Limitless Sword God

Chapter 824: Preparation

Hey! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The horn sound seems to shatter the sky.

When the falling snow came to the valley city, it was already self-destructive. At this moment, the mysterious power inside the valley city was very rich, and the ordinary snowflake could not pass through this horrible mystery.

I saw the inside of the valley full of moving figures, the sky is all over the world, people quickly gathered toward the city gate, black pressure, especially spectacular.

"Everyone sticks to their position, and everyone on the wall gives me the spirit!! There can be no slack!! The warrior is dead!!"

"Each enchantment point and the source must be strictly guarded, the enchantment patrols back and forth, and the enchantment is cracked, and it must be repaired in the first time!"

"Every enchantment must have a hundred soulful spiritualists stationed, ready to charge the enchantment!"

"Everyone is in place, no fear of war, no fear of death! This war, decided that I will live and die, Jiang Guoren will not let us go, we only have a deadly battle, there is a possibility of survival! All give me a battle!!!! !!"

"Now, everyone is on the wall!!"

The sound of snoring sounded in the inner wall of the city wall, and all kinds of noisy voices converge.

Everyone in Gucheng is tightly stretched, and people's eyes are looking into the distance, staring nervously at the enemies that are slowly approaching here.

There are not many Jiang troops in the present, and there are only tens of thousands of troops before and after. It is a fantasy to attack the valley city, but everyone knows that this is definitely the leading force.

However, there are tens of thousands of leading troops. How many troops should there be?

People can't imagine it.

At this time, in the distant army of the Jiang State, a person slowly flew out. This person was wrapped in a large number of apertures, holding a flag in his hand. This is the messenger sent by Jiang Guo.

The Han national army on the head of Gucheng City spread out on its own, and a group of people took to the head of the city. The leader of the country was Li Guangyuan, the general of the cold country, and the young man who was with him was the grandson of the grandson.

"I am the emissary of the Jiang State, my marshal has something to say, don't hurt!!"

The voice swayed.

Li Guangyuan raised his hand and gestured to everyone to shoot. Until the man approached the wall, he shouted: "What's the matter, just say it!"

"Who are you?"

The messenger questioned.

"I don't know Taishan! This is my cold country, the general of Li Mayuan, Li Guangyuan!! You look at your eyes!"

The generals next to him, however, shouted loudly.

The messenger sneered, did not refute, and said directly: "Is the General of the Terracotta Army? You listen, my marshal asked me to come to this place personally, just to let me! To convey the meaning of my marshal. My family marshal said, everyone is Jiang Hanjie, it should be a family, and now the family is divided into two, the Jiang Hanjie chaos, not everyone wants to see, now, I am on Jiang Guosheng, the gods Inheritance, by the essence of the sun and the moon, can be called the destiny of God, is the supreme saint, to be the Lord of the cold, will be able to benefit all beings, if you are willing to surrender in the city, return to my Lord, not only can the Jiang Hanjie avoid one The battle of the field will make the Jianghan world reunite at an early date, and there will be no disputes. Therefore, no matter who it is, it is a great blessing! Therefore, please also disarm and worship."

"Oh?? Going to say, are you coming to persuade?"

Not waiting for Li Guangyuan to open, the grandson of Changong smiled openly: "Since you are so loyal to the people in the cold of the river, it is better for you to surrender to our cold country, so is the result the same?"

"Your holy is incompetent, and if he sits on the Lord of the Cold, he will only harm the sentient beings!"

"You!! Mix!!"

When the messenger finished speaking, everyone was furious.

"I don't think you are willing to surrender. If you do, there is nothing to say."

The messenger said coldly, then turned directly and ran to the army of Jiang Jiang.

"Damn, Jiang Guoren is too mad, a small order, so arrogant!!"

"It’s too deceiving!!"

"I want to make Jiang Guoren look good!"

The people of the cold country on the wall were filled with indignation and anger. The attitude of Jiang Guoren made them completely angry. Everyone wanted to rush down the city wall and fight with the Jiang people.

Although Li Guangyuan was full of anger, he did not choose to speak at the moment, but let the order make him crazy and arrogant! He knows that the morale of the Cold Army is now low. This order makes it completely help to boost morale. What he wants is the effect.

He turned and looked at the densely chilled people behind him. He took a breath and shouted: "You! Have you seen it??"

As soon as he spoke, everyone calmed down and his eyes focused on him.

Li Guangyuan did not dare to waste time, seized this opportunity, seized the emotions of everyone, and shouted loudly: "Have you seen it?? Have you heard it?? He! Jiang Guo!! A small order, order Make!! Can be so rampant, dare to be so arrogant, dare to put a big word in front of my cold country! Dare to be arrogant in front of my cold country!! Can you bear it?? You can watch it like this Do they have such an attitude?? He Jiang Guoren will not put my cold people in the eyes now. If I wait for the defeat, how will they treat our cold people, have you thought about it?"

"Yes! Jiang is strong, but how strong are they? Are we afraid of the cold people? We are fighting for ourselves, fighting for our country, and they are? They are just a group of wolves, greedy jackals! A real Warriors, can you still fight the wolf??"

"They invaded our land, killed our compatriots, seized the souls of our loved ones, and refined the evil remedies for them. All this is hatred, it is a **** vengeance!"

"Today, I will fight with you. Whether your cultivation is high or low, strong or weak, it doesn't matter. I only have the courage to have the courage to dare to fight against those wolves. I am not afraid of war in the Han people. We will fight for our own country, for our loved ones, friends, and lovers!!"

"Now!! You told me loudly, are you afraid of not being afraid of them?"

"Not afraid?"

The sound of snoring shook the sky, the men and women were thick and thick, and they shouted loudly.

"Don't you dare to throw a blood on your head for the cold country, to shed the last drop of blood, just to drive out those who invaded our cold country??"


Roaring again, one after another! !

This angry cry spread throughout the valley and inside, and the Jiang people who came here came to listen to it clearly, and at this moment, Su Yun in the distant mountainside of the mountain, naturally heard.

Li Guangyuan’s words directly ignited these cold people, and the military’s heart was condensed and morale was high.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

At this moment, his skin is a little red, his eyes are also bright red, very strange, the snow in his body has melted into water, and the surrounding temperature is also a bit higher.

This is the effect of the bath blood matrix, blood boiling, at this moment the strength, speed, and part of the mental power have been improved. Fortunately, the body's suffocation is suppressed by the Fengchi sage by the power of the phoenix tree. Otherwise, this bloodline will cause suffocation.

He breathed a sigh of relief, stepping out of the **** battle, and stepping toward the dark, big side.

The main purpose of the bathing bloodline is to improve your mental strength and protect your mental strength from mental damage. The increase in strength and speed is not within Su Yun's consideration. However, the sacred robes have greatly reduced the effectiveness of this mental protection.

However, Su Yun has taken this into consideration. Now, look at the dark array next to it.

He set foot on the black big array, stood on the source, crouched down, reached out and swayed on the dark lines, his fingertips rubbed the lines, a little mysterious force spilled from the fingertips, along the lines spread.

What Su Yun learned in the real magic sect is not only those of the eight-toothed professors, but also a large number of magic sects. The true magic sect is very subtle. The Tianwu Continental genius is also derived from the true genius. Learning in the past made some of the broken ruins of the previous generation in the Mozong sect perfected, and this squad is what Su Yun needs most.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom

At this time, there was a bang in the sky, and a strong murderous face came.

Su Yun opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

But behind the leader of the Jiang Guojun, there was a larger, more intense cloud.

This cloud is almost obscured by the sky, the sky is grayed out, especially spectacular, and the drum sounds emerge from the inside of the gray cloud. In addition, there are a lot of roaring sounds like wild animals, shouting. The sound of the sword coming out of the sword.

The repressed atmosphere is full, and the horrible war is suffocating. What are these, I am afraid that everyone knows.

It seems that Jiang Guo is trying to recreate the cold country here in Gucheng.

Once the cold country is defeated, the whole country will inevitably fall apart and cannot compete with the Jiangguo. It is also a matter of time before the Jiang Kingdom swallows the cold country. Now, it depends on how the cold country responded.

Su Yun took back his sight and landed on the dark circle under his own.

Xuanqi has been arranged, and the next step is to activate the big array.

He took the snow-white lotus star sword from the sword behind him and pierced it into the source next to him.

Close your eyes and meditate

Xuan Li a little bit of the Lotus Star Sword into the array of the law, the entire large array slowly running up, a little black smoke overflowing from the formation, on this white ground is extremely conspicuous.

Waiting for the meditation of about half a column of incense, Su Yun suddenly opened his eyes sharply, a little bit of the whirl of light in the depths of the scorpion




A stream of light is shot from the inside of the lotus star sword and hits the black matrix source.

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