Limitless Sword God

Chapter 163: Night attack

(Thanks to the support of 'Lao', and there is a radio interview with the old fire at 7 o'clock tonight. You can listen to the link from the vertical and horizontal homepage. If you have any questions, you can also go to the old fire at this time. Raise it!)

Crossing the path, jumping over the hall, the group came to an elegant small garden behind the guest house.

The surrounding air is clear, the birds are fragrant, and a quiet bamboo pavilion falls into the eyes of Su Yun.

"The dog is born to love bamboo, and the place where he lives is also made of bamboo."

Wood Scorpio said as he led Su Yun into the bamboo pavilion.


At the door, two beautiful people rushed to the wooden scorpion and others.

Wood Tianyi nodded and asked: "How is the son?"

"Responding to the lord, the son is uncomfortable, and the night has not calmed down. The spirit doctor has changed three. It is difficult to improve. It can only rely on drugs to suppress. Just taking the medicine, it has not moved."

"is it?"

Woody’s brow hangs a bit heavy, and he breathed a sigh of relief: “Open the door, let me go and see!”


The two elders said that they opened the gate of the bamboo pavilion and the group entered.

The bamboo pavilion is quiet and elegant, and the bamboo pavilion is no exception. The various bamboo decorations are exceptionally delicate, and each decoration is printed with stone soul, aura and spirit.

At the end of the pavilion, there was a huge bamboo bed with a pale, thin young man lying on the bed.

The man's face is unusually ugly, and there are many dark spots in the exposed area. Many of the marks are cracked, the blood vessels in the crack are broken, the blood is smashed in the crack, and a spirit array is arranged under the bed. , releasing the power to wrap the body of the young man, healing the cracks in his body and preventing the blood from escaping from the blood vessels.

But this is so, it can only solve the urgent need, just look at its appearance, you can guess what pain he should suffer now.

On the side of the bed was a lady with a slightly fat body wearing a yellow dress. The lady was holding a silk scarf, and she couldn’t make a sound, her eyes were red, and she choked.


Seeing that Wood Scorpio entered the bamboo pavilion, the lady sighed with sorrow and could not help but shed tears.

"Okay, don't cry, there are guests here, don't lose the system!"

Mu Tianyan frowned and said, then Su Yundao next to him: "Su Gongzi, the dog's disease, ordinary spiritual doctors can not be diagnosed, then troubled Su Gongzi diagnosis, save the dog!"


Su Yun frowned, went over, looked at the wooden wind that seemed to be in a coma in bed, frowned, reached out and pressed his hand on his arm, gently stimulating the spirit

Under the deliberate control of Su Yun, the fierce Ling Xuan breath infiltrated into the body of Mutian, but when it entered the body, it suffered a lot of dark and strange material resistance. The Lingshen breath did not fully penetrate into it, and it was blocked.

Su Yun stepped back and forth, his face changed slightly.

"Su Gongzi, can you know how to treat dogs?" Mu Tianyu asked.

Su Yunhan turned his face and stared at Mutian: "The owner of the house, the wooden son is not infected, but is injured? Why don't you tell me directly?"


Mu Tianyan's face changed, but soon, he whispered: "Su Gongzi Mo Wu is not investigating whether the dog is infected or injured. Now it is necessary to consider how to treat the dog, and also ask Su Gong to give Sacred hand, save the dog!"

Wood Scorpion evades the weight and seems to be hiding something.

Su Yunben was still slightly unhappy, but what he thought of at the moment, suddenly suddenly.

The power that just repelled the spirit of his own spirit seems to be the power of the stone soul? In other words, the wooden wind is hurt by the power of the stone soul.

Stone soul power? Isn't it Stone Spirit? If so, isn’t that

Su Yun took a breath and knew that he had banned.

This is the familywork of others, or do not ask too much better, take the stone soul powder and quickly leave it is the most appropriate.

He checked it on the wooden wind and probed the signs of life in his body. He then got up and said: "The homeowner, the son of the injured, may only rely on bakelite to eradicate! I am afraid that no other law is feasible!"

Bakelite is a kind of special wood. The wood contains a special kind of electricity. This kind of electricity has a strong restraining effect on the power of the stone soul, and can effectively remove the stone soul power in the wood wind body.

"Would you use bakelite?"

When I saw it, I didn’t react much, but shook my head. “In fact, there were several spiritual doctors who told me about using Bakelite before, but Bakelite only produced in the wood forest. A bakelite is extremely difficult. The psychiatrists claim that it takes at least a hundred bakelites to cure a dog's disease. It takes a hundred bakelites in such a sinister place. I am afraid that I will not take my family. How many lives will be ruined?"

"You can spend money on the market! Although the price is more expensive, you should be able to get some."

"It’s hard to get so many bakelite in a minute and a half, just afraid that the dog won’t be able to buy the one hundred bakelite!”

The bakelite circulating in the market is too rare, and the price is high. With the strength of the wooden house, it is possible to get together ten pieces in one month and get together one hundred. I am afraid that the wooden wind will be in the ground.

Su Yun heard the words, after thinking for a while, he said: "It may not be difficult to get together a hundred bakelites. I can help you, but you have to promise me a condition. If you can meet my conditions, this bakelite will be used. You are, how?"

"Su Gongzi, whoever said in the big words, would you like to flash your tongue and take a hundred bakelite? Are you doing it? Is it stronger than the spirit of the soul? Is the power of the spirit of the soul really not my wood? They are afraid to let go of these rants, how dare you say nonsense?"

The deacon's elders left the left and couldn't stand any more, and the voice was slightly dissatisfied.

Spiritual soul? Su Yun, this is a spiritual master who has no spiritual heart.

He shook his head, but he was not angry. He asked in reverse: "It is not the strength, but the skill, the letter, the letter and the letter. If you don't believe it, you will see that the wooden wind son is dead. It doesn't matter!" ”

Wood left: ""

Mrs. Wood can't manage so much. She grabbed the sleeves of Mutian, and cried: "Master, lord!! You must save the wind, he is your bones, you must save. Save him"

Mu Tianyan frowned, looking at his son's pale and painful appearance, Shen Sheng said: "You have to say more, since Su Gongzi has a way to take the call to save the wind, then it will fully cooperate with Su Gongzi!"

After that, he bowed deeply at Su Yun and said: "Su Gongzi, there is work! If there is any demand, despite the opening, my wooden family must cooperate fully!"

"I will list a list later. You send people to prepare things for me according to the things on the list. But before that, you must prepare a hundred grams of 'Yin and Yang Stone Soul Powder' for me. I have reuse!"

"Yin and Yang Stone Soul Powder?"

The wooden sky smashed, and the face suddenly appeared in a difficult color: "Su Gongzi, this yin and yang stone soul powder is a powder peeled off from the main stone of my wood. The whole southern continent, there is not a few pieces of the main stone stone soul, this main stone one Only five grams a year, you and you have to go, I have to go to the wood goods for 20 years!"

"What can these be compared to your son's life?" Su Yundao.

Wood Scorpio bowed his head and thought for a while, waved his hand and said: "That's good, just follow what Su Gongzi said! But, please ask Su Gongzi not to let my Su family down!"

"Reassured, you prepare things for me, I will prepare things for you."

"it is good."

Wood Scorpio nodded and said: "I will arrange it! Wood Right Elder!"

"Homeowner, Mu right."

"You have to prepare for it, first arrange for Su Gongzi to stay, wait for the list to be written according to Su Gongzi, and you will prepare for it!"

"Yes, home!"

Wood Tianyi nodded and said to Su Yundao: "Please also let Su Gongzi rest here tonight, and set off tomorrow morning."

"it is good!"

Su Yun nodded

The wooden family did not slow down the people who dared to smash the wood forest. The wine was good and the meat was entertained. The room was also neatly packed and clean. Whatever needed, there were two maids standing at the door. Meet all the needs of Su Yun.

at night.

Su Yunjing looked out of the dark window, took a deep breath, sat down on the knees and began to luck.

Everything has been sent, not only the materials that can be used tomorrow, but even a hundred grams of 'Yin and Yang Stone Soul Powder' are also sent.

I have to say that Mujia is full of sincerity. Ben Suyun can take this 100-gram stone soul powder and leave it directly. But once this is the case, it is to bully the wooden family, and it is an enemy, offending everyone. In the future, there are still many places where you can cooperate with Mujia, and you can't play tricks on others.

The electric forest is a very special forest. There is a land of five elements in the Tianwu continent. There are also five places where the end of the line, like the electric forest, is the case.

The electric wood forest is like an ordinary wood forest. It is nothing special. However, if it enters the wood forest, it will be wrapped in countless lightning. The lightning forest will lead to lightning in the sky, and each tree also has a strong current. Thunder and lightning are extraordinary, even if the spirit of the soul is touched a few times, it will be life-threatening, so there is no other existence.

There are only four pieces of electric forest in the southern region, the smallest of which is the one in the mountainless area.

Su Yun’s understanding of the electric forest is not deep, but he has been involved in books on this subject, and he has heard people talk about how to walk in the wood forest.

Forget it, don't think too much.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes slightly, stagnation of the spirit, and the senses were all concentrated in the heart.

There, there is a ball with a rainbow-like singular glow.

This was set on the way to the wooden house.

It is like a bird inlaid on the heart, with magical light, and the light radiates out to nourish all the veins and spirits in the body. At that moment, Su Yun has a sense of euphoria.

"Jun Shenli!"

He opened his eyes and murmured, raised his hand and urged the spirit of the spirit, then he saw the light and breathless atmosphere. At this moment, it seemed like a rainbow in his hand, and the five elements of the air wrapped in the spirit of the palm of his hand. It is magical.

With this thing, the spirit of the spirit will be super-existent, no one can match, even if you are a spiritual master, and kill the soul of the soul, it will be like a pig slaughtering a dog!

Su Yun thought.


Just then, two figures flicked across the window, and the voice was extremely slight. Then, the two maids standing in front of the door fell softly on the ground.

Su Yun double eyes, smashed the sword on the bed, the hand moved, the dead sword pulled out

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