palm of your hand, the evil person turned around in the palm of Su Yun, but he could not escape the palm of his hand.

"What have you done to me?" The wicked man was shocked and angry, shouting screaming.

"Whether it is you or the master you guarded, in my eyes, there is not much difference with the ants!"

Su Yun said coldly: "I only give you a chance, where is the heart of Qi Xie!"

"I will not betray the master if I die, I will not tell you, your strength is so strong, I am not your opponent, but if you want to force me by force, I can't think about it!!"

Su Yun listened, but he was quite angry. He whispered: "Is the foolish person, do you think that I am taking the evil heart, just for my own benefit? If it is not for the heavens, my little evil What is the heart in my eyes?"

This is a big truth. The heart of Qi Xie may be a treasure in the evil world, but in the eyes of Su Yun’s ancestor level, it can only be said that it is plain and unpredictable, but the evil things are all heaven and earth. In the end, too little, the most evil, perhaps this is the heart of evil.

The man only said that Su Yun’s words were nothing but arrogant words. Until Su Yun stared at the man’s eyes and applied the exquisite technique, the talent was shocked. Once Da Ling’s technique was applied, he felt that his body and mind were all, and all of them were looked at by the person, and any information hidden in his head was hollowed out.

Sustained the effort of the three interest, Su Yun will throw the evil person, the evil man fell to the ground, but soon climbed up, angry toward Su Yun Chong.

This person is loyal to the owner of the cemetery, Su Yun can not bear to kill it, he will directly cast the law, and repair it for temporary removal.

If the evil person did not repair it, he could not attack, and Su Yun went to the graveyard.

Then he closed his eyes and sang some strange spells. The glory of the cemetery was released, and then a corpse flew out of the cemetery. The corpse was covered with precious magic weapons. The ordinary cultivator, the evil person sees it, immediately crouches down, crying and crying: "The subordinate is incompetent, can not hold the mausoleum for the master, today let these people smash the master, the subordinates do not deserve to live in this world."

The sound fell, and the body of the evil man was suddenly smouldering, but he committed suicide.

Chen Tianxie and Chen Yiyun looked at each other and Su Yun did not stop. Although he was loyal, he was foolish. In his opinion, Su Yun’s behavior smashed his guardian master, and he did not do his duty, he could only die. Thanks. Su Yun stopped him this time, and the next time he will still die.

When the corpse flew out, it looked at Su Yun’s emptiness. The chest of the corpse immediately flew out a light blue jewel-like substance. The surface of the material was covered with a lot of spider-like lines, and the lines were dark, like evil lines. When the gem is separated from the body, the entire body is immediately vaporized and the smoke disappears.

Seeing this, Chen Tianxie understands that the reason why this corpse has not rotted so far, and can emit such terrible evils, is because of this jewel, which must be the legendary heart of evil.

I didn’t expect Su Yun to get this legendary treasure so easily. What kind of means is he really capable?

Su Yun got the heart of Qi Xie, staring at the gem for a while, and finally sighed with a sigh of relief, but his face was not easy to reverse, it was unprecedented dignity and seriousness.

"The main owner! According to the rhyme! You are now leaving, go to the real devil world, time is running out."

He turned and looked at Chen Yiyun's father and daughter seriously.

"Su Yun, where are you going?" Chen Tianxu asked.

"I have to go to the fairyland, things have been found, and now I can see if I can succeed."

Su Yun smiled, even though the smile was stubborn.

Although Chen Yiyun did not understand what Su Yun was doing, she knew that this time it must be extremely dangerous. She could not help Su Yun.

"Cloud brother, I will wait for you in the real devil world, you must come back safely and without incident." Chen Yiyun whispered.

Su Yun nodded, turned around, and jumped into the void, disappearing in front of the two.

Chen Tianxie sighed slightly, and Chen Yiyun was tightly tied together. This time, she did not know when she could see Su Yun.

The boundary tree Shenmu contains a powerful life force, which is similar to the original natural **** wood. It can well isolate the fierceness of the fierce sword, and can drive away the fierceness of those who are entrenched in the eyes of the fierce sword. To the yin to evil things, can absorb the blood of the sorrows that condense in the eyes of the sword, lose the blood of grievances and fierceness, and the barrier at the eye of the sword will collapse.

Su Yun rushed to the fairyland at the fastest speed. At this moment, the fairyland has also changed. It was originally a fairyland. At this moment, it has become a dark world, and the sky is covered by a layer of fog that cannot be opened. The air is filled with the smell of death and coldness. The immortals in the fairy world have begun to escape, but they do not know what happened.

Su Yun rushed to the fairyland, but as he continued to approach the fairyland, there were more and more immortals on the road.

These immortals are in a hurry, and everyone has a lot of magic weapons, and many people are even full of colorful light, like what has been blessed, it looks like a fully armed look.

How is this going?

A bad premonition permeated Su Yun's heart, his brow wrinkled and the speed reached its limit.

Finally, people are close to the fairyland, but here it seems very chaotic at this moment, what seems to be fighting between the immortals.

"What are you guys?"

Su Yun saw these people gathered in front of the fairyland and shouted.

But people did not pay attention to him, and everyone’s eyes fell on the fight in front of the fairyland.

Before the immortal world mixed, there were a large number of immortals. People's eyes fell on the top, and it was difficult to leave. The sound of explosions was heard from time to time, and the rich scent was floating from the inside. Su Yun brows a wrinkle and walks toward it. When the crowd is opened, it is discovered that these immortals are attracted by the fierceness of the sword. They think that the sword is buried in the treasure, so they fight. The strength of these immortals is not simple, and the worst is also in the realm of the spirit of the mysterious gods. There are also many people in the market. There are several statues of the gods.

For these people, Su Yun naturally has nothing to be afraid of. He walks directly toward the center and intends to put away the swords. These immortals are still eager to benefit at this juncture. He does not care about the lives of these immortals.

But just as he approached, the sword suddenly burst out of the sky, and a huge space door appeared in front of the sword.

"It is the door to the inside of this sword!!" A fairy saw it and shouted.

When other immortals saw it, they suddenly saw the light of greed. They seemed to be crazy. They rushed toward the gate, and they rushed to each other, fearing that they would fall behind.

When Su Yun saw it, he quickly urged the ancestor to breathe the door of the opening space, but the door was not simple. It seemed to know that Su Yun wanted to close it. At the moment when the ancestors breathed close, they immediately took out a lot. The fierceness of the ancestors completely shattered the ancestors, and those who just got ready to enter can not escape the horrible violent erosion, all of them are smouldering, and there is no residue left.

Su Yunyuan thought that this scene would shock people who were completely controlled by greed desires, but in fact he was wrong, and people often became irrational in the face of interests.

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