Limitless Sword God

Chapter 836: Demarcation

Cultivation is a cyclical process. Anyone who breaks the process has a variable result. As for whether the variable is good or bad, it depends on the conditional factors.

Taiyi’s master’s cultivation is afraid that he has passed the Lingxuan Emperor, and is the master of Ling Xuansheng. Under the fierce sword, he said that even if it is a more powerful existence, it is also a smog, and Su Yun Fortunately, he swallowed his three souls and seven scorpions. Such a huge amount of energy, I do not know whether it should be said that it is a creation or a chance.

After repairing to reach the peak of the seven spirits of Ling Xuan Emperor, it will be slowed down. However, Su Yun knows that the seven realms of the realm are not afraid of waiting for a long time. The speed of cultivation and the speed of cultivation are also a thousand miles. I don't know how many spiritualists can't match.

After three days, the dragon's bead on the lower abdomen dimmed, and its surface glow was so weak that it was like a candle that had reached the end of its life.

Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and a touch of smoke spilled from the corner of his eye. At this moment, he seems to have a rotation on Sundays, and the sun and the moon alternate in the depths of Huanren. This is an unclear feeling of vicissitudes floating in all directions.

Su Yun got up and felt that he was licking every drop of blood on his body. Every piece of meat, at this moment, seems to have come alive, and it is like a life. He looked down and looked at it. Everything in this week can be heard by both ears, looking up at the sky, the stars outside the sky, the senses, speed, strength, etc., at this moment have been overwhelming The change.

This is not the change brought about by the promotion of the Seven Spirits of the Spirit.

It is the change given by the power of Dragon Ball.


At this time, Su Yun’s abdomen made a crisp sound, and he saw that the Dragon Ball, which was still wandering around the abdomen, suddenly slammed and stopped rotating.

The internal forces have all been exhausted.

The suffocating gas in Su Yun’s body disappeared as much as possible. The three souls and seven scorpions of Taiyi’s main body were thoroughly digested.

He closed his abdomen, opened his mouth and spit out the gray stone.

This is a beautiful figure, but the spit is gray and the surface is uneven. When it falls, there is no sound, and it turns into a powder. , completely disappeared.

This treasure of the king of the country and the cold country, but now it has disappeared forever on this Fengming Lake heart island.

Su Yun sighed and did not move around, but sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.

Although Long Yuzhu combines the power of Qi and the power of Taiyi, it combines this power with its own divine power, complements it, and then injects it into Su Yun's body.

Whether it is the strength of Dragon Ball or the power of this suffocating and soul, it is not Su Yun's ability to compete, and it is not acceptable to Su Yun. Su Yun originally thought that Long Zhuzhu could help him to offset this power. However, today he discovered that Feng Chi Xian said that it is not all right. Long Zhuzhu can help him control his anger, but it is not digestion, but noisy.

It wraps its own strength in the shape of a circle with the power of the scorpion and the soul, intending to spread over the whole body of Su Yun, fully integrated into his body.

At first I thought it was offset by Long Zhuzhu, but now I feel that it is not the case.

However, the dragon's divine power is not like the suffocating power. At any time, it is possible to swallow the soul of the human being. The power of it is the power of femininity, which will not affect Su Yun. Now, it takes time to digest. This force makes it slowly merge with Su Yun.

If the suffocating gas in Su Yun was a chronic poison, then it can be said that after Su Yun took a drug, the drug was integrated with the chronic drug, and it was turned into an unprecedented tonic effect on his body. in.

The energy given by this tonic is huge. Today's Ling Xuan Emperor is only the first wave of efficacy, and will stop when all the effects are exerted. That is to say, at this moment, Su Yun, the speed of cultivation is faster and more violent than before. He does not even know that his cultivation speed is already many times faster than ordinary spiritualists.

However, it is not enough to repair it, and it must be followed by the state of mind. Otherwise, Su Yun will be like the county of the cold country, and the temperament is like a child.

However, this cultivation is more difficult than self-cultivation.


Suddenly, thousands of miles away, a strange voice suddenly came in.

Everyone around the heart of Fengming Lake, everything, Su Yun has already felt, and their words and deeds are also in the eyes of Su Yun, but this voice is especially special.

As soon as he rushed into Su Yun's perception, he immediately rushed toward Huxin Island, and his performance was hurried, apparently purposeful.

Su Yun turned his head and glanced in that direction.

It is a spiritual master wearing a military uniform!

It seems that Xuanyuan is still not dead.

Su Yun frowned.

When the man approached Huxin Island, he stopped. He placed several magic weapons on the ground, circled around Huxin Island, spy on the situation on the island, and left in a hurry.

Later, more Jiang Guo spiritualists emerged in all directions. They surrounded the island in a ring shape, and they placed magic weapons on the ground to see their movements, not only in the situation of Peking Island, but also more like Arrange what enchantment

Su Yun stood up and swept around. These spiritualists did not know that all their movements were under Su Yun’s eyes.

Although the current Su Yun is not afraid of Jiang Guo, it is better to have less than one thing. Since Long Yuzhu has been digested by himself, it is the best policy to leave this right and wrong earlier.

After thinking about it, Su Yun immediately jumped into the air and jumped into the sky above the sky. Then he sneaked into the sword and rushed toward the boundary of the river.

The Jianguo eyeliner around that only saw a thin line leaping into the cloud and disappearing. It was too late to tell if it was human or something else.

Su Yun is very fast at this moment. If it was before, he would have spent at least half a day from Fengming Lake Island to Jianghanjiekou. However, at this moment, it was a fragrant effort, and people arrived at the border.

Near the boundary, the air ripples in the air.

Su Yun's face was so heavy that it didn't feel good and stopped immediately.

He took a deep breath and secretly urged Xuan Li to look at the border. Although there were thousands of miles away from the border, the grass and trees at the mouth of the border were in his eyes.

But seeing the direction of the border at the moment, has been surrounded by countless Jiang Guojun, they are lined up in ten lines of defense, each line has nearly 10,000 Jiang Guo soldiers, more than a hundred masters, Ling Xuan Emperor level exists endlessly, The defeat of the Cold Army, but also the ability to bring up so many troops, can show the strength of Jiang Guo.

It seems that Xuanyuan knows that he will be aware of him. He has already made preparations and directly blocked this border. It is located at the intersection of Jianghan and the two countries. However, after the defeat of the Cold Country, the land of the city was occupied by Jianguo. It has also been included in the territory of Jiang Guo.

At this moment, Xuanyuan, the river and the Virgin Mary and other masters are standing in front of the cold ice water pool, this water pool has actually set up an honor guard team, it seems that it is welcoming something.

Xuanyuan and the rivers and rivers of the Virgin can not take their own, most of them are invited to help the experts, or only rely on these, not to kill Su Yun, afraid that it is difficult to catch him even.

Su Yun stared at the pool and pondered for a moment.

It takes at least 20 minutes to open the waterhole gate. At this time, if the river **** is using spiritual spells for himself, it is difficult to resist. In a hurry, he did not set up a mental defense. However, it is too late to go to the framework. The existence of even Xuanyuan and the Virgin of the River are personally greeted. I am afraid that the coming will not be a general generation. Su Yun has 70% confidence that the people who greet him will be called specifically. To restrain one's own, Jiang Guo's eyeliner has been spread all over the Fengming Lake Island, which is to monitor his own movements. The entire Jianghan community is a big prison for himself.

He took a deep breath, thoughts and thoughts again and again, what he thought of, turned around and rushed to Fengming Lake Island.

His speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to the island of Huxin.

Scanning a circle, those eyeliners are still there, but they rely on the island of the lake closer, presumably it has not captured the traces of Su Yun before, just want to get closer and find out.

Before Su Yun returned to the white sunflower, he took out the lotus star sword and injected it into the mysterious spirit. The lotus star sword immediately burst into a beautiful light, went straight into the sky, and arranged various magical patterns on the sky. It is very beautiful.

Those eyeliners were attracted by this vision, and some people immediately turned around and rushed toward the border.

Su Yun saw it and did not hesitate to take some of the materials used in the space bag and paint it on the ground.

Then the white sunflower was pulled out, and the mysterious spirit and the power of the holy robes were injected into the inside. In a moment, the white sunflower was wrapped in bursts of light, especially gorgeous.

On the ground, a sly pattern was drawn on the floor, killing the two beasts on the island, taking the blood and printing it on this line.

The rush of this cloth, the materials are temporarily found, so the power is not great, but enough.

After the array was good, Su Yun inserted the white sunflower in the center of the array, and then raised the lotus star sword, and waved at the sunflower.


After the low drink, the lotus star sword smashed out the white light and caged to the white sunflower. After a moment of kung fu, the sunflower changed and turned into the appearance of Su Yun. The 'people' sat on the print. Closed eyes, motionless, seems to be practicing.

When Su Yun saw it, he immediately turned around and plunged into the air. He stepped on the top of the sky and flew toward the border.

At the same time, under his body, there were a large number of Jiang Guo masters. These people were like crazy, and they rushed directly toward Huxin Island. The speed was extremely fast. Everyone’s face was full of anxiety, like rushing. what.

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