Limitless Sword God

Chapter 634: Giant crush

Seeing this urgency, who can dare to continue to stalemate with Su Yun? Make a decision immediately, release the sword in your hand, and rush to dodge.

When the man retreats 100 meters away, the **** Xuan red blood sword hits the air.

Even so, the battle situation is very clear.

The other side has no swords. Is it still impossible for Su Yun to win?

However, this returning tree tree did not dare to show more joy. The advantage of the last game of Liu Xin was pulled back by the purple scorpion. This time, it was just a weapon that lost its hands. It is difficult to guarantee that he will not have other means.

as predicted!

Although Zi Ming lost the sword, but did not reveal a little bit of fear, only to see him smile at Su Yun, and then quickly seal the hands, look at this posture, it is what prompted the mysterious skills.

"We have a lot of learning in Caiyun Tiangong. I didn't intend to use this trick, but since you pushed me to this, you can't do it."

Zi Ming smiled.

But unlike the previous laughter, the present laughter is already full of cold and cold, and it is a smile that contains killing.

With his seal, his temperament began to move quickly, and quickly condensed around his body, like a layer of frost.

Kimmelo saw it and his eyes were shining.

"Father, can you win?"

The Golden Phoenix woman came over and asked in a low voice.

Jin Muruo directly throws these four words. He stares at Zi Ming and Shen Sheng: "Zi Ming is my pro-disciple. Although the entry time is short, the talent he showed is beyond the ordinary people. He The mysteriousness is very special. Although the property is a wind and breath, this wind and breath is different from the wind and breath of the past. He can control the mysterious spirit directly to attack and attack the enemy. He does not have to resort to magic weapons or moves. He can also Through his own mysterious flow to sense the opponent's attack trajectory, this is why he is not as fast as that person, but can easily avoid his sword. For us, Zi Ming's mysteriousness is like a living thing, this with him. In terms of his special physique, in fact, for him, the sword is not his real means, and this mysteriousness is his refuge! Now, he will make the end of the school, the sacred spirit, this move is not the same The battle will soon be over!!"

The golden phoenix nodded and her sight fell back on that child.

Su Yun seems to have felt the power of Zi Ming’s move. He directly received the Shenxuan Red Blood Sword, raised his arms, stared at the child, meditation, and began to use his skills.

Just look at the person's body, the mysterious power has been condensed like a hill is big, and the dark blue color, gradually turned into a demon **** form, very fierce, separated by a hundred meters distance, Su Yun seems to be able to detect the demon **** The horror of the horror that overflowed.

Looking at the horror demon that slowly formed beside the child, the people of the world were all worried.

Yang Lan couldn’t stand it any longer, and immediately yelled: "Su Yun, what are you doing? What kind of mysterious power, he must be urging what the infinite mystery, you still do not launch the attack. It’s hard to wait for him to push the mystery out, do you start??"

However, Yang Lan’s words seem to be playing on the cows, Su Yun did not move, but also continue to spur their own spells.

For all anxious accusations, he ignored it!

Did he give up?

Everyone sighed.

The sword world is a laughter.

The landlord calmly looked forward, the ancient well had no waves, and there was no expression.

"Taro, this kid will be defeated later, let's do it."

Just then, a thick voice was heard in the minds of the landlords.

The leader of the main side of the dagger, will look at the big tree in the distance, this voice is from the tree prince.

"This kid is defeated. Can we really ceduce the Linglong Mountain to the Wankong Gate? If so, the Wanhuajie can be destroyed." The voice of the tree prince is somewhat sad.

"Of course!"

The lord secretly urged Xuan Li and passed the voice to the tree prince in a heart-to-heart manner.

She said with a cold heart: "Although this is not a word of faith, the reputation of Wanhua is destroyed. But if you can keep countless lives in Wanhua, I would rather let the world resent me!"

When the tree prince heard it, he nodded secretly: "You really didn't let your master down."

The landlord was silent, staring at the battle, and the slender willows twitched.

"It looks like the winner is in the grip."

The golden phoenix mouth of the sword world cracked a smug smile, looking at the demon **** gradually forming, and the indifferent Su Yun, the more people laughed more happy.

"It’s too early to say this now."

Xiao Changtian next to him shook his head.

The golden phoenix was slightly stunned and looked at her side, but she saw the dignity of her husband.

"Long day, what are you worried about? My father said that he will win this game. Do you see what?" Jin Fengneng asked.

"The guy named Su Yun is not a fool. He should be able to feel the horror of Zi Ming. But he not only did not fight back, but even the fear of panic did not reveal that I was worried that he had a move."

"After the move?"

Jin Fengnv sneered aloud: "What about that? Can he continue to swear?"

Roar! !

At this time, the roaring roar of the trembles burst between the doors of nature.

The emptiness of the sky, the earth shaking, a treacherous horror sound wave to the Quartet.

Countless people don't hold their ears, feeling uncomfortable!

Looking up, I saw that the demon **** that has been morphing with Ziming as the center has been successfully formed.

The more it is ten meters high, the dark blue color, wearing a armor, holding a long sword in his hand, having seven eyes, his mouth is very big, even with a gang, his mouth is exposed, it is terrible.

"Dare to let me make this move, should you say that you have the courage, or should you say that you are ignorant?"

Zi Ming sneered again and again, followed by a drink, urging the devil to rush toward Su Yun.

The demon lifted a huge blue sword in his hand and bowed down to Su Yun.

The blue sword is close to Su Yun, and blooms like a flower. It is swallowed by Su Meng, a powerful and powerful mouth.


These horror scenes, really shocked countless people!


At the moment when the demon attacked, Su Yun’s arm smashed a mysterious force and went straight into the sky. In a flash, a lightning flashed from the air and hit the body behind the child.

Zi Ming frowned, feeling what seemed to be behind him, but at this moment Su Yun is close at hand, how can he give up?


Zi Ming Da Yu.

"Be careful!!"

Just then, there was a burst of loud noise in the sword world.

Looking at it, but glimpsing the people there, one face is full of dementia

"Be careful? Is it for me?"

Zi Ming Wei Wei.

However, this demon **** is like a flower-like sword that has not yet fallen. A huge hand suddenly grabbed the body of the demon god, and even brought it to the whole with a child.

Zi Ming was shocked and suddenly turned, but he saw himself behind him. I don’t know when to stand a giant like a hill.

The giant was pale and strong, like a skeleton, with a stunned eye and a fierce stare at the child.

The magical sky, the rolling killing is like the galaxy that plunges down on the nine days, and it is swept away from here. The things that the sons have sacrificed, the power is completely stunned by this giant, completely unstoppable!

The thick and powerful mysterious demon of the demon **** is like a blade that tears and blows the giant's palm, but can't cause a little damage to it.

The giant bones made by the long bones and the demon can be easily destroyed by this son?


Zi Ming issued a vigorous snoring, urging his own mysteriousness to the maximum, with the intention of breaking away from the **** of the giant's palm. However, no matter how hard he tried, he was dying and struggling. The giant was like a Wuzhishan, completely suppressing him.

In the eyes of Su Yun, he passed the fierce killing of Mang, and he did not hesitate, and gave orders to the giants.

Only the giants in the body made a scream, and the huge hands suddenly merged into one. A majestic force that could break the mountains and rivers flowed from the palm to the body of the child, only to see that the body was broken instantly. The huge demon around him is like a collapsed mountain, madly disintegrated, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

There is only one breath before and after, and this living person is crushed into a pile of meat sauce!

Zi Ming’s three souls and seven scorpions overflowed and hovered over the air.

The battle has been divided.

The audience is quiet.

The first second, people thought that victory must belong to Ziming, but the next second will be tragic.

These big ups and downs are simply unsuitable! !

Su Yun raised his hand and shook a few times. The huge giant bones disappeared immediately.

He gasped and turned his head and stared at the sword world.

At this moment, the sword world people, all stunned, a mouth can seem to be able to stuff a whole egg.

No one is not surprised, no one is not shocked.

People think that Ziming is already a victory, and it is a victory, but it is crushed by Su Yun.

There is no room for rebellion!

"What it is?"

Xiao Changtian returned from the shock and shouted.

"The heavy magic seems to be the real thing in the real devil!!"

Kim Murrow's eyes tightened and stared at Su Yun and said: "Young people, what is your relationship with the real devil?"

"It doesn't matter what the relationship is, the important thing is that I won!!"

Su Yun said, he is too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, to keep the fox charm.

"It’s so crazy!"

Jin Feng female angered: "Don't think that you won for a while, you can't be lawless, we want to kill you, it's like smashing the ants on the ground!! Don't be too arrogant!!"

Su Yunxiao laughed and didn't speak.

Such a move, surpassing the Golden Phoenix woman is even more angry.

"I don't know how to live!" Jin Feng female gnashed her teeth, then turned her head to face Jin Moluo: "Father, you have to make this bad smell for your daughter!"

"Just a junior, why should he be angry with him?" Kim Murrow shook his head gently and said: "Not to mention, he can't live too much!"

After all, Kim Murrow waved again and shouted in his mouth: "Where is the Lijiang?"

"The disciple is here."

A tall man came out of the crowd and shouted.

"Now, both the enemy and the enemy, two wins and two defeats, this last battle, is extremely critical, you will replace our Caiyun Temple, play this last battle!" Jin Mo Luo.


This is called the people of Lijiang, and they flew straight out and stood in front of Su Yun.

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