Limitless Sword God

Chapter 402: Was it recognized?

Boom! ! ! ! !

The dull sound rang in the swamp, and Huairou Muyu slammed into a mossy stone, then rolled down. She shook her hands and kept her body slowly. The pair of autumns was full of unwillingness. Staring at the person who came over.

"I said it earlier. If you walk with us, you won't suffer so much. How can you regret it now?"

The head of the head squatted with a sledgehammer, step by step, and the smug face of the knife was smirking.

Huairou Muyu did not say anything, but the firmness of the little face has already indicated her position. She clasped the sword and tried to shoot again.

"Oh, I don't know how to live and die, Miss Huai Mu Mu, your cultivation is absolutely excellent among his peers, but it is still a lot worse in front of me. To tell you the truth, even if you are a gentleman, I am It can also be easily handled!"

The head sneered, and as soon as he stepped forward, the man appeared in front of Huairou Muyu, as if he was shrinking into the inch, he saw that he pressed his hand on the shoulder of Huairou Muyu, and he wanted to force it. Remove your arm directly.

Huairou Muyu’s head stunned and it was too late to respond.

But on the occasion of this millennium, a sword waved from the right side and slashed to the arm.

The head brow wrinkled and immediately receded.

But watching Su Yun did not know when it appeared in the side of Huairou Muyu, a black cloak, holding a sword, holding a long, **** sword in his hand, murderous and cold, swords and spirits.

"Nan Gongqing!" Huairou Mu Yu called, a sweet throat, spit out a blush of blood.

"Nothing?" Su Yun whispered.

"I'm fine, but this guy is very strong, not good to deal with." Huairou Mu Yu weak.

"We can just wait for the time to wait for the rescue of the Nangong family."

Su Yun clenched his sword, his pale face was extremely determined.

"The baby of Huairou's family is really a lot. It can make the waste of a spiritual Xuanyang six products into the spiritual mystery, but you can't fight me alone, I don't like my waste."

The head looked at Su Yun, then raised his hand, and the suffocation overflowed, and the sledgehammer slammed into Su Yun.

The mahogany and moving sledgehammer is like a mountain that has fallen from the sky.

Su Yun's eyes were cold, the pace was slightly side, avoiding the sledgehammer, the hammer fell to the ground, the earth was instantly cracked, and the strong shock wave swayed the entire Nangong family, and the surrounding earth was completely turned into a small stone.

"The power is very good, but your speed is too slow!"

Su Yunlang sighed, close to the head, waving his hand, and a lot of trajectories ran across the head.

Storm swordsmanship!


A pair of swords floated and cut quickly along the path of the air.

However, he heard the sound of snoring, but the sword was sharp, but he could not open the guard of the head.

"You can do this?"

The head sneered, and a palm shot to Su Yun.

Su Yun’s eyes were cold, his arms swayed and he grabbed him.

But seeing a burst of white light, the dazzling light is shining to the square.

In an instant, the sword is like a meteor rushing to the sky.

A peerless sword appeared suddenly, and the entire forbidden area was forcibly pulled into the mood of an inexplicable sword!

what happened?

The heart of Huairou Muyu suddenly jumped and looked at the place where the white light was, but saw a girl in white wins snow who did not know when it appeared in the right hand of Su Yun.


Just look at Su Yun’s hands and don’t know when, clinging to a long white sword, he pointed at the palm of his hand and slashed his sword.

Jianfeng is like a thunder


The hernia on the surface of the arm was directly smashed, the arm was cut off, and a large amount of blood was ejected.


The head made a painful cry, and the man retreated.

"What sword is that? Can actually break my suffocation!" The head gnawed his teeth.

"The sword of the contract victory."

Su Yun cold road, then rushed again and again, volley.

The head lifted the hammer to resist.

But this time, Su Yun's momentum is like a rainbow, a sword is pressed, there is actually a kind of unparalleled meaning.

The leader broke his arm and lost a lot of power. He was suppressed by Su Yun.

Huairou Muyu looked at the rain, although I do not know the strength of the head, but the strength of Su Yun she is clear.

What sword is that? Have such power

"Mu Yu!"

Su Yun bit his teeth and shouted.

Huairou Muyu is not a fool. Seeing this kind of golden opportunity, he immediately stabbed a sword, and the crystal sword took out a colorful light and directly hit the chest of the leader.


There was a big hole in the chest of the head, and the blood spurted and suffocated.

Su Yun took the opportunity to press the sword of the contract, and at the same time, his fingers moved and drove the flying sword toward it.

In the face of the front and back offensive, the head has been forced to the end of the road, his heart sighed low, a large number of gasification fists suddenly burst out in his body, fiercely beaten in Su Yun's chest.


Su Yunlian's five punches, the body's blood surged, the throat was sweet, and a blood spit out.

"Look at me and cut you into meat!"

The head of the roaring voice, a sigh of relief raised, directly forced Su Yun.

Su Yun repeatedly retreats, his body is shaking, and the other side is too powerful.

And just as his body was unstable, the head swooped over, like a tiger rushing to eat, driving the fierce fists of the gasification fists to Su Yun.

The outbreak of suffocation is attached to the fist. Each of these fists weighs 100,000 jin. Once you touch the body, you can shatter the life. With so many fists, you will be able to smash each other into powder.

Su Yun knows the power of these fists, but can it still be retired now?

His eyes were cold, and he stared at the heads behind these gasification tiger fists. He clenched his teeth and slammed his sword directly into his head.


The long white sword with a slender smashed the past, the strange voice of ‘呲啦呲啦’, a lot of suffocation was shredded, and the white sword directly split the body of the head, ending from the beginning, two swords.

The force on the gasification fist immediately receded, but on the Su Yun body, the strength is still not weak, Su Yun the whole person was bombarded, heavily fell in the swamp, his clothes are not like the soft and dry rain, not contaminated with dust, The slamming was covered with mud, and when it got up, it seemed to be awkward.

The whole person froze. After a moment, a **** red slit ruptured from the center of his body. Eventually the person became two halves, and the left and right fell, the internal organs spilled out, and the blood spattered.

"Su Yun! You are fine!!"

Ling Qingyu hurried over and lifted him up.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

Su Yun stood up breathlessly, his face pale and his sweat overflowing.

He swept his eyes and gradually fell, and the dignified eyes were easy.

The sword of the decisive contract was withdrawn, and Ling Qingyu recovered.

She took Su Yun out of the swamp, and Su Yun immediately sat down on the knees and resumed her work.

everything is over.

"My sword is extremely sharp, but my cultivation is much lower than that of the dead. According to common sense, I can't split his sword into two halves." Ling Qingyu blinked at Su Yun and asked. Road: "Are you doing a ghost?"

However, Su Yun was unable to raise his arm and presented the five fingers in front of Ling Qingyu.

Most of those fingers wear a ring, but one of them is as bright as a lotus ring.

"One of the seventy-two stunts in the shadows, Mang’s heart breaks the sword, and when I kill the man, I launch this mysterious skill and raise the edge of the sword of the decisive contract to the limit, and the gold is broken and the jade is invincible. After the head was stunned by my head, the body was suffocating, and the chest was broken by the soft rain. The body was seriously injured and the body breath dropped sharply. Therefore, I was able to smash him, but launched this mystery. Technology has exhausted my body, and at this moment I am close to the limit."

Su Yun panted hard, and seemed to have lost his strength.

Ling Qingyu heard it and nodded. "In that case, it is not that you are dead or that he is dead. You can only let go."

"Yeah." Su Yun smiled bitterly: "Fortunately, you appear in time, otherwise I will use a dead sword."

"That can't be done, the death sword is out, the evil spirits are erupting, and its swordsmanship is extremely strong, and it will attract countless masters. When the situation is over, it is difficult to clean up."

"Use it in a crisis, don't use it or use it. It's used for me, I shouldn't have scruples." Su Yundao.

"This is not bad."

Ling Qingyu nodded, and wanted to say something. When the footsteps of the rumored forbidden land came, it immediately turned into a white light and penetrated into the sword of Su Yun.

Su Yun also immediately took the sword into the ring.

Next to the Huairou Muyu has been staring at him and Ling Qingyu, after Ling Qingyu left, she slowly walked over.

"Su Yun, how are you?"

"so sad."

Su Yun deliberately said.

"I have some good remedies. After taking it, I can quickly recover the gas, heal the wound, and even increase my skill. You can take it."

Huairou Muyu did not know where to pull out a few porcelain bottles, handed over.

At this time, Su Yun was fully demonstrating his shameless side. He even took all the porcelain bottles into the bag, sneered a few times, opened the bottle, and stuffed it like a bean.

"Who is that girl?"

Huairou Muyu asked softly.

"What's wrong? Jealous?" Su Yun chewed Dan Yao Road.

"You have been dyed with a few women, and they have nothing to do with me. Why should I be jealous?" Huairou Muyu gently shook his head.

Su Yun listened, stunned, strangely looking at Huairou Muyu, said: "Why do you say this? Do you not object to me?"

"Of course not against it."

“Why?” Su Yun feels a little bad. With the character of Huairou Muyu, it should not be so open. Although polygamy is very common in the world of extreme weapons, there are also many people who support the monogamy system. Of course, polyandry is also present.

But just as Su Yun was inexplicable, Huairou Muyu said something that made his heart tighten.

"Because you are not a South Palace."

The voice is very light, and there is not much expression on the face of Huairou Muyu.

After Su Yun listened, he was shocked for a moment. For a long time, this took a breath.

"How did you know?"

He has no sophistry. For a smart woman like Huairou Muyu, sophistry is useless.

"There are two points. First, the attribute of the gas you use is not the famous "Nanyun" of the Nangong family passed down from generation to generation. Second, although the most powerful of the Nangong family ancestors is the sword, the Nangong is not Will use the sword, and you not only have superb swordsmanship, but also know how to control the magical mystery of thousands of swords, so I infer that you are not a Nangong." Huairou Muyu stands in front of Su Yun, a pair of deep autumn 眸 tight Staring at Su Yun, whispered and asked: "Who are you?"

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