Limitless Sword God

Chapter 761: This is my way



When Su Yun came down from the cross-border transmission bridge, he directly rushed to the gate of Taiyijie.

Under the starry sky, Su Yun stepped on the sword and quickly came to the front of the door.

There are still thousands of disciples in front of the gate, because the current situation is very special. Among these disciples, there are five spirits of Emperor Xuandi, which may be used to prevent the real demon or other enemies from attacking Taiyi. .

Seeing the arrival of Su Yun, the people of Taiyimen were highly alert. They took out the blade and spurred them to be too sinister and directly approached Su Yunwei.

"It's a dirty demon!"


Two words screamed out.

Thousands of people are killed like a locust.

Su Yun snorted and did not fight back, but slammed the death sword toward the gate of Taiyijie.

His current mystery is not much, he can't be wasted here.

With the power of the holy robes, Su Yun is still unimpeded. Even the few spirits can't stop it. They don't understand the attributes of this robes on Su Yun, and they don't know how to use the spirit. contain.

But listening to the loud noise of ‘砰’, the huge and incomparable door was directly hit by Su Yun.

The glare of golden light wrapped his body, making his eyes difficult to open. Then, a strange vocal music floated into his ear. This vocal music is especially strange. It seems to be a whisper of a lover, and it is like a blame by parents. The heart is full of enthusiasm, but it is very quiet, and the wonderful feeling can't be expressed in words.

When the golden light was hidden, Su Yun opened his eyes and looked at everything in front of him.

However, just a glance, he left an indelible impression.

In front of it is a magnificent world.

What is golden? Because this whole world is a golden color.

There are a large number of boundless golden floating platforms floating in front of his eyes. The big ones are boundless, like the mainland, and the small ones are like towns.

These golden floating platforms are flying in the air. Between the heavens and the earth, I don’t know how many such floating platforms are available, or they can be compared with the stars in the night sky.

Between the floating platforms, there is a huge jade statue that is so majestic and shocking, and they don’t bottom out, they don’t see the top! It is like a pillar of the sky, standing in this strange world.

When Su Yun appeared in this wonderful Taiyijie, almost in an instant, the gaze on those floating platforms directly pushed toward him.

Sudden appearance of Su Yun, like a green leaf falling on the snow, is very abrupt.

He does not belong to this world, he can detect it, and those who are on the floating platform can feel it.

Just look at the floating platform, those who are too one door have stood up, they flew directly to Su Yun one by one, not too strong hostility, no rejection, just surrounded by a situation surrounded by Su Yun.

Those who cover the sky and cover the day, all dressed in white robes, look at them, afraid of millions of people.

However, this does not mean that all of them are too many people.

Su Yun stared at his face, clasping the dead sword in his hand, and glanced at everyone around him.


At this time, a very intimate voice emerged from a distant crowd.

But watching the innumerable crowd, there was a sudden commotion. Then, a blond-aged middle-aged man flew out of the crowd and slowly approached Su Yun.

His appearance is very harmonious, holding a paper book in his hand, a smile with a friendly face, and he could not find the slightest hostility under his body.

"who are you?"

"Who is who I am not important, it is important that you know who you are!"

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Do you know who you are?"

"I am Su Yun!"

"No, it's just a code name for you!" The middle-aged man immediately shook his head: "There are many people whose code numbers can be used, and the names can be taken from many, even the identity can take many people, but which one can represent you, All of this is false."

"What is true, what is false, but it is the words of the population. When anyone can't see the truth, can you be sure that what you said is true?"

"I can't, but the omnipotent master can, the supreme avenue will guide me really the way!"

Su Yun listened and said nothing, he knew that it would be useless to say more.

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "You haven't recognized yourself yet, you know?"

Su Yun still does not say.

He felt that the words of this person were a bit strange. He suddenly came here. He didn't ask himself what he was doing, but he said this to himself.

"So, I want to ask you a question." The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Do you want to recognize yourself?"

Somehow, there is a wonderful magic in his words, and it is a kind of magic that makes people feel a little disgusted. It is obvious that he said these words just to insult others, but they can't resist.

"The lost lamb, your birth represents your misfortune, but you are lucky, because you have come here in your limited life, came to Taiyi, and came to the only one who can guide you to The right place! Now, let go of the attachment in your heart, let go of the unsatisfied desire in your heart, and invest in the embrace of too much, and pursue the Taishen with us!"

The middle-aged man spoke and said loudly.

The demon in his voice became more and more powerful, and at the same time, there were countless people in all directions. At this moment, they were holding hands and surrounded Su Yun, singing loudly together with a spell.

It seems to be singing, the voice group has grown this magicality, Su Yun only feels that in the blink of an eye, his soul has been subjected to an unprecedented bombardment, and several desires to destroy.

He clenched his teeth, his **** red eyes gradually recovered, but he did not dare to let go of this attachment, and did not dare to let his boiling blood cool down.

Once it has subsided, everything will end.

"Are you a doorkeeper too?"

Su Yun clasped the dead sword and whispered as if the fierce beast roared.

"The lost person, are you still clinging?"

The middle-aged man did not answer his words and continued to call.

"So, you are not?"

The corner of his mouth suddenly raised a sigh of relief, and the man suddenly looked up and stared at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The man opened the book in his hand and seemed to be planning to confuse the next step.

However, Su Yun has no plans to give them another chance.

He lifted the sword of death and slowly lifted it up, and the blade went straight ahead.

The dark and strange sword is particularly conspicuous in this magnificent world.


Suddenly, the death sword trembled.

A sword sound is particularly harsh.

At this moment, the violent force instantly smashed out from the inside of the dead sword, and it was transmitted far, far away, like the ripples that swayed across the lake.

When this force emerged, the middle-aged man’s kind face suddenly changed, replaced by endless panic and embarrassment.

"Man, are you still willing to give up? Do you still have to obsess?? Destroy him!! Destroy him!!"

The middle-aged man shouted with a scream of excitement. He had already noticed the horrible suffocation released by the sword in Su Yun’s hand. These suffocating spurs were like sharp steel needles, piercing his heart and making him no longer able to Maintaining hypocritical kindness, hypocritical kindness, and the most essential attitude erupted in this extreme fear and fear.

As the middle-aged man’s shouts shouted out, all the people in all directions were all moving.

They only have Su Yun in their eyes.

In the eyes, there is endless disgust, hatred and murder.

The words of the middle-aged man immediately changed the attitude of these too many people to Su Yun.

They are like machines. They can change their actions immediately in one sentence. For the command of a high-level one, these are almost obedient, even if they want to die, they will not hesitate to execute.

Su Yun has been able to feel the mystery of the surrounding mystery. These mysterious vibrations emptied the void, and the soul of the tremors seemed to tremble the Holy Spirit and make the ghosts cry.

Anyone under such a terrible offensive will completely lose all their fighting spirit.

This power has transcended God and transcended the sky.

Everything in the world cannot be compared to it.

No one can compete with it.

Su Yun understands that after this attack, everything will vanish.

Everything will be completely rewritten.

Whether you are alive or dead, victory or defeat, the order of all heavens and bounds will be broken.

There is only one person who breaks this order.

That is myself!

I am not a savior, nor a destroyer.

I am doing all this, just for what I insist on in my heart.

The goodness of this world requires people to guard, but not me.

The ugliness of this world requires people to expose, but it will not be me.

The contest between man and heaven has never stopped, because people's desires are often larger than the sky and wider than the earth.

So, does the person against the sky really exist? Will the people in the land really be allowed?

"I don't know what you are pursuing, but I understand that what I need to guard is my supreme way. Anyone who hurts the way I want to guard, I will desperately kill it, even if I am eternal. Oh, dark, I will never give up!"

Su Yun whispered.

His eyes are almost blood red.

The body is full of powerful magic and evil spirits.

The dead sword in the hand is a sword that makes the gods shudder, and the fierceness is like a wave of tumbling, sweeping the entire Taiyi world.

Roar! ! ! ! !


The wind!

The sword's awkwardness!

People's jealousy!

The unyielding soul!

The dead sword trembled so hard that the palm seemed to be unable to catch it.

But he will not give up.

Because he understands that only by holding the sword can the Tao in the heart be guarded.

He suddenly looked up and looked at the mortal beings in front of him. Without a trace of mercy, he swung the sword in his hand!

In an instant.

The splendid one is replaced by dim.

The endless sword wind filled the world.




The human eardrum ruptures in a blink of an eye.

Three souls and seven babies want to leave.

There are countless cracks in the flesh.

This is a resounding sound that has resounded through the past and the world.

This voice will continue throughout the door and will not disappear again!

The whole Taiyi world is like being smashed by an ancient giant with an axe! Crazy swaying, the golden floating platform floating in the world of swords, all turned into dust, the statue collapsed, and the world cracked.

And the million people who are surrounded by Su Yun, like the scattered clouds, are all annihilated.

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