Limitless Sword God

Chapter 779: Come to an end

The words of the true demon lord are by no means alarmist. Now the phenomenon that everyone sees too much is too shocking. I am afraid that no one will believe that going out.

This is so strange, how can everyone be prepared?

Seeing that Shen Wuhuang suddenly turned around and said: "Now that there is such a thing out of the door, whether it is being destroyed or not, I am not able to move to the other side. This matter has come to an end. The emperor still has things, it will not Stayed, leave!!"

After all, Shen Wuhuang turned and jumped into a golden light, and he disappeared and disappeared.

"Go fast!"

The eight-toothed hands clasped the back of the head and said with a smile.

"Afraid to provoke a sigh."

"Oh? I am afraid of the power behind one door? Is he also afraid of Shen Wuhuang?" Eight teeth showed an unexpected color.

"He is never afraid of Shen Wuhuang, but since he is the master of the Wuhuang Temple, he is responsible for the people under him. When a person has his own performance, has his own responsibilities, and has his own mission, even He is not afraid of fear and will become shrinking. "The true demon lord faint.

After listening to the eight teeth, I thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "What about the Monarch? Is the Holy Lady handed over to them?"

"There is no other way. Nowadays, one person will evaporate instantly. Even if the saint is in our hands, it will not help. I think Shen Wuhuang will go back this time and try to erase the memory of this saint. After all, let her know. Taiyi is no longer there. I am afraid that she will probably be prepared for martyrdom. Shen Wuhuang’s face is dead and she does not recognize Su Shiluo. But she is actually very fond of this granddaughter. The people of Wuhuang Temple are very affectionate, but they have good face. This makes many people hate it."

"Oh, I hate it too." Eight teeth smiled and said: "This Su Shiluo, repaired to be very powerful, to erase her memory, I am afraid not simple, even the desire to be planted in her hands."

"This is not what we care about, or find a way to deal with the enemy of the future, and find the magic king."

The true demon lord said: "To restore the prosperity of the true demon, you must have a demon to inherit the tomb. I am not qualified. I can only rely on the demon. When he returns to the demon, he will be invited to the tomb. ""

He said as he drifted away from the Taiyi area.

Eight teeth looked quietly, and there was a trace of exhaustion on his face.

The war of the devils has made the people of all the worlds nervous.

However, paper can't hold fire. The eight teeth and the lord know that the thing that disappears too soon will be spread sooner and later, but what is currently done is just to do the best to conceal this thing, so that the true magic sect has enough Time to get ready.

Morning in Beiyang.

The spirit bird screamed on the treetops outside the house, and the array of sheltered houses gently turned, giving a wonderful sound like spring water.

Xiao Cui took a bowl of Ling porridge and walked into the house.


"Miss, are you awake?"

Xiao Cui whispered, although there was still some excitement on her face, although it had been a while, she could not escape from the joy.

This is just like dreaming.

"come in."

There was a soft voice inside.

Xiao Cui heard the sound and gently pushed the door in.

I saw a girl dressed in plain white clothes sitting inside the house. The girl sat quietly at the window, looking out at the blue sky and green willow outside the window, and there was a thick silence between the alum.

This is the Huairou Muyu!

Xiao Cui took the porridge and walked over.

"Miss, drink porridge, this is the best porridge cooked by the best cook in the Chamber of Commerce. Drinking can make your body recover faster, and it can also increase the amount of repairs. Let's drink soon." She said that the porridge was placed at the table and whispered.

"I have no appetite." Huairou Muyu gently shook his head.


"Xiao Cui, I found that I have many things that I have known before. My head is very painful. The memory is very chaotic. These days I have been thinking about one person, thinking about Su Yun." Huairou Muyu gently opened his mouth, and the tone was especially quiet.

She looked at the window sill, and the bottom of the scorpion was complicated and flashed, but she couldn't understand it.

"The leader of the Soviet Union said, you are seriously ill, and your body is still weak in all aspects, especially in terms of mentality. You must take good care of it. After the previous year, perhaps your memory will be restored. So please don't worry, this time Still don't think about it." Xiao Cui said with a smile.

"Is that Su Yun?" Huairou Muyu turned her head and looked at her.

"The Soviet Union Lord did not know where to go. Since he cured your wound, he left. It has been gone for several months now."

Xiaocui looked around and then approached the road: "Miss, you don't know what you are, after Miss Qianmei, the self-proclaimed leader, can be said to be standing at the head of the city, waiting for the lord to come back. The people who watched are worried." Very embarrassed, I want to come back when the ally, I think his face is very scary, I am afraid that I was injured, I don’t know where he is now, how is the injury?"

"is it?"

Huairou Mu whispered, his eyes flickering, I don't know what else to think.

"Right, Miss, I forgot to tell you, Master, they know that you are safe and sound, and everyone is happy. I guess, they should be coming to the main city, maybe it will be dark."

"What are you?"

Huairou Muyu whispered, however, the damage of memory made her unable to produce too much affection. Everyone around her was familiar and unfamiliar.

Maybe wait a year, then you know everything.

When Shen Wuhuang returned to the vicinity of Moshan, Su Shilu was still meditating, and the people of the Wuhuang Temple had surrounded her.

Seeing his father's arrival, Shen Xuexue and Su Shentian quickly went over.

"Hey, what happened?"


Shen Wuhuang shook his head.

"Father-in-law, what should we do now? Go to Tailu with a Luolu?" Su Shentian stepped forward and held a fist.

"Do not."

Shen Wuhuang immediately shook his head: "Take Luo Luo back to the Wuhuang Temple."

"What about the cloud?" Shen Xuexue was busy.

"What do you want him to do?" Shen Wuhuang glanced at her and said: "Your own daughter is not good, still manage him? Now can't"


Shen Xuexue still wants to say something, but listen to Shen Wuhuang Shen Dao: "Xue, I know your mood, but the current situation is more complicated than you think. Now you can't take Luo Luo to one door, never stop. No, and Su Yun may not be too big, so it’s useless to go, let’s take it back first.”

"The cloud is not too one door?" Shen Xuexue was shocked.

"Go back and say this."

Shen Wuhuang’s expression is particularly serious.

Seeing this look, Shen Xuexue knows that things are not easy, and they have not made a sound.

Just look at Shen Wuhuang quietly turned out a golden square box, and went to Susilo over there.

"Did you decide to start with me?"

Su Shilu opened his eyes and stood up.

"Shantou, you will have today, you can't blame you, you should blame you for your mother, blame your grandfather, but since I have already arrived here, I will not sit idly by you!"

"So, let's make a move. For the sake of the Word, I will choose to defend and die."

Su Shiluo's expression is very dull.

However, Shen Wuhuang did not give her a chance. He missed the shot and threw the golden box out of his hand. The box took off his hands, his fingers squirmed, and his fingertips shot a lot of fine white gas. These gases crashed into the box. The box opened immediately, and a large amount of golden light was sprayed inside, quickly surrounding Susilo's side.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang

The light suddenly became apparent and turned into a golden fence, which surrounded Su Shiluo.

Su Shilu immediately picked up Supreme Xuanqi to break through this cage, but she was just lucky, Shen Wuhuang rushed over and hit the palm of the golden cage.


Suddenly, the cage was full of gold, and the small cage was filled with death. Although there was a gap between the cages, this breath could not overflow, and Su Shilu was quickly overwhelmed by the golden gas.

"Hey, what did you do to Luo Luo?"

Shen Xuexue immediately became nervous and rushed to ask.

"Reassured, snow and snow, I just used her martial arts to seal her, just like ice, both let her live and let her completely lose consciousness." Shen Wuhuang Shen Dao: "This is the current The only way to control Luo Luo, her current thinking is still too one, the thinking is too extreme, I am worried about catching her, she will directly cut herself!" Shen Wuhuang Shendao.

"I think it's completely correct, so very good. I want to bring Luo Luo back to the Wuhuang Temple. I will go empty with God. I will ask the Master to ask for a return to Dan, and let Luo Luo serve."

"No need."

Shen Wuhuang shook his head and said: "Your master is free and dead."


Su Shentian and Shen Xuexue suddenly stayed.

"I want to be brainwashed by Taiyimen, and I am arranged to empty the interior for missionary work. Later, things are revealed and killed by the sacred sage."

Shen Wuhuang said.

When this statement fell, Shen Xuexue suddenly had a face that was very white, and people sat on the ground dumbly, covering their faces and weeping.

Su Shentian’s look was also very ugly, but he still did not show anything, but he squatted down and took his wife and whispered comfort.

"The spell that removes memory is not a high-end spell. It is easy to find it. I will let people do it. But during this time, I am afraid I can't get rid of it. This magic weapon needs to be sealed every day, otherwise I can't suppress it, otherwise I will take it out before."

"Then we will find the way to remember soon!"

Su Shentian Shendao.


Shen Wuhuang nodded and then directed at the other people of the Wuhuang Temple: "Let's go, back to the Imperial Palace."


The group stood up and flew to the sky.

The battle between Taiyimen and Zhenzong was officially closed.

But everyone knows that everything is not over.

(The following will be the fifth volume)

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