Limitless Sword God

Chapter 667: Smile face devil


The muffled sound popped up in the square.

Another demonic man fell.

The remaining demons gathered together in trembling, and they carried the swords and looked at the people wearing sword suits around them. These arrogant devils now reveal the expression of fear.

The surrounding land is full of the bodies of the Dark Devils, and the blood of the demon is dyed on the ground. Around these people, there is a huge translucent barrier. The insiders can see clearly, and the outsiders turn a blind eye. This has been applied. The blind eye method, the outsider sees nothing but an unmanned venue. For this reason, the people of the Caiyun Temple can solve the master of the Dark Demon Temple silently.

"Jianjun should be almost the same, let us act quickly, the devil does not have to be merciful, one does not let go, all killed, I do not accept the devil.

Kimmelo stared at the last group of demons and slammed open to the person beside him.


The side people are busy.

Ever since, a few swords flashed, and the swordsmanship was like a sky that collapsed, and the only remaining Dark Devils were completely strangled. After a few miserable screams, the Dark Lords died.

For this time's plan, the disciples of the Caiyun Temple are all disciples of the Tiangong, all of them are elders. It is impossible for ordinary disciples to participate in this matter. Everyone's cultivation is in the spirit of the heavens and the third. Strong.

After the death of the Dark Lord, Kim Murrow pointed out that the disciples began to clean up the scene.

"They separately acted according to the previous account, and temporarily closed the door of the Dark Devil's Hall, and no one was allowed to enter."

Kim Murrow said, then turned around and prepared to go to the main hall.

Calculating the time, now the demon should have been in vain. Next, the erecting of several broken doors, notifying the sects, carrying the materials here back, integrating the secret tricks of the Dark Devils, used for the Caiyun Temple

"Excuse me, may I ask someone?"

Just then, at the entrance to the square, a clear and timid voice sounded.

Jin Mo Luo and others all had brows and wrinkles, looking at the sound, but there stood a young man wearing a loose robe and a thin body.

The man's skin is fair, and his face looks very tender and delicate. He is quite a bit feminine. He seems to be a little scared. He is nervously clutching a pale bone knife at his waist, and he is approaching here a little bit.

Several masters of Caiyun Tiangong looked at them.

When I saw Kimmelo, the voice of the man shook a little: "Excuse me, are you a demon?"

"I am the devil, do you have anything?"

Kim Murrow's face remained the same, watching the person faint.

"You are a demon?" The man carefully looked at the person in front of him and wondered: "How is it different from the rumors?"

Unexpectedly, Jin Muruo directly reached out and grabbed the man's neck and lifted it up.

"It’s so uncomfortable, don’t kill me, beg you, don’t kill me.” The man is constantly struggling, the loose robes are squeaking, and his face is raised into pig liver color, as if he would be Kim Mo Luo at any time and place. dead.

Looking at the ants in the hand, Kim Murrow snorted again and again: "It’s just an ant who is a spiritual sacred tenth, and dare to question me? Quickly, what are you doing here??"

After all, Kim Murrow slammed the man to the ground and straightened him to a slap.

It took a while for this person to come back and patted his head and said: "Adult, your temper is too violent, so you can't do it."

Kimmelo saw it and looked very suspicious.

If it is just the ordinary Ling Xuan Zun Shipin people, it is estimated that I am scared at this moment, how the person in front of him did not show much horror, although he is still very flustered, but this panic is a bit unreal

"But forget it, people don't blame you." The man suddenly stood up and smiled: "You said you are a demon, then I believe that you are good, I am here to declare something to you." ”

"What?" Kim Murrow whispered, but people are already alert.

"From today on, the Dark Demon Temple belongs to the true demon." He slowly opened his eyes, and the seemingly harmless smile of the human beings gradually picked up, and his eyes gradually became bloody.


"The real demon sect?"

Kim Merton was shocked.

"Get him!"

The sound of the explosion broke out, and the masters of the colorful clouds on both sides of the sky were like lightning, and they were directly attracted to the person with the thunder.

But in the next second, this person's body was pulled out of a lot of dark figure, these figures are like the shadow of ghosts, and the people of the colorful clouds that rushed to the sky, the irresistible powers drove them all to intercept.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Kimmelo smelled the **** smell in the air.

He widened his eyes and moved the shocked sight from the person in front of him to the sides, but he saw his body beside him. There were a lot of broken bodies in a moment. This is exactly the people who rushed out of the colorful clouds. There are people who are covered in blood and **** eyes. Everyone's body is full of magic and arrogance, just like a **** of killing.

Seeing this, Jin Mo Luo is completely understood.

"It turns out that the people who stare at the Dark Devils are not only the ones of the Caiyun Tiangong, but also do you really have this plan?"

"We didn't expect you to shoot, but it didn't matter, just waste more time." The person in front of him smiled.

The rest of the Caiyun Tiangong people saw that the situation was not good, and immediately sacrificed the troops to surround the Jinmo Luo group.

But the people in front of him are not embarrassed, raise their hands and wave their hands: "Don't kill!"

After that, turn straight and go to the main hall of the Dark Lord.


The dark voices made a low, hoarse response, and the people who heard it were creepy.

What is Kim Mero’s wish to do so? Immediately turned around, pulled out a long sword, and rushed toward the young boy wearing a loose robe.

The sword is like a flying fire, and it cuts through the void.

The sword is fast.

The situation is very strong.

Also very accurate.

Jian Feng, without any accident, stabbed the back of the young boy, just

The tip of the sword is like a puncture of a steel plate. It sounds like a squeaky bell, but it is always difficult to score half a point.


Seeing this phenomenon, Kim Murrow was really shocked.

What is your own repair? Although it is not a peak, but as the thirteen elders of the Caiyun Temple, can you have no means? In the sword world of the strong, such as Lin, it can be regarded as a character. Unexpectedly, facing this person, even the flesh can not be broken.

He can't cultivate the true breath! ! The devil only repairs the magic, and the magic can never have such a strong defense! !

At this moment, Kimmelo is already a cold sweat, and Sword Jun is still blunt and wants to swallow the true demon! ! I am afraid that this person is not in front of me, it is not what they can deal with.

"I don't like people who are deceptive like you. I just forgot your hatred. But you still bullied me. This is not enough."

This young boy seems to be angry, and his delicate face is full of anger, and the slap in the face is a very cute feeling.

But this lovely, in the eyes of Kimmelo, is like a hail, like the face of the devil.


A strange sound suddenly popped up.

Kimmelo looked at it, but saw that the sword that had arrived at the back of the boy was suddenly wrapped in a magical spirit, and then the magic gas dissipated, and his proud sword was turned into ashes and dissipated in the air.

Kim Murrow’s eyes were huge.

He hurriedly withdrew and planned to flee, but the next moment, the boy moved.

He didn't know what the teenager had done, and he couldn't even judge when he was moving. He only knew that the boy who was facing his own was already behind his own.


One hand crossed the chest and a heart that was still jumping was directly caught.

Kim Murrow looked down and found that the majestic heart is his own

There are a lot of magic fires in the wounds. These magic fires spread through the whole body like electric current. He wants to move, but it is no longer. At this moment, Xuanqi, magic weapon, etc. can't be controlled by oneself. At this moment, he seems to be Was beaten back to the prototype! ! For mortal

The young boy took the heart, looked at a few eyes, then opened his mouth and took a bite on the fresh heart, and immediately squirted blood.

But he did not care, just like eating fruit, while walking towards the main hall, biting his heart.

The heart of Kimmelo was slowly swallowed by the magic fire, and eventually he followed the footsteps of his sword and turned to ashes.

When the teenager eats the heart in one bite, the person has entered the main hall.

At this moment, the main hall is also a mess, the ground is full of the body of the demon and other people, and at the top, is the sword king who came in before.

The teenager wiped the blood of his mouth and looked around. He smiled and said: "Is these people killed?"

"Can you tell me who you are?"

When Jian Jun did not answer the words of the young man, he asked in antisense.

Seeing what happened outside, Jianjun had already known that I am afraid that Kim Murrow’s death would also be known.

"True enchantress." The boy did not hide it, and smiled softly: "In the next devil, the deputy lord, eight teeth."

"The true demon lord?"

Jianjun’s face finally showed a surprise color.

Although he knew that this person was not a small man, he did not expect that this person turned out to be the deputy of the true demon! !

"You, are you coming to kill us?" Sword Jun whispered, his voice a little tight.

Kimmelo was killed silently, although his cultivation was higher than Kimmelo, but this is definitely not the opponent of the other side. This person is extremely powerful, not to be forced, and must not fight it!

Sword Jun thought.

"No, I am coming to destroy the dark demon hall." Eight teeth smiled a little shyly: "But I didn't expect you to be one step faster than us and win your results. I am so embarrassed."

"It doesn't matter." Jian Jun said subconsciously, but when he spoke, he felt that it was wrong.

"The dark demon hall has ceased to exist, and my mission has been completed. However, I have killed so many people in Caiyun Tiangong. In order not to bring trouble to the true demon, I am very sorry, I must kill you too."

At this time, the eight teeth opened again, and a faceless smile of humans and animals hung on the face.

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