Limitless Sword God

Chapter 852: Yin and Yang

As soon as the treasure bag was taken out, the scene around Su Yun suddenly changed, and a layer of red and white fog was swaying around it, especially gorgeous, dreamlike.

Su Yun hasn't reacted. What happened when he happened? In his surroundings, he picked up a lot of light beams. These beams were especially glaring, and the colors were different. The light column lasted for a while, and then slowly disappeared. Su Yun looked again, only to find that each of these beams was a delicate box of slap-sized size.

"It’s all baby, Su Yun, you are rich."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Su Yun was shocked, looking sideways, but seeing Ling Qingyu did not know when he stood by his side.

"When did you come out?"

"You dragged a big statue into the sword, can you not know?"

Ling Qingyu gave him a glance and said: "I have some insights during this time, and I am quiet in it. It is rare to be quiet, and you have come again."

"The situation is urgent, and I have no way."

Su Yun said apologetically.

"You guy, since I started to know you, I haven't seen you stop." Ling Qingyu snorted and then looked around and asked, "Where are you here again?"

"The ancient tomb of the true demon sects the forbidden land, and the true demon sect is the crown of the great devil."

Su Yun laughed.

"No wonder the magic here is so thick."

Ling Qingyu smashed his eyebrows and his eyes fell on the treasure boxes around him. "You open these boxes faster and see what is inside."


Su Yun did not hesitate to open the treasure box inside.

In the first box, there was a small piece of iron with a round copper coin. The iron piece was rusty and there was no color. Su Yun pinched it up and looked at it for a while. There was no mystery, no energy fluctuations, and even a little halo.

"Is this baby too?"

He was puzzled.

"The quality of a thing is not to look at the surface, but to look at the energy contained inside it, to see its essence, but this thing should not be a magic weapon, perhaps just a material."

"Leave it first, maybe I am currently inferior and can't see how powerful it is."

Su Yun put the piece of iron into the box and threw it into his own space bag.

Open the second box.

The inside of the box was empty, but it spewed a ray of light and sprinkled around. In an instant, a lot of golden text appeared on the light curtain around Su Yun.

He looked around and read it carefully, and found that this was actually a slogan.

"If I want to smell it, the devil leans against the heart, and the real thing is a dream, burning like a dark."

"The static movements are all one, the yin and the yang are like one, the heavens and the earth have no spacing, and the sun and the moon seem to be connected."

"The only heart can accommodate, the inch is not out of the soul, Fuhui has nothing to ask for, and there is no fear of evil."

"The soul is free, and the people are fascinated. The fingers are super-initial, the chaos is Xiaosheng, and the eternal life is hidden."

Su Yun eyes staring at the words, and his mouth is carefully read.

After a lap, both of them have sentiment.

"This seems to be a mystery about illusion."

Su Yun is sinking.

"Well, it's very subtle, I don't know which one is created by this high-ranking person. This word is all three souls and seven souls of the spirits. It is really amazing." Ling Qingyu stared at the words and said: "Su Cloud, you sit down and start practicing."

"Exercise?" Su Yun screamed: "How? Do you want me to practice this method now?? Practices can be done in a day, but not too eager, and the conditions here are not allowed. what."


Ling Qingyu snorted and pointed at the treasure box: "You still don't understand? You only have one chance."

"What chance?"

Su Yun felt inexplicable, and his eyes moved to the treasure box, but just a glance, people were shocked.

I saw that the treasure box is slowly cracking and decaying at the moment. It was also dazzling before, and now it has become plain.

“The treasure box is self-destructing?”

Su Yun cursed his eyebrows.

"Not bad."

Ling Qingyu nodded.

"If you destroy yourself, you will destroy yourself. These words are just three hundred words, you can write them down at a glance. I have already remembered them in my chest. What if I ruin them?"

"The heart of the three hundred words is not too much. It is said that it is a spiritual master. Even ordinary mortals are afraid to remember all of them in a short time. If this is the case, destroy the box that records the mind." Don't you think it's more than one thing?"

Ling Qingyu approached the box and closed his eyes. It seemed to be feeling. After a while, he opened his eyes and said: "However, the owner of this box will not make such useless actions. Su Yun, this box is self-destructing. It is also exuding a wonderful energy. This energy seems to be a prerequisite for the cultivation of this mind. Su Yun, if you don’t take the time to start practicing, if the treasure box is self-destructed, then you have to The peerless mind has been lost."

When I heard Ling Qingyu’s words, Su Yun suddenly became stunned. Why dare hesitate? Immediately sitting cross-legged in front of the treasure box, closed his eyes, began to spurt the operation according to the description of the surrounding text.

The speed of the self-destruction of the treasure box is not too fast. It is estimated that Su Yun has at least eight hours of time to be used for cultivation.

But what kind of mind can learn in eight hours? If you learn this way, there is no such thing as a mystery.

Everything is about the gradual progress of the cycle, but the speed is not up. This kind of mentality is so fast for people's cultivation, is it really powerful?

I thought so, but after careful understanding, Su Yun found that he was very wrong.

There is yang in the yin, there is real in the imaginary, the sun and the moon are connected, and there is no distance between the heavens and the earth. This method of mind is clearly the illusion that the big magic shadow guard used to deal with himself! !

To be honest, in fact, the previous test of Su Yun did not count as defeating the shadow guard, but opportunistically taking control of the statue. This completed the test. If it only competed with the front of the film, with that weird attack technique, It is very difficult for Su Yun to win.

I did not expect that I had the opportunity to learn this kind of mind.

Su Yun’s heart was filled with emotion and was also delighted.

This mysterious mind has a very domineering name, called yin and yang, and there is only one layer in the whole heart. It can be learned. It is the most pure illusion, but it is also the most complicated method. The most important thing about the sacral method is the illusion of freewheeling. Once this illusion is born, it is equivalent to forming an absolute field in its own body. Anyone close to this field can forcibly break into and enter the illusion, and the so-called illusion belongs to Su Yun's own world. He easily disguise himself. The offensive has made the fierce killings become nothing, and the clouds are light and windy, making people's defenses impossible.

Such a mystery, who does not love? Su Yun seriously understands every word in the mind, and his eyes are focused and concentrated.

Eight times of practice will be a mysterious mind, and the difficulty can be imagined. At this moment, Su Yun not only needs to understand them, but also needs to practice according to the meaning of the above. According to Ling Qingyu, this treasure box is self-destructive and exudes a unique energy. This energy is an introduction to Su Yun. Only its traction can make Su Yun successfully learn this yin and yang.

Illusion is the most common spiritual spell, but illusion is also ever-changing. Some illusions can change their image. Some illusions can make the mountains and mountains disappear. Some powerful illusions can make a spiritual immersive person immersed in illusion forever. I can't extricate myself. This is a spell that uses spiritual fluctuations as a carrier to spread around, thus affecting the consciousness and spirit of others. It is often said that the mind is the heart, and the illusion is the technique of attacking the heart. If you control the consciousness and spirit of a spiritual person, So, how hard is it to defeat this spiritualist?

Su Yun raised his hand, gently swayed, his eyes closed, and his not so strong mental fluctuations began to tremble.

According to the description on Vientiane, he began to try to spread his spiritual energy.

This is not a very difficult thing. In a short while, Su Yun has successfully spread his spiritual energy. Although it is not strong, it is enough. After all, he is still practicing such a mysterious spiritual spell for the first time.

Of course, it is far from enough to learn to release spiritual fluctuations. This yin and yang is like between the virtual and the real, between the yin and the yang, between the heavens and the earth. What it pursues is not the illusion of illusion, but the imaginary In fact, there is a virtual reality in reality, and the reality is illusory.

If blindly illusory, how powerful can it be? Just like the original sacred sage, it is clear that Su Yun has been controlled, but it is difficult to destroy his spirit and make it easy to take advantage of.

However, Vientiane is too subtle and the control requirements for mental fluctuations are extremely high.

Its launch is not a pinch, a spell can be called, what it requires is to release the mystery at any time, quietly, quietly, so that the opponent can not detect that he has been dragged into the illusion This is not a requirement for speed, but a requirement for responsiveness and skill. Of course, the control requirements for mental fluctuations are very high and extremely strict.

Fortunately, although Su Yun does not understand spiritual spells, his spirit is strong enough. After so many experiences, his spirit is particularly firm and honest. It is not difficult to learn this yin and yang.

Ling Qingyu stood by, and his eyes looked at Su Yun.

As the treasure box slowly self-destructs, the surrounding fonts are slowly losing their luster.

Su Yun looked at the past one word and one sentence, and realized the past with one word and one sentence. At first glance, I thought that the three hundred words are very simple, but now I am stunned, but I feel that there are too many three hundred words, time is tight, one minute is one. Seconds can't be wasted.

Time passed slowly.

"It has already passed three hours." Ling Qingyu was quite anxious, whispering: "Su Yun this guy, can you practice?"

Su Yun did not have a bit of a wave of look that made her anxious.

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