Limitless Sword God

Chapter 267: Question area

In the Tianwu continent, whether it is a beast, a beast, a beast, or a World of Warcraft, it is spiritual. The Creator does not stipulate that man is the master of the mainland, and there are many creatures that are smarter than human beings.

The beasts are cultivated to be high-strength, and there will be significant improvements in all aspects. Each of the beasts has their own means of communication, but the high-level beasts will be smart enough to learn the way humans communicate. That is to say, people rely on this skill to have great convenience for people and beasts, especially some beasts who know illusion, human language can make them mix into the human team, waiting for opportunities.

Su Yun secretly urged the gods of the scales and swept the two beasts.

On the left, there is a huge lion-like tiger. It is covered in granite and has six claws. The claws are huge. There are two curved fangs in the mouth, and the body is green and green. It took a crush and was very mighty.

The opposite is more slim, it is a big head, legs stand on the ground, but the hands are short and slender, like a dragonfly, but its mouth can swallow the mountains and rivers, extremely incomparable The upper jaw is like a steel nail, and it makes people feel that the scalp is numb, and each of its fangs is wrapped in amazing spirits, and its power is terrible.

A spirit of the soul of the soul of ten products, a spirit of soul and soul nine products.

Although there is no spiritual Xuanyang, but for everyone, these two beasts are as unattainable as the two mountains. Everyone has no hope of victory, even if Su Yun does not rely on Tianqing and other treasures. Under the blessing, it is also difficult to compete with it.

"It is the position of two fierce beasts fighting for the grassland hegemony. We will quickly pass through, and we will stop here."

Su Yun said to the people who came out behind him one by one.

"What? Two fierce beasts fight?"

Luo Xiaoyu and Shen Hao and others suddenly appeared, and the color of joy filled the air.

"Is this situation still going? The strength of these two beasts is certainly not low. The flesh, bones and even the hair on them are afraid of being baby. We are better off waiting for them to fight here. Is it better to take a fishing trip? Isn't that better?"

"Shen Hao's big brother said it is good. These two beasts are the ones that we didn't even think about in the past. If we can get their bones, we will have no worries about the cultivation resources for more than ten years! For us in the future Cultivation will be of great help!" The red geese are also eager to move, can't wait.

However, these words fell in the ears of Su Yun, but they were particularly harsh.

"You are all wrong. This kind of thinking will only ruin your life."

Su Yun is sinking.

Everyone has a glimpse.

The red geese looked at him: "No cloud big brother, why do you say this?"

Su Yun shook his head and glanced around the circle: "Do you think that only those who want to take advantage of the fishermen?"

Everyone was shocked: "Is there anyone else around?"

"People? No, but there are countless powerful people! Countless you don't know how powerful the beasts are! The beasts that can survive on this plain, can you be a general? This is the plain of the moon. After a few times, I know quite a bit about it. Most of the active here is the existence of the soul of the soul. Here are two powerful beasts who are so powerful, can they miss this opportunity? Yes! Among them, there are indeed timid existences, powerful beasts fighting, they will shrink and hide and tremble, but they also have great ambitions, they are eager to go up, eager to swallow powerful beasts to make themselves stronger The movements of these two fierce beasts are so great, I am afraid that they have attracted countless beasts!! This way, the vicious beasts we have not encountered are so rare, we can prove this."

Everyone heard the sound and suddenly disappeared.

"Furthermore, there is a lot of anger here. We have nowhere to hide. Waiting for them to finish here, sit and collect the fisherman? It’s too unwise, and the spirit of the spirit of the soul of the soul is fighting, enough to flatten it here. We will also be affected, or don't stay, let's go!"

Su Yun went to the south and went to the north, knowing more than others, sitting on the fisherman? That is because the strength of the fisherman is stronger than that of the fisherman. He has the strength to watch it, but Su Yun and others can’t do it. The “鹬蚌” here can’t be lost if it’s up to the law, let alone lose it, let alone The fishermen here can be more than one of them.

When Wang Chongshan and others listened to Su Yun’s analysis, they returned to the bottom of the river and continued on their way. Although Shen Hao and others are extremely unwilling, the current situation does not allow everyone to stay for a long time. Moreover, this neighborhood is full of anger, how can it be?

The two fierce beasts have turned upside down, and Su Yun and others have worn it.

A few days later, a group of people left the prairie grassland with no danger.

Just out of the grassland, Shen Hao and others muttered.

"It's a pity! It's a pity! It's a pity. This is a chance. You can't grasp it without cloud! This is a chance for us to make good progress!!"

Shen Hao sighed again and again.

"Wrong this time, I don't know when I can meet again!!"


Everyone sighed again and again.

"Hey, no cloud big brother didn't stop you, do you want to go up? If you come out, you have to blame the big brother? You guys are really." Red geese annoyed.

"Forget it, don't say it!" Shen Hao muttered, and walked away.

Everyone has no purple horns, they can only walk on foot, and when they go out of the plains, they enter the northern continent. Everyone is not here for the first time. They also know how to go next. A group of people provoke a sense of spirit and speed. To the maximum, soon, I arrived at the nearest town.

After buying the purple horned beast in the town, he continued to go to the area where he asked for the fairy.

With the migration of time, everyone asked the fairy area to get closer and closer, and the mood was more and more excited.

More than ten days later.

"Here is the territory of Huai'an, passing through here, is to ask the fairy area, and enter the area of ​​the Xianxian, then there is not much road to Qinchuan, everyone, we will soon arrive at the destination."

Wang Zhongshan, who was pale, said with a little excitement.

Everyone continues to hurry.

However, everyone still faintly worried about Wang Zhongshan’s injury.

Seeing his excitement, it seems that he did not take the injury on the lower abdomen at all.

"Young Master, you still don't participate. What is more important than life? It is said that you have participated in the Shanhe list. As long as you don't die, how can you fight? If you have three long and two shorts in the ring, how do we go back to the Wang family?"

The guards bitterly face each other.

"Representation? What is the account? The Wang family is basically made up of me. You just have to explain it to me. I am fine. Don't worry."

Wang Zhongshan swallowed a medicine and suddenly did not care.

When everyone saw it, they had to give up persuasion.

The team continues to advance.

In the future, everyone finally entered a city in the most border of the area.

In this city, a large number of campaign teams from the top of the mountain are gathered.

The teahouses, restaurants, inns and other places in the city are full of people, and all the shops in the area are full of fire and business.

Everyone walked on the street and saw the bustling city like this.

Wang Chongshan immediately let people arrange the inn to rest.

Running all the way, wearing stars and wearing the moon, now is about to reach the destination, it is indeed a good rest, the team is stationed, ready to take a day off.

When Wang Chongshan entered the inn, he returned to the room to recover from the injury, while other people also cultivated and restored themselves in the house.

Su Yun did not consume too much of this road. After sitting in the inn for a while, he left the door alone and walked toward the street.

Here are all participants, he needs to understand the contestants.

Since he decided to break into the Shanhe list, he must be fully prepared. Su Yun did not dare to be arrogant. Before the North Xuan Ming team, the ruler of the Xuan Xin Jiu Pin’s feet was shocked, although he was surprised. Not too high, but her magic weapon is really amazing, so she can compete with the robber head. If only the team of Bei Xuanming is so difficult to deal with, what are the seed players on the Shanhe list? What is the situation?

Although his own magic weapon is powerful, does it really take advantage?

Su Yun did not know.

The voice of a black sword suit is wearing a mask, carrying the ‘神玄赤血剑’ and the ‘dead sword’, licking the sword, so they are mixed in the crowd and follow the street.

Without a few steps, I heard a burst of noise coming from the front, and when I looked up, I saw two Lingxu people playing.

Since a large number of Lingxuan people have gathered, it is naturally inevitable that there will be fights in some places.

Su Yun roughly swept the people present, most of them are spiritual and mysterious, and there are few spiritual souls between the two products.

"Hey? Isn't that the Prince Fusu??"

At this moment, an exclamation sounded from the crowd.

A large number of passers-by have shifted their sights and looked to the side.

"What? Prince Fusu also came to participate in the Shanhe list?? This is miserable."

"How can the Prince Fusu not participate in the Shanhe list? Oh, this fellow, what misfortunes do you have? Do you want to be on the Prince Fusu? Others are seed players!"

"Is he a seed player?"

"What do you think! Prince Fusu is a well-known genius in the southern Qilian area. He once competed with the spirits of the spirits and souls and did not fall into the wind. Now I don't know what strength, and by his means, he entered the top 20 of the Shanhe list. Absolutely not difficult!"

"Good life is amazing"

People talked a lot, and the emotions came one after another.

A large number of Ling Xuan people rushed to the side of the expensive costumes, such as the jade's sons gathered in the past, people greeted with enthusiasm, almost the majority of people look at the eyes of the person, is full of respect and worship.


Su Yun stunned.

I didn't expect to meet him here.


Just as Su Yun looked at Fusu, a woman wearing a broken mask and only covering half of her face immediately attracted his attention.

A strange sense of familiarity rises in his heart.

"Where did this woman seem to have seen it?"

And her mask seems to be the one she wore.

Is it coincidence?

Su Yun's heart is doubtful.

(Today's three more, National Day has activities, ask for votes)

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