Limitless Sword God

Chapter 833: Absorbing Dragon Ball

Su Yun is not good at illusion, and because of the sacred robes, his resistance to illusion is much worse than usual. However, he is prepared, and the two forces on the body are preparing for this illusion. .

Su Yun succeeded in dragging into the illusion, and his whole person was stuck in the same place, as if he had lost his soul. The river maiden smashed this effort and immediately seized the illuminating medicinal herbs thrown by Xuanyuan. go with.

This medicinal herb is full of fragrance and abundance. It is obviously not a leisurely medicine. The medicinal herbs enter the body and immediately begin to moisturize the eye, so that it produces a steady stream of mysteriousness, re-enriching the body of the Virgin River, although I have eaten Su The dark loss of the cloud is in a downturn, but with the help of this drug, she is fully able to restore her peak state in a short time.

The re-emergence of Xuanqi, so that the Virgin of the River has a lot of confidence in defeating Su Yun, she looked up in the direction of Su Yun, intends to re-target the enemy, but was surprised to find that Su Yun has disappeared.

This kid? Where have you been?

Her heart was shocked and she quickly tightened her nerves and glanced around.

Su Yun's speed is too fast, and now the defensive magic weapon has been broken, she must guarantee her own safety, although she is a great perfection, but once it is close to the spiritual person, it can be fatal to her. of.


There are no Su Yun figures around, and even the breath does not exist.

what happened?

The river was not astonished and suspicious, but soon, she suddenly thought of something, and quickly turned her head and looked in the direction of Xuanyuan.

But I saw a figure standing next to Xuanyuan.

He was quietly approaching, and the spiritualists around Xuanyuan did not find the existence of Xuanyuan! !


The Madonna of the River is shocked.

Su Yun actually lifted his illusion so quickly? Isn't that his vulnerability to illusion is very fragile?

Xuanyuan secretly gritted his teeth, his face overflowed with sweat, although he was very angry, but he did not dare to shout, because at this moment, the snow-white long sword in Su Yun’s hand has been firmly placed on his neck, tightly attached. His skin.

As long as Hu Lai, this sword must not hesitate to cut his neck and tear his soul.

"His Majesty!"

The people around him reacted, and their faces were white and nervous surrounded by Su Yun.

too fast.

This guy is not only invincible, but even the speed is afraid of no one can reach!

However, Su Yun did not care about these people. He stared directly at the river and the Virgin of the river. He said, "Don't try to use your strange mental spells anymore. I can lift it once and lift it for the second time. If you A spiritual spell can't kill me, so if you die, it will be your monarch!!"

"You don't want to mess! Hugh wants to hurt your knees!!"

Our Lady of the River is in a hurry.

"If you don't mess, I won't mess!!"

"What do you want?"

"Dragon Ball!!"

Su Yun directly read these three words.

However, the three characters fell, but the Virgin of the River hesitated.

"It seems that the components of a magic weapon are not as important as the life of you Jiang Guojun. Oh, if that is the case, then I don't have to be polite. I can't do this. I don't want this dragon ball!"

Su Yun sneered again and again, the murderous flashes, after the words, this has to be done.


The river lady is busy shouting.

Su Yun stopped the action.

The sight of the Virgin of the River falls on Xuanyuan’s body, hesitating for a moment, saying: “The king, this dragon bead”

"I didn't expect that I was so incompetent in Jiang Guo, and I couldn't keep a small dragon ball!"

Xuanyuan’s face floated with anger and unwillingness.

This sentence fell, and everyone on the scene was guilty.

However, although Su Yun is only one person, but powerful, they are also helpless.

"Would you give it or not?" Su Yun asked.

"You want it! I will take it. This is a good thing, but it can't be compared with you!"

Xuanyuan no longer hesitated this time, throwing a box directly.

"Isn't it a trick this time?"

"Oh, let's say it! Then give it!"

"Oh, it was the same before, what you said is like fart!"


"I will believe you once, if you take a fake thing to lie to me, I can guarantee that I will not ask you if you want Dragon Ball to come to that time, I can only take it myself."

Su Yun is a light road.

He has lost patience.

Xuanyuan heard, the heart was not tight, opened his mouth, but did not speak.

Su Yun took the box, swept his eyes on the river, and then left.

The man took a box and walked a thousand miles, and soon disappeared.

Su Yun left, Xuanyuan and others are naturally safe.

The Virgin of the River and other people are also secretly relieved. Although this trip, everyone has expected Su Yun to appear, but today, his strength is beyond the imagination of everyone, and this kind of existence is not easy. thing.

Xuanyuan’s face was very ugly. He glanced at the crowd coldly, his fists screaming and dying, and his face’s anger was already very obvious.

People are a little nervous, one by one with a low head.

Although Jiang Guo has a large number of masters, but in front of Su Yun, but as nothing, the role of a little bit can not be achieved.

“A group of waste is a bunch of waste!”

He whispered.

"The king is angry."

The Virgin of the River whispers: "This person has a sacred body, not a lot of people can be enemies, but also need to prescribe the right medicine, find its weakness, can break it."

"You are not saying that he has a sacred body, a knife and a gun, and the defense of the spirit of the mystery will be very weak, but now? Your spiritual mystery can't do anything to him!"

Xuanyuan Road.

The Virgin of the River is not panicked, but owes a debt, saying: "The king, this time, the crime belongs to me, I don't know the real means of this person, I don't know if he has the precaution, when he appeared, I He noticed that he was covered with two forces of India. These two forces were very magical. They echoed each other and built a weak armor that was shrouded in his body. It seems that this person has long guarded us. He should also know his weaknesses."

"So? This is the reason why you failed to make you humiliated?"

Xuanyuan cold and cold.

"I have no intention of shirking responsibility. The river has a negative grace and is willing to be punished. But I also ask the Majesty to give the river a chance to sin. The river will inevitably recapture the arrogant life and reclaim the dragon 溟zhu. ""

The River Goddess.

"But people have left, I don't know where to go, how do you make it happen?"

"The king said this, although this person has a dragon and a bead, but it will never leave the cold of the river. The dragon is a product of the cold world. If it is used in a place where the yin and yang are too heavy, it will be The effect has been greatly reduced. The Han Guojun Jun Tianba has not used Longzhuzhu for many years. It is known that the border of the Han Kingdom is not suitable for use. Therefore, he wants to invade the Jiangguo City Pool and use the Dragon Ball in the soft water of Jianguo. I will use the effect to the limit and help him break through the current cultivation. This person is both a dragon and a pearl. He wants to know something about Dragon Ball. I think he will take Longzhuzhu in Jiang Guojie. Digest, will leave the Jianghan world!!"

When this statement fell, Xuanyuan’s face showed a slight improvement. He stared at the Virgin of the River and said: “What do you mean?”

"The king, the land of soft water, there are only three places in the whole country, we can send people to find, to find his hiding place, then immediately send someone to take it, you can recover everything."

"However can you find it?? How can you take the next few people?" Xuanyuan sounded an octave and a low voice.

"The king does not have to worry. Before confronting this person, it is a means for me to be unknown to each other. Now that I know, I will have preparedness. This time I will not lose my hand again. What's more, we can choose the time for this action. He will be unable to guard against the hand!"

"Choose time?"

Xuanyuan brows a move: "What time is it?"

"Nature is when he is ready to absorb Dragon Ball."

Said the Virgin of the River.

Xuanyuan heard the sound and was silent.

I don't know how long it took, he just looked up and said, "Suddenly, you can't lose your hand again! Otherwise, if you don't return Longzhuzhu, you will bring your own items to the head."

"This time will not be a good grace."

I got the Dragon Ball, and Su Yun took the road and set off on the border of Jiang Guoguo.

The Virgin of the Rivers said that it is good to absorb dragons and pearls. It really needs a place of soft water.

However, Su Yun also considered that the Jiang Guojun will go out of his way and start again. However, it is also impossible to kill the Jiang Guojun. Otherwise, when the monarch dies, Jiang will see himself as an enemy. The entire Jiang people will come to find their own troubles. At that stage, they will only be more troublesome. How can they absorb the dragons and pearls?

In order to avoid trouble, the current task is to quickly find a place of soft water, absorb the dragon's bead quickly, and then leave the cold and cold land this right and wrong.

He took out the part and put it together with the broken dragon's bead. In a moment, the dragon's bead overflowed with dazzling color, which directly burned the eye. This beautiful halo is almost fascinating and difficult to extricate.

Su Yun clasped the dragon's bead and stepped on the flying sword. The speed rushed to the extremely fast and madly attacked.

Although he is not a person in the Jianghan world, he has already prepared for this to win the Dragon Ball.

Once Dragon Ball has succeeded, it will be absorbed immediately.

Entering the border of Jiang Guo, Su Yun all the way to the west, after about half a day of hard work, came to a lake island.

Jiang's climate is warm, spring is blooming, rivers are numerous, and rivers and lakes are everywhere. Compared to the cold country, the scenery here is even more intoxicating.

Huxin Island is an uninhabited island surrounded by a vast lake. The lake is magical, with no wind, but it is self-proclaimed.

Su Yun went to the island and immediately ran to the center of the island.

There is a white sunflower there.

When you are close, you will sit directly on the front of the white sunflower, pick up the dragon's bead and put it in your mouth.


Dragon 溟 beads under the belly.

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