Limitless Sword God

Chapter 169: Bizarre girl

(There is still a chapter later, ask for the monthly ticket red ticket)

Black Moonstone, the key to refining ‘Sanyang Qiankun Dan’, will be the cornerstone of the whole medicinal herb. The formation, quality change and sublimation of any material will be completed on it. Without it, these materials cannot be made.

The black moon stone usually only appears in the land of the lunar eclipse, which is unusually rare. The most worrying material of Su Yun is the collection of this black moon stone, because there is no skill in finding it, there is no record in the memory, only the fight Luck, by collecting information, such materials are rarely seen at major auction houses.

Now, the wooden wind gives away two black moon stones, and it must be said that it is timely rain, because of this, Su Yun will be quite abundant in the next time.

Of course, the purpose of the wooden wind to do so is also clear, but at the moment, it is not allowed.

“Thank you.” Su Yun took the black moon stone and carefully observed it. After confirming it, he carefully took it into the storage ring.

"It is the wood house that says thank you!"

The wooden wind laughed: "Su Gongzi has twice helped us in the woods, and the feelings are like the sea. This time, if there is no Su Gongzi shot, my wood family will fall into an unpredictable crisis. I was counted by my uncle, father. I know my heart, but after all, I know that I can’t bear it. Even if I don’t know what to do at the last moment, my uncle is eager to take the lead. My father is in a stalemate. Wood, wood home is not guaranteed, if not taken, I am dead, left and right dilemma, fortunately the son of the shot, this is also a wooden home a peace!"

Listening to the wooden wind, he seems to know that Su Yun is the Promise.

"It’s a little more work, but this time it’s just to get some stone soul powder.”

The wooden wind once again gave a gift to Su Yun, and then said: "Try to ask a sentence. The son wants to refine He Dan? What kind of material is needed? Wood wind may help."

Su Yun listened, and his eyes were bright. Yes, Mu's family is big and big, and the financial situation is rough. Maybe they have a way to raise it.

"This Dan is quite rare, and it is called "Sanyang Qiankun Dan". Maybe Wood Master has never heard of it. It is mainly composed of four kinds of materials. Currently, it is still ‘Meteor Water’ and 'Innocent Flower' to refine.”

"Meteor water? No flowers?"

The wooden wind whispered, and I really felt that the two names were very strange. In the end, I still had no choice but to shake my head: "I am sorry, Su Gongzi, the wooden wind is too shallow, I have never heard of these two things, but the wooden wind will be all the wood, help The son found two things."

Su Yun listened, but did not reveal any disappointment, said: "Mu Shaoye is too polite, can give black moon stone, has helped the Sumou people busy, well, time is not early, I have to go Looking for these two materials, I will stay soon, leave!"

"I will send someone to send the son!"

"No need."

Su Yun waved his hand and left the door. He rode on the purple horn and left.

The wooden wind stood at the gate and looked at the gradually drifting figure, and he sighed.

"Young master, this Su Yun? Who is it? Have we seen it before?"

I asked strangely with the slaves of the wooden wind.

"I have seen, not only seen, but also saved my life!" Mufeng glanced at him, and then said: "Commanded, the Su Yun son, the guest of our wood family, and in and out of our Su family, It must not be blocked, and it will be in the same rank as no one."

"Oh... obey!"



Leaving the Mujia, Su Yun all the way to the west, leaving the mountainless area, heading west to the Xiongxiong area.

The continuation area is located in the center of the southern continent. There are dozens of large and small areas in the entire southern continent. The most important areas are the continuation area, the mountainless area, the Qinghong area, the Xiongxiong area and the yellow sand area. And the Jade area where you must have a qualification to enter.

In addition to these, it is a dragon proud country, Long Aoguo is located directly above the southern continent, occupying a large territory, open territory, is the largest national power in the southern continent.

The main sects of the Yuxiong area are the three shrines and the Fengyan Valley. However, Su Yun’s trip was not for these sects, but for a small country in the Xiongxiong area.

After the flood country is not big, the territory is not even one-tenth of Long Aoguo, but the land occupied by Hou Hongguo is extremely fertile land. Hou Hongguo has the largest plain in the southern region and the largest mine. It is the main source of material for the production of the southern continent and the refining of medicinal herbs.

The wooden wind has never heard of innocent flowers, but after the rumors, the king of Hong Guo seems to have obtained one, even the meteor water can also find it.

Su Yun thought, speeding up the pace.

I don't know how long it took, the purple-horned beast walked down the road into a barren hill.

People looked around and gradually realized that this barren hill was somewhat familiar. After carefully observing the terrain for a while, it was known that this was the 'Tiangou Mountain' not far from the Xiongxiong area.

"Tiangu Mountain...Tiangu Mountain, if it is Tiangu Mountain, then it is said that it is not far from the Lingdong on Tiangu Mountain?"

Su Yun suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly drove the purple-horned beast under his arm and ran towards the mountain.

Tiangu Mountain is just a barren hill. There is no vegetation on the mountain. Even the animals are very few. But there is a natural cave house on the Tiangu Mountain. The aura in the cave is full of people, and people can practice in the hole to improve their speed. Nearly 10%, why does Dongfu have such a function? No one knows about it. Even this hole, there are not many people currently knowing it. Some people say that there was a peerless strong man who had been treated here. His blood was filled with Dongfu, and he gave the incredible spiritual power of Dongfu. Others said that this day, the dog mountain is actually a huge dog, and this cave house is a dog. A spirit eye, so it will have a effect. There are different opinions, and I don’t know who is right or wrong.

"Just go to the cave to take the sword!"

Su Yun secretly ran over the road in memory.

Soon, on the side near the cave, the Tianya Dongfu, which was famous in the southern continent in a few years, also appeared in the eyes of Su Yun.

Su Yun quickly drove the purple-horned beast and rushed in. When people just entered the Dongfu, they were wrapped in a full of spiritual and mysterious atmosphere. The gas and the eye of the body seemed to be gently touched by the softness of the girl. It was very refreshing and refreshing. Zhang Da, the gas is all relaxed, this feeling makes people forget to return.

Even the purple-horned beast under the armpit also issued a record of low-pitched, low-lying body, its huge body lying on the ground, and can no longer walk.

Su Yun turned to the mount and walked toward the cave. He found that there was no one here, and when it was empty, he took out the materials in the bag, arranged a warning ring at the hole, and let the purple-horned beast guard. Going deep into Dongfu, I found an open space, and then I took out the Promise Sword and activated it...


The slender black swords radiated a dazzling light and formed a light door in front of them.

Su Yun took a breath and looked at the light door, and his heart was bursting with ripples.

This time, without the old sword, I can only rely on myself.

He took out the sword stone in the storage ring, took a look, pushed it in, and stepped on it.


There was a white light in front of him, and the eyes of the thorns could not be opened. For a while, the light door was weak.

Su Yunyan opened his eyes and looked again, but found that it was not a comfortable and pleasant Tiangou Dongfu. It was already a fairy-tale sword.


He looked around.

"Where is this?"

Su Yun is suspicious.

This is not the long corridor where the swords, swords, and thousands of swords were taken, but another long ladder! !

The ladder is very far, with nearly 10,000 roads, and it always extends upwards. At the end of the ladder, it is a magnificent and floating fairy palace, which is the place where the mother sword is hidden.

On the steps, there are scattered swords.

There are dazzling, faint, gray, suffocating, and sinister, all kinds of Excalibur.

Just... every one is not good.

The biggest pain in life is this? So many peerless swords can only be seen, can't touch, and it's just an itchy heart. It's just painful.

Forget it, take it with you, and fix it as enough to take the mother sword. These must also be in your own bag!

Su Yun is greedy, but he will not lose his reason because of greed.

He settled his mind and stared at a fiery sword on the steps not far from the front, and immediately stepped on.

"what are you doing?"

Just then, a soft, soft voice was passed to the ear, such as the breeze blowing from the sky.

Su Yun’s heart slammed in an instant, like a bird of surprise, hurriedly turned around and looked around: “Who??”

Of course, there are no people around.

Is it... an illusion?

Su Yun was suspicious, turned his head and whispered, but just as he just turned his head, a small face like jade suddenly came into his eyes and was in front of him.

The two faces are almost separated by a distance of half a finger, and they seem to feel the other's breath.


Su Yunyan looked up.

But very quickly, he hurried back, shocked at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of me! !

The girl has a nearly perfect melon face, the hair is very long, has been hanging on the heel, but the hair color is white, like a waterfall, and gently blows with the wind, especially her skin, snow white Extremely, there is no trace of sputum, white hair and skin form a good echo, autumn is like water, with a hint of gentleness, a touch of faint confusion, adding a bit of innocence, pink lips crystal clear, ten fingers, Very beautiful.

She only wore a white dress, no decoration on her body, and the three-inch golden lotus-like jade feet were so naked on the ground, there was no magic weapon, no dress, not even a pair of shoes.

Su Yun stared at the girl, but saw her slightly raised chest, two rounded things raised...

Didn't even wear the clothes?

Su Yun stunned.

"who are you?"

He muttered.

The two stood still and looked at each other...

There was no sound around.

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