Limitless Sword God

Chapter 602: Strong in the dark

With this thought, Su Yun went a little bit forward. ▲↑顶▲↑点▲↑小▲↑,ww∽w.23w¤”m

At this time, a soft force suddenly wrapped his body, and separated him from the air in the air.

At first glance, this power comes from Shen Xuexue.

I saw Shen Xuexue smiled and said: "Yun, although you are now very strong, you have already seen the holy road, but this breath is very tolerable. Mother is lucky for you, you have to worry."

Su Yun listened, nodded, and his heart was warm.

Soon, this road came to an end, and a huge light screen appeared again in the sight of three people.

The light is white, like a layer of frost, but in the center of the frost is a green mark, the mark looks like a green leaf, it is very beautiful.

The fierce sword is overflowing from the screen.

There is a stone monument in front of the light screen. There is a word on the tablet. Although I don’t know when it was established, it is very clear.

"The murderous soul is violent, not only in Yongzhen, but also in the life."

Su Yun stared at the writing and muttered.

"This stone monument must be established by the predecessor, and the seal is also set for her. To break this seal, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort."

Su Shentian condensate.

"Hey, who is in the custody?" Su Yun asked.

"A peerless strong man, it is said that he has a thorough knowledge of the world, and the network is very wide. If we can save him and let him help us, it will certainly save your sister."

Su Shentian said.

"But according to this stone tablet, the internal power is probably extremely evil!"

"Don't be afraid, this is just a misunderstanding!"

Su Shentiandao.

Su Yun did not say anything, maybe she had already investigated this person before, otherwise she would not come to him.

Just look at Shen Xuexue to take a lot of materials from the space bag of his body, and start the canvas formation, and Su Shentian also acted together, and the two skillfully built something, and in a short while, a square singular array appeared.

Although the big array has not yet been opened, but the violent breath overflowing in the array has caused Su Yun to be shocked and stunned. I am afraid that this breath can not be controlled by more than five people.

After the big battle was completed, Su Shentian stood in the line, his hands were printed, and there were words that seemed to be urging.

Just looking at the surface of his body overflowing a circle and then a circle of golden light, golden light as a rope, wrapped around his body, and soon turned into a golden helmet.

Su Shentian took a deep breath, his eyes were golden, staring at the white screen, and suddenly, his breath sank, and the man suddenly rushed over.

Almost at the moment of his sprint, the big bang suddenly disappeared and turned into a white light, breaking into his back.

This white light entered the body, and his whole person seemed to have been sublimated. At that moment, Su Yun only felt like a god.

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

Su Shentian’s shoulders fiercely hit the screen.

In an instant, the light screen shattered, and a large amount of sword gas poured out like a tidal wave. Su Yun and Shen Xuexue were forced back and forth by this horrible sword, and they rushed to resist.

The raging swordsmanship continued for about a moment, and it stopped.

When they looked at it, they saw that the **** of God was standing in the middle of the broken light screen. The golden helmet on his body had disappeared. The whole person was panting and his face was sweaty.

Su Yun nervously tightened, staring at the dark ground behind the light screen, quietly pulling out the dead sword behind it.

Shen Xuexue did not dare to neglect, and watched the darkness with caution.


At this moment, in the darkness, a slightly surprised sound was heard.

Then there was a chuckle: "I didn't expect to have been here for so many years. Actually, there are people who come here to see me. It's not bad. However, you don't have the spirit to breathe. It doesn't look like a tree. Who are you?" ?"

When this statement fell, Su Shentian hurriedly held a fist to ritual, and Christine said: "In the next day, I will save the predecessors."

"Why save me?"

The sound came out again.

Su Shentian hesitated for a while, saying: "I have to be a predecessor, so I will come to save."

"Hahaha, I said, I don't know you, how can you run to save me? There is such a good thing under the sun!" The voice laughed.

Su Shentian did not dare to refute, still clenched his fist: "Also ask my seniors to help me!"

"Oh, it’s worth it, it’s not easy to come here. Presumably, you have spent a lot of thoughts. Since you let me out, I will give you discretion. Let me talk about what it is, if I can If you can help you, then you will be out of this prison. If you can't help you, then I will be embarrassed to come out!"

The voice laughed.

Su Yun listened, and my heart couldn’t help but say: This person is really good.

Su Shentian heard the sound, and this opened: "The little girl accidentally entered Taiyi, in order to save the lives of women, I hope that the seniors can help each other and take the little girl away from Taiyi!"

"What? Too one door?"

After listening to the sound in the darkness, the voice condensed three points: "How can she enter this sect..."

"At the time, it was also forced by the situation." Su Shentian said helplessly: "I don't want to see the little girl sinking deeper and deeper, but I am as shallow as the insider. It is impossible to be an opponent of too many people, so I have to make a decision." ""

"Oh, I think you still give up." The voice in the darkness said with a smile: "If you enter a door, you will be isolated from the world and cut off everything. In their eyes, only the avenue can be asked, your daughter, I see you. Just as if you are not born."


Not waiting for Su Shentian to open, Shen Xuexue immediately rushed, she stepped forward, excited: "Predecessors, please be sure to save my daughter, I do not want to lose her, please be sure to save my daughter, beg you! ”

After that, Shen Xuexue actually bent down on his knees and squatted down.

Su Shentian saw it and did not make a sound.

"What is your suffering?"

The sound in the dark is quite unexpected.

"If the seniors refused to help, my husband and I would never leave here." Shen Xuexue's attitude was extremely firm.

Seeing that the mother is squatting, can Su Yun still stand there and be indifferent? He immediately stepped forward and wanted to lift Shen Xuexue, but Shen Xuexue’s attitude was firm. He couldn’t help but squat down and said: “Predecessors, you have a lot of magic, there must be a way, can you refer to the road? Save my sister? ”


Just when Su Yun said this, the voice in the darkness snorted and did not answer Su Yun’s words.

For a long time, the voice came out.

"Kid, where are you from?"

"Where is it?"

Su Yunyi.

Shen Xuexue and Su Shentian are even more puzzled.

“What did the seniors ask this?” Su Yun did not understand.

"Do not talk nonsense, say faster, where are you from?" The voice in the darkness seemed a little urgent.

When Su Yun saw it, he only had to say: "Tianwu mainland people."

"Tianwu mainland?"

The voice was silent for a while, and it seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, the voice came out again: "You come in."

Su Yun heard the sound, looked at Shen Xuexue and Su Shentian, Shen Xuexue was still puzzled, but Su Shentian reached out and stopped Su Yun.

"Don't go in."

He sighed and then yelled at the darkness: "I am going to work?"

"I don't want to enter as long as he comes in, otherwise the consequences will be conceited." The voice became serious.

Su Shentian’s face suddenly sank, and a glimpse of the light in his eyes seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with this.

"Father is afraid that he will harm me?" Su Yun could not help but smile.

"Although we ran here to seek his help, but to be honest, I don't know much about this person. Yuner, if you can't go, you can't go. If he can't do it, it's a big deal. We can find another way. "Su Shen Tiandao.

"Yes, Yuner, don't want to go in." Shen Xuexue also hurriedly grabbed Su Yun's hand.

However, Su Yun still smiled. He shook his head and said, "Hey, mother, you have done so much for your sister. It’s enough. Let me do something for my sister. We have to ask for it, and we should believe him!"

After that, he broke the hand of Shen Xuexue and walked straight inside.


Shen Xuexue rushed.

But Su Yun has fallen into the darkness and disappeared...

Shen Xuexue saw it and licked his lower lip. His face was full of sadness and helplessness.

"Hey." Su Shentian sighed, and there was a lot of sorrow in the eyebrows.

"Tianlang, it okay?" Shen Xuexue said with a low head.

"There is no way, we owe too much to the cloud." Su Shentian helplessly.

"How can I explain to him in the future?"

"You can only take one step and take a step."


In the darkness, filled with endless swords, these swords are like swords, and they are constantly slashing the body of Su Yun, making people feel guilty and horrified.

Su Yun looked around and carefully moved forward, and the dead sword in his hand was slightly tightened.


He sighed.

However, there are nothing quiet around, there is nothing but empty, but I don’t see the master of the voice! !

Su Yun continued to move forward, and the entrance has been far away.


At this moment, a lot of sounds of emptiness suddenly sounded in the air, and then an inexhaustible slash of swords rushed over here.

When Su Yun saw it, he immediately sacrificed the imperial device to resist it.

The gas sword slammed on the imperial device, and the barrier of the imperial device was shaken up and down.

What a desperate old witch, what Xiao Huai Lin, compared with this horrible offensive is simply a big witch.

But in an instant, Su Yun was sweating and pale, and it was difficult to stick to it.

He looked up and stared at the direction in which the sword flew, but saw a far-reaching place, a faint figure appeared in his sight.

The man squeezed his sword with one hand and stood still, not moving like a mountain, looking at him lightly.

Are these swords controlled by this guy?

Su Yun thought, immediately stepping forward, the side flashed open, in the moment of avoiding those gas swords, he threw the dead sword in his hand, and then opened the imperial device, and at the same time launched the Promise Sword, urging the dead sword toward the figure. Suddenly banged over! !


The dead sword turned into a dark streamer, fiercely killing the figure! !

"Jun Wang Jian? Not bad, I did not expect anyone else to control him!"

The figure saw the dead sword that was shot, but it was a slight smile, the hand was raised, the air sword dissipated, and the dead sword that rushed to him was also stagnant in the air!


[The first book review contest of Zhu Rongzhi's arm]

Activity time: March 20th to March 27th, 2015 (this Friday to next Friday)

The rules of the competition are as follows:

Book review format: publish a book review, you need to be titled [book review contest]

Book review content: The content is not limited, the number is not limited.

Book Review Awards: During the event, a large number of lucky readers will be drawn, and a single mouse pad (not for sale) will be awarded to the one of the + dragons.

During the event, for every 100 book reviews, a chapter will be added, with no upper limit.

See the book review for details~

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