Limitless Sword God

Chapter 816: Report message

The prince is dead?

Li Guangyuan couldn't believe his ears, stayed for a while, then clung to the soldier's clothes and whispered: "What did you say? Who is dead?"

"Prince is dead!! General! The Prince is dead!!"

The soldier screamed exhaustedly.

This embarrassment shocked all the soldiers present!

People stared at the soldier, each face was full of shock

The two countries fought, the Prince of a country died! What a shock? If this is to be passed out, what kind of heart is it?

It stands to reason that the Prince was captured by the enemy. It should be taken as a hostage. However, Jiang Guo let the Prince die. What is going on? What can this explain? This is only to say that Jiang Guo does not need the Prince to be hostage, right?

The soldiers were a little panicked. They looked at each other and their eyes began to be confused. The failures and bad news that have been repeated one after another have completely defeated their self-confidence.

They even began to doubt whether they could defeat the Jiang State. Now that the city is occupied, Jiang Guo is like a tiger, slowly licking the land of the cold country. However, the cold country has no action, but it has expelled the chilled people who fled. .

"You must be lying to me!! Good end, how can the Prince die??"

Li Guangyuan naturally refused to believe that he pushed the soldier away and whispered: "You have to believe that this is a rumor. It is Jiang’s deliberate attempt to let him spread this rumor, with the intention of cholera!"

"General, how can you dare to do this? The following sentence is true. Jiang Guoren has sent people to return the body of the Prince. I believe that the body of the Prince will be sent back soon."

"Tow it, it’s smashed!! Hey!!"

Li Guangyuan refused to believe at all. Hearing the voice of the soldier was more like an angered lion, roaring.

The first few Ling Xuan emperors came directly to the front and raised the sword.

But at this moment, the soldiers shouted again.

"what is that??"

"The general there! Look at it!"

People looked at the sound, but they saw the wind and snow in the distance, and came over a team of people.

These people are wearing gray armor, especially in the snow, and looking at it, about thirty people, and in the center of the team, is a huge wooden coffin, they carry the coffin and come quickly, in the crowd The 100 meters stopped and the coffin was removed.

"It’s Jiang Guo’s people!!”

A soldier screamed, and everyone suddenly blew up the pot and went straight to the 20 people.

These Jiang Guo people were scared, and quickly retreated, and they shouted in their mouths: "Stop, don't fight, we just come to give away!!"

"Send someone? What person?"

"Get them first and say it!!"

The soldiers of the cold country are crying, and everyone’s face is full of anger.

The soldiers of the Jiang State saw the situation in a critical situation and did not hesitate. They immediately opened the coffin cover.


In an instant, everyone’s attention was concentrated in the coffin.

There was a cold body lying in it, it was the Prince.

His soul has already dissipated, and a large hole has been broken in his chest. He can see the frozen internal organs. If you look at it carefully, you can find that all the blood vessels and veins in his body are broken, as if they were hit by the violent mystery.

Li Guangyuan pushed the soldiers away and rushed to the coffin. When he saw the people inside, he suddenly stayed.

Not only him, but other soldiers are also paralyzed.

When the soldiers of the Jiang State saw it, why wouldn’t they seize this opportunity? Everyone fled in the direction of the dynasty.

"Catch them!!"

Li Guangyuan reacted and immediately yelled.

The masters of the Ling Xuan Emperor suddenly shot, and their body shape flashed. More than 20 Jiang Jiang soldiers were all brought back.

These Jiang Guo soldiers were obviously frightened. They shivered and looked at Li Guangyuan who was coming in horror.

"How did the Prince die?"

Li Guangyuan came over and grabbed a Jiang Guo soldier and roared angrily.

"He is suicide"


"Your prince is indeed committing suicide. He is afraid of being hostaged to coerce you to the cold country, so he committed suicide. We are ordered to return the corpse to you."

The soldier was afraid of tightness and his speech was intermittent.

However, Li Guangyuan is more and more annoyed, and the more he listens, the more violent.

"Kill it!! Kill it!! Kill me all!!"

He whispered, and at this moment he has lost the wisdom of being a general.


Just then, a low cry came out.

Li Guangyuan looked at it smoothly, but he saw Su Yunchao coming over here.

"What are you doing? How? Is it difficult for you to intervene?"

Li Guangyuan clenched his fist.

"The two armies are fighting, don't you come to make it, don't you understand this rule? They just come to return the corpse of the prince. You can't help killing them! What's more, the information in their mouths can be quite a lot. Isn't it a pity to kill? ?"

Su Yun is a light road.

"What do you want to do?" Li Guangyuan irritated.

Su Yun did not pay attention to him. He directly grabbed the soldier and asked: "I asked you, is your marshal dealing with the body of your prince?"

"I don't know this, but the prince is indeed dead in the marshal's military camp. He shattered all the qi, and even the soul was destroyed. When we found out, he was already dead."

"So, most of the things of the Prince are in the hands of your marshals."

Su Yun touched his chin and thought.

The man did not speak.

But Li Guangyuan already knows what Su Yun is asking.

However, he did not stop, but sneered again and again: "Most of the time, if you want to get Dragon Ball, I think you still have to go to Jiang Guo talent line!"

Su Yun glanced at him, no snoring, turned directly and looked at the sky.

Li Guangyuan did not stop it, let him leave, and after Su Yun left, he turned his head and rushed to the side of the soldiers: "There are all the Jiang people who have taken it. In addition, the news of the late Prince is not allowed to be disclosed. I will report it to you and make a decision!"

"Yes, general."

"Transport the prince's body back to the city."

Li Guangyuan said hoarse voice.

I believe that the mood of all the soldiers on the scene will not be more complicated and more sorrowful than him. The death of the Prince seems to be indicating what he is. He not only can’t believe it, but can’t believe it.

After leaving Gucheng, Su Yun did not go far, but lingered on the edge of Gucheng.

Although Su Yun does not like jealousy, his dedication is quite admirable. However, how serious is his death? The cold country will be shocked by the whole country. The Han Guojun will also fight with Jiang Guo. At that time, the Jianghan world can be really chaotic.

After a few sighs, Su Yun met several ice city and repaired it. After asking about the Jianguo route, he went straight.

Now it is better to first explore the whereabouts of the dragon bead. The battle has not yet begun. It is necessary to lock the position first. Otherwise, once the war breaks out and the situation becomes chaotic, it will be difficult to retrieve the parts.

Stepping on the flying sword, Su Yun is flying all the way to the river.

However, compared with the two countries, Su Yun obviously prefers the climate of Jiang Guo. Although there are more rivers and rivers here, the temperature is not as cold as that of the cold country.

I jumped over the ice city, turned over several mountains, and walked through two vast plains. Su Yun finally came to the border city of Jiang Guo: Yucheng.

Yucheng is in a mountainous area surrounded by mountains and mountains. These mountains are covered with enchantments and large arrays. The entire city is like a bunker. It is difficult to capture. It must be known that the influence of the terrain on the war of the spiritual masters has already been Very small, only the strength of the enchantment and the power of the seal can control the victory or defeat of a siege war.

The ice city is stationed only for the leading troops of the Jiang Kingdom, and their large units are all assembled in Yucheng.

Su Yun has not yet arrived in Yucheng, he has already smelled the horrible mystery of the overflowing city.

The soldiers did not practice. They just sat together on the ground and meditated. From afar, they could see the sergeants who were sitting cross-legged in the mountains and everywhere. They were everywhere.

Su Yun rummaged through the space bag, found out the thousands of bones that had not been used for a long time, turned into Jiang Jiang soldiers, and then used the holy robes to shield the breath and modified it, so he went so far.

The soldier standing at the whistle just glanced at him and did not speak, let alone block.

Su Yun is all the way through.

"Hey, which camp are you? Don't know if it's time for cultivation now? Don't hurry to meditate for Laozi!"

A military officer glimpsed Su Yun who walked into the city, suddenly annoyed and shouted.

"Adult, I sent the body of the prince of the cold country, and now I have to go back to the marshal to return to life." Su Yun said. His illusion is one of the 20 Jiang Guo soldiers.

When the officer heard it and carefully smashed Su Yun, he called out: "Hey, what was your kid? Your boy is back? Oh, isn’t it, isn’t there a dozen brothers with you? How come you are alone?"

"This question is still waiting for me to report the marshal and tell you."

Su Yun was too lazy to talk to this screaming officer, and he ran to the city directly.

However, after a few steps, he suddenly found himself not knowing the road, and then pulled the officer back.

"Mother, what are you doing?"

"Adult, I am a little nervous in my heart, or you will go with me to see the marshal."

"Hey, let's order it! Go, come with me."

The officer snorted and hurried forward.

With this officer leading the way, Su Yun all the way is unimpeded, straight into the city, and walked about a scent of fragrant incense, the two finally came to the city center of the city.

The officer was near the city government and immediately shouted.

"Military newspaper! Urgent report! I have to wait for an urgent report to report to Marshal adults!!"

The guard at the gate of the city’s main government stunned two people and said: “Wait.”

After that, I went to the government.

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