Limitless Sword God

Chapter 800: camouflage

A soldier ran to the ice shelf next to it and took a thin piece of cloth from the top. Although it looked like a cloth, it was covered with sharp and slender nails.

"First let him taste the bitterness of the cold nails, then cut off his hands and feet, and pour in the poisonous ice, so that he is not as good as death!!"

The ice county owner said coldly, and the delicate face was full of viciousness.

Su Yun was really shocked and embarrassed, such a little girl, how so vicious? Seeing that she is so light, I am afraid that it is not the first time to use this method!

Although Su Yun is not afraid of the pain of flesh and blood, no matter who he is, he is always unwilling to suffer in vain.

"I have done it, I am not playing with you."

Su Yun gave a sigh of relief and said.

This sentence popped up, people are confused by the face, but see Su Yun suddenly provoked the mysterious force, directly broke the chain, people sat up from the ice bed.

Seeing this scene, the ice lord and the soldiers suddenly jumped.

All the soldiers pulled out the ice skates at the waist and surrounded them. They pointed the blade at Su Yun.

The owner of the ice county was even more shocked and stood up from the chair. He quickly retreated and his back leaned against the wall.

How strong the chain is, these people know, but how easy is this guy to break his strength?

Just look at Su Yun's finger movement, quickly take a sword from the space pocket of the waist, spin the hand to the sword, a snow white sword flying out of the sword.

Lotus star sword.

Su Yun can control a lot of swords. However, because of the suffocation, he chose the Lotus Star Sword. This sword is much less arrogant than other swords. He holds it in his hand, but he has a cool feeling. The current stage of fighting.


Su Yun snorted and waved.


A large number of crispy sounds appeared, and the ice skates in the hands of the soldiers were seen. Without exception, all of them split into two halves.


The soldiers picked up the ice skates in their hands and were stunned.

The ice lord was even scared and pale. She raised her hand, and the trembling forehead pointed at Su Yun. She was anxious: "kill him! Kill him!! Kill him!!!!"


The soldiers took a breath and screamed one by one and rushed straight.


Su Yun raised the sword at the moment and waved it.


In an instant, the blade of the Snow White Sword pulled out a large number of slender white chains and flew around, tying up all the squares.

The ice lord did not escape, and the man was **** by the chain and fell directly to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, everyone is all subdued.

Su Yun came down from the ice bed and walked step by step to the ice lord who fell to the ground with a smile on his face.

"How can you break free of this chain? You are not only a spiritual one?" A person of the product cannot break the chain."

The ice lord shouted in horror.

"Who told you that I am just a spiritual one? Don't trust your feelings."

Su Yun reached out and grabbed the chain on the ice county, like a chicken, and placed her on the ice bed.

The ice lord just got on the ice sheet, and immediately chilled and shivered, and the delicate little face also filled with a pale frosty color.

Su Yun raised the sword.

"Don't kill me, I beg you not to kill me." The ice lord saw the snow-white sword and scared almost to cry. However, when the tears just came out, they were frozen, and a grain of teardrop like pearl rice. It fell on the ice bed.

Su Yun saw it and smiled lightly.

"Reassured, I will not kill you, you still use it."

"What do you want to do with you??" The ice lord was even more alarmed. She seemed to think of something bad. A pair of scorpions clutched Su Yun tightly.

"I don't have to think about it, I have no interest in you."

Su Yun said disdainfully, and then searched for what was on the soldiers. After a while, a shiny key was taken out by him.

He walked to the end of the ice hug, opened a jail door that was empty, and threw the soldiers in and closed the door.

Then he returned to the side of the ice county, raised the lotus star sword, and closed his eyes again.

The lotus star sword shines again, and it is divided into two strands. One is scattered on Su Yun's body, and one is scattered on the body of the ice county.

When the magical scene occurred, the body of Su Yun and the princess was completely filled with light. Then the two changed, and there were only three breaths before and after. Su Yun’s face turned into the appearance of the ice county master. The ice lord also became the appearance of Su Yun.

The ice lord eyes widened and looked at the people in front of him incredulously.

Illusion is the most common and simple technique in the world, but it is easy to be seen. For those who are high, these inferior techniques have no effect.

However, the ice county chief was horrified to discover that the illusion of the person in front of him did not have any flaws. He could say that he was exactly the same as himself. If you really want to distinguish the difference between this guy and himself, perhaps there is only the past behavior and speech. Demeanor.

However, Su Yun did not intend to maintain this state for a long time. She first walked out of the cell and shouted: "Come."


After a while, a prisoner ran over and greeted the courtesy.

"Fast speed to call the horse."


The prison head left.

Su Yun, who became the main character of the ice county, sat in the chair at the other end, waiting quietly.

The ice lord saw it and his face was extremely ugly. She noticed that Su Yun’s goal was not only her own, but also Li Yuma! !

"You mean this little villain, what do you want to do? Let me go soon, or you can't walk out of the cold country!!" The ice county chief shouted, but her voice at the moment was the voice of Su Yun. It looks like Su Yun, who would still believe her words?

Su Yun just glanced at her, did not have much reaction, and even did not say a word, just sit, let the ice county owner yell.

The ice county is very cold, and Su Yun’s move has made her anxious, and she has struggled for a long time.

But it has no effect.

"See 驸马爷!"

At this time, a voice was heard outside the gate.

Then, a heavy footstep quickly moved here.

The ice bed turned into a Su Yun-like ice county master, and even more anxious.

"Sister husband!! Brother-in-law, be careful, that guy becomes my appearance, it is not good for you!"

The ice lord shouted, but the voice she made was the voice of Su Yun, which made Su Yun feel very uncomfortable.

It’s too creepy for a big man to say such a thing.

Outside the Li Wei Ma Wensheng, naturally, he hurried in. When he saw the ice county owner and the ‘Su Yun’ lying on the bed, the nervous face immediately relaxed.

"What is the situation?" asked Li Weima.

However, the ‘Ice County Lord’ did not speak, but just pointed at the person lying on the bed.

Li Xiaoma. In the eyes, she was a little confused, and when she did not know what to do, she turned to look at the ‘Su Yun’ on the ice bed. However, this time, he noticed that it was wrong.

The Su Yun on the ice bed was not chained, but was tied by a snow-white chain!

But seeing this 'Su Yun' screamed: "Sister, be careful, that guy is not a spirit of heaven, he used the mystery to turn me into his appearance, and he became my look, he wants to You are not good! Be careful!!"

"What do you say?" Li Xiaoma was heard in the clouds. He didn't know what the ice county owner was saying. What did the two exchange? But he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

and many more!

Li Xiaoma suddenly remembered something.

I have seen the enthusiasm of the ice in the past, but why is it so cold today? ?

He suddenly turned around, but he saw the ice county master did not know when, has stood behind his own, is looking at himself with a smile


"You should believe what she said." Su Yun grinned, the disguise of the two men was instantly removed, the 'Su Yun' on the ice bed became the appearance of the ice county master, and the 'Ice County Lord' also restored Su Yun's It looks like it.

Li Xiaoma was shocked, but he still did not wait for a reaction. A sword immediately reached the pulse in front of his chest.

Li Jian Jian Feng pierced his body, from the distance of the air but a few hair strands, Jian Qi has wrapped the gas.

Li Xiaoma quickly stopped his body and did not dare to move. As long as he moved, he would be cut off by this sword! !

"Well, fortunately, you choose not to move, otherwise, I have to abolish you."

Su Yun smiled and smiled.

"I am afraid that it is not a spiritual refinement for a spirit? Who are you?" Li Wei Ma Shen Sheng.

"I don't matter who I am. Anyway, I am not a spy of Jiang Guoren. I have to tell you this."

"You are not a spy of Jiang Guo?"

"I am sorry to tell you that you have caught the wrong person."

"Then why are you doing this? Do you have to say it clearly?"

"Speak clearly? Can you give me the opportunity to say? And, I said, would you believe?"


"Well, we don't have to go deep into this issue, let's talk about other things."

Su Yun said: "Now, I want you to do something right away. You better cooperate with me. If you cooperate well, you and the ice county owner can be safe or not. If you don't cooperate well, then it is a pity. I can only send you away!"

"What do you want me to do?" Li Xiaoma's face was heavy.

"It is not a very difficult thing. It will be very easy for you to upload a message to the Han Guohuang City. Tell your wife, the princess of the cold country, that the ice county owner is injured! Some things are not Wonderful, let her immediately take the best spiritual doctor in the Imperial City to come over! In addition, I also sent people to inform Wang Ye this thing, but this requires two people, one person to inform the news, another person Two days to set off, tell him that the ice county owner is innocent, on the way back, let him wait with peace of mind."

When Li Yima heard it, his face changed: "Do you?"

"Let's do it faster."

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