Limitless Sword God

Chapter 584: Think about

boom! ! ! !

Su Yun fell into the white lotus group, coughing a few times, and then he climbed up.

"Su Yun, are you okay?" The old teacher put down his sword and asked.

"I have nothing to do, teach the Lord, don't worry about me." Su Yun said, his eyes passed a strange and eagerly said: "However, the teacher, what is going on here? Why do I feel that I am attacked by my own breath? And even though I have suffered a strong attack, I haven’t suffered any injuries. What is going on?”

The old teacher heard a smile on his face, and he said: "This is the power of the Lotus Star Sword. The attack you have just suffered is the attack I want you to be attacked."

"Do you want to let me be attacked?" Su Yun heard, full of fog: "What is this?"

"This is the meaning of the lotus star swordsmanship. There is no way to win and win. If you want to do whatever you want, when you are in a state of mind like a lotus, you can use the sword to launch the moves you want, such as the one just now. Just thinking about counterattack, you have the effect of you."

Old teachings.

Su Yun heard that the pupil suddenly enlarged a few laps.

"This is so amazing? That sword is too much against the sky?"

"Why is this swordwork so coveted? However, the ordinary sword can only play the ordinary moves of the Lotus Star Sword, and some powerful thoughts, you still need to cooperate with the Lotus Star Sword to successfully launch."


Su Yun was the first to hear about this new word.

"Then, if I want to die, can I still achieve this sword?" Su Yun suddenly thought of something, and asked.


The old teacher nodded without hesitation.

Su Yun listened, and suddenly the heart jumped wildly: "Is this really real?"

"Yes, but after the Lotus Star Sword and the Lotus Star Sword have been created, this kind of thought has only been successful once, and the price paid for the realization of this thought through the sword method is extremely heavy." Shaking his head: "In fact, the power of thinking is closely related to the Swordsman himself. It is the means that is the equivalent of reversing the life. This kind of mystery destroys the balance of nature and is not allowed for the heavens and the earth. That is, the trigger of death may only happen in one situation, that is, the other party has been seriously injured, and you have more than half of the mysterious temperament. If you do not have these conditions, you will never be able to die."

"This way"

"Not only that, after death, it will damage a main pulse. That is to say, your repair is likely to decline. As for the decline, you have to look at the degree of damage to the main gas. I thought that it is less than a last resort. Don't do it casually, because if you die, you will have such serious consequences."


"I said before that the lotus star swordsmanship is not much, but in fact, the so-called three strokes can be split into two strokes, one stroke does not require the lotus star sword, and the other trick, only the lotus star sword Cooperation can be successfully applied, Su Yun, I can teach you not much, the rest, you need to practice hard." The old teacher's subject is long-term.

Su Yun heard the sound and nodded seriously.

Later, the old lord continued to dance slowly and the sword was not casually chaotic, but it was justified. The movements of these swords were not to kill the enemy or defend the enemy, but to mobilize their own body. Xuanqi, arranged in the body to use for the purpose of casting.

Su Yun looked carefully and did not dare to have the slightest distraction.

In his knowledge, all the swords have only one purpose, which is to kill the enemy.

The same is true of the Promise Sword, and whether it is the next four swords, the Chinese Shuangjian and the Supreme Sword, all aim to destroy the opponent. At present, the swordsmanship of Su Yun’s mastery has reached the bottleneck. He feels that there is no clue. Cognition is also difficult to break through, but the Lotus Star Swords seems to open a new door for him. The original swordsmanship can also be used like this.

In these few days, Su Yun and the old teachers indulged in the lotus group. Every word of the old teacher can make him harvest huge. Just like the teachings of Bodhi Master, people will always remember and harvest.

I don't know how many days later, when Su Yunxue was so intoxicated and unable to extricate himself, a scream suddenly came in from this lotus group and broke the tranquility here.

"Teacher, the leader, have an urgent message, teach the Lord!!"

The voice is the name of the step. The old teacher heard the sound and immediately stopped the movement. He turned and looked at it. He only looked at the name of the step and rushed over like a gust of wind. He hurriedly approached Su Yun and the old teacher.

“When did you panic?” the old teacher asked.

Only listening to the name of the voice was a little trembling, and said in a hurry: "The message was just sent, the black eagle taught the entire sect to be destroyed, and a fire dragon comparable to the beast appeared on the hill of the Black Hawk. It is reported that the Black Hawk teaching is by this fire dragon. Extinguished, now Hongyue Pavilion issued a order to ask all the sects of Linglong Mountain to go to Black Hawk Mountain and annihilate the fire dragon!!"

"What? The Black Hawk teaching was destroyed?"

The old leader was shocked.

Su Yun is even more strange, completely unable to believe his ears.

A big sect, saying no, no, how is this possible? ?

"This is absolutely true. I didn't believe it at first. Later I learned that the order issued by Hongyuege believed this, the teacher, what should we do now? Respond to this order?"

Step name inquiry.

"Of course, we must respond. The fire dragon is an ancient beast. It is often a disaster. I am waiting for the Linglong Mountain people. I want to maintain peace in the mountains. I will quickly count the people and we can set off."

The old teacher is sinking.

When I heard the name of the step, I nodded and it was going to go on.

But as soon as the name of the step went, another disciple of the Lotus Star Swords ran in.

"See the leader and meet the Soviet Union." The disciple kneeled down on one knee and held a fist.

"What is the matter?" asked the old teacher.

"Returning to the lord, there is a young man outside, wanting to ask the teacher, saying that he is going to learn the swordsmanship from the teacher." The disciple said.

“Learning swordsmanship?” The old teacher’s brow wrinkled: “Does he want to enter my Lotus Sword School?”

"The disciple invited him to join the sword school, but he refused. He insisted on seeing you. The disciple felt that this person was doing a good job. I was afraid that there was something I wanted to report with you, so I would inform the teacher."

That humanity.

The old teacher heard the words and nodded. "You did a good job, but since the young man wants to see me, let him in. Maybe he wants to communicate with me. So, I can't Reject him."

"Yes, teach the Lord."

The man clenched his fist and then turned and retreated.

"Teacher, then I will go back to the house first," Su Yun said.

"You don't have to rush to leave, you can listen to it, maybe it will help you too."

Su Yun heard the sound, thought for a while, nodded.

Soon, the doorman of the Lotus Star Swordsman led a young man in a red suit to walk in.

The man's head is extremely tall, his body is thin, his appearance is handsome, and his long hair is tied with a scorpion, quite a bit free and easy.

"Oh, are you the leader of the Lotus Star Swordsmanship? Fortunately, I will be lucky."

The man walked over quickly, looked at the old teacher, hugged his fist, and said with a smile: "My name is Xiao Huailin, a scholar."


The old teacher yelled, and then said with a smile: "So, you are not coming to my Lotus Star Swordsman?"

"Of course not, unless you are willing to give me the position of your leader, in this case, maybe I will consider joining the Lotus Star Sword." Xiao Huai Lin smiled with both hands in his chest.

As soon as this statement fell, everyone's face changed.

"Hey, what do you say? How can you be so rude to the teacher?" The man who led Xiao Huailin came in immediately.

However, the old teacher is slightly raising his hand and smiles: "Nothing is fine, Xiao Daren is just a joke, not necessarily taking it seriously."

When the man heard it, he stunned his eyes and Xiaohuai Lin, and he did not say anything.

However, this Xiao Huai Lin has caused Su Yun to be unhappy. In any case, the old teacher passed on his lotus sword and taught Jian Jian. In his heart, he is already a half teacher. This person is disrespectful to his teacher. He can be happy. ?

I only listened to Xiao Huai Lin, laughing a few times, nodding, and laughing: "Yes, yes, the leader of this Lotus Star Sword School can be better than the Black Hawk." It's not bad, haha."

"Black eagle leader?"

The old teacher has a slight glimpse.

I only listened to Xiao Huai Lin and spoke again. He stopped smiling and stared at the old teacher. "I didn't have time to come to Linglong Mountain, but I heard people say that you have two big treasures, one is a handle. It is a peerless sword called Lianxing, and the other is the lotus star sword method that matches this sword. I am here today, I hope that the teacher can give me the lotus star sword and pass on the lotus star sword to me. An excellent scholar, I think I should be able to learn the Lotus Star Swords quickly. Well, where is the Lotus Sword? Come out soon."

Xiao Huai Lin looked around and looked at it, and his expression was very light.

But the three faces on the scene were not as good as before. If you said that the previous sentence can be seen as a joke, then this time, it is not a joke.

"The purpose of your coming here is for the Lotus Sword and its swordsmanship?"

Su Yun looked up and stared at Xiao Huai Lin Road.

Xiao Huai Lin turned his head and looked at Su Yun. When he saw his sword, he was slightly bright.

"Are you also a person with a sword? Would you like to talk to me?"

"Not willing."

Su Yun directly opened.

"Are you afraid of my swordsmanship? Or are you not confident in yourself?" Xiao Huai Lin’s mouth was lifted.

"No, it's just that I am injured now, I don't want to fight with you. If you want to be in danger, then I can't help it." Su Yun shrugged.

Xiao Huai Lin listened, stunned, and soon laughed: "Ha ha ha, you guys have some meaning."

Su Yun didn't say anything more, but at this moment, he has treated this Xiao Huai Lin as an enemy.

Xiao Huai Lin turned her head and looked at the old leader. He smiled and said: "The purpose of my visit here is these two. You will take it soon. If you don't take it, I won't give up. If you want me to stop, Yes, just beat me, but I want to warn you that it must be a single fight. If you want to call someone, then I will also be a helper!!"

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