Limitless Sword God

Chapter 958: Kicked off

"Dirty bugs, what do you mean?"

Then Li Zhimen lowered his head and stared at Su Yun with a gloomy face.

His voice was quite large, and the nearby celestial people turned sideways and looked at it.

Su Yun is quite puzzled. What kind of person is Li Zhimen? Just saying such a sentence, makes him so angry?

"Li deputy master! Momo wants to be angry, the sect of the faction is not that meaning." Xiangyang next to the sweating, said quickly.

Su Yun listened, a slight glimpse: It turns out that this guy is the deputy lord of the Haoyang Temple. No wonder that the sentence made him so angry.

However, the words have already been said to go out, and there is no possibility of recovery.

Su Yun looked up at the man and said faintly: "There is no meaning in the next, just not willing to answer your words."


Li Zhimeng’s anger could not immediately bring Su Yun out of this venue, and he taught him. However, Su Yun is still in the air, not paying attention to him, and will not care about his present expression.

Seeing this look, Li Zhimen’s anger is even better.

"Do you really think that this is the Yueling Palace, I can take you no way??"

Li Zhimen gritted his teeth and said: "I advise you to ask Xianzong people to apologize to me soon, otherwise you will regret it!!"

"Do you want to be here?"

Su Yun is a light road.

"It looks like you don't see the coffin without tears!!"

Li Zhimen was cold, he had to do something, but he just moved, a big hand suddenly came out from behind and pressed on his shoulder.

Li Zhimen glimpsed a little, turned his head and looked away, but he saw that it was Yue Zhenren and others!

"Yue Zhenren?"

Li Zhimen was surprised.

"Haha, Master Li, are you here? Let me find it, come here! Li Dianzhu, I have prepared a long time for you, let's have a drink in the hall!!!"

Yue Zhenren laughed.

When Li Zhimen saw it, he still wanted to say something, but the enthusiasm of Yue Zhenren made him unable to stand up, and soon people were dragged away.

Seeing the sun, the sigh of relief.

The people around the fairy saw no drama, but they also took their sights back.


"Yue Zhenren just didn't want to make a situation at this ceremony."

"In any case, adults, please also low-key, in fact, some things, endure a forbearance will pass." Xiangyang quite complained.

If this matter is left open, do not say whether Su Yun can end, simply saying that his identity as a demon has exposed how to solve it? Although Xiangyang was intimidated by Su Yun, once Su Yun was exposed to his identity, he would certainly not be able to go anywhere.

"I know." Su Yun nodded secretly. There is no rebuttal. As I have just said, he should be whispering, maybe it will be fine, although he will lose some face, but sometimes, for a moment, he will not be able to make himself disadvantaged for this person. .

The heart is still to be improved. Su Yun thought.

The end of the conference was very fast. After one day, the people at the meeting would say one by one. Then Li Zhimen was also left with a red face. After all, it was a fairy wine, and even the immortals could not hold it.

This meeting Su Yun has nothing to do, but he also knows what sects and sects are good, and what sects and sects are hostile. This line cannot be said to be a waste of time.

After leaving Yueling Palace, Su Yun and Xiangyang immediately returned to Zongmen.

Just after returning to the Zongmen, the round magic immediately found Su Yun.

"Devil Lord, you can be regarded as coming back. After you went to Yueling Palace yesterday, one person went to the true demon, and sent a letter to the deputy lord. The deputy lord did not see it, let me hand it over to you! Please also Look over!"

The round demon took a letter with white light and handed it to Su Yun.

"Who knows who the messenger is?" Su Yun took the suspicious letter and questioned.


The round magic is low.

The words fell, and Su Yun’s hand was not a stiff.

"Imperial? Go to the Devil?"

"Not bad." The circle nodded. "The man came alone. He only said a word, "Give this letter to your demon king," and then he left. It’s coming fast, going fast, and being a fairy. Qi, the strength is good, I don’t know what the fairy world is!"

This can make Su Yun’s heart avatar covered with a veil of infatuation. He picked up the letter and hesitated for a while, then opened it. The letter was a blank piece of paper. A series of large letters that are condensed:

Shenyun Xiangong has been sent to migrate to the unparalleled faction. There is no danger at all. I worry that you don’t know where to go and search around. So I will send someone to inform you that she is safe now. You can rest assured. Shangguan stayed in the city.

Su Yun saw it and he was relieved.

It turned out to be the letter of the Shangguan Allure, so it seems that the immortal must be the unparalleled person.

Is this unparalleled faction a fairy martial art school? Where did the people of Shenyun Xiangong go? Wait a minute, don't you say that you are now in the fairy world?

Su Yun’s heart is quite excited. This is going to call Xiangyang, ask about the situation of the unparalleled faction, and intend to go to the unparalleled faction to see it.

All in the fairy world, finally it is convenient, take a chance to see her recent status, is not better than everything?


He hasn't called Xiangyang yet, and the round devil has stepped over again, yelling at Su Yun and clenching his fist: "The devil is an adult, it is a day."

A few words popped out of his mouth.

"Change the sky?" Su Yun turned his head and looked at him.

"It's about Miss Su's child." The round devil whispered: "Now, all the heavens and the world are circulating, Miss Su Liner has the body of the gods! And it is the body of the Holy Spirit!!"


Su Yun was stunned.

"The sacred body of the Holy Spirit is not polite, even if it is a fairy, it will be crazy for it, because once you get this body, you can directly help them into the gods!!"

The round magic is low.

"Where did this news come from?" Su Yun asked urgently.

"True demon!!"

"True demon world?" Su Yun stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought that before the real demon world sent a large number of monsters to attack the Shenyun Xian Palace.

When I think about it, he understands that Shangguan Allure is afraid that he has already known that the news has leaked, and he went to the fairyland to seek the shelter of the unparalleled faction. The people of the real demon world dare not go to the immortal world to let the news out, create chaos, and seek chaos. Waiting for an opportunity.

"Now, the people of all the worlds have been crazy about this news, the body of the gods! It is their body that goes to heaven, how much power can not reach the last hurdle, enter the realm of God, and this body is their opportunity, Adult, what should we do?"

The round magic is low.

"There is no need to worry about the heavens. They can't kill the fairy world even if they are crazy about the body of the gods. The only thing to pay attention to now is the movement of the immortals, and I don't know how the people of the unparalleled are in the end. They are not. I am very trusting in the Shangguan Allure, the people of Shenyun Xiangong, but I am ignorant of this unparalleled faction!"

Su Yun is sinking.

Su Yun’s current strength, unless the Wanshang people join hands, it can’t be the opponent of the real devil world, but the fairy world is different.

"Adults rest assured, I have sent a few eyeliners yesterday to go to the unparalleled faction, and there will be a mess, I will immediately inform me."

Said the devil.

Su Yun’s time to join the true demon is not short. For Su Yun, the round devil also has a good understanding. What Su Deer represents for him, the demon is very clear, if Su Deer had an accident, it was very Unlucky things.

"So good."

Su Yun nodded and thought for a moment, saying: "This is a different matter. We are afraid that we will not stay out of the way. If they can know that they have the body of the gods, I am afraid that they will know the true demon of the true demon. She has contact, the elders of the demon, tired of running for a trip, quickly go to the true demon, tell the eight teeth, let him make some preparations as soon as possible."

"I understand."

The circle nodded and the child turned and left.

But he didn't take long before he returned, but he returned.

"The demon elder, what else?"

Su Yun looked at the round magic, but found that he just left the door for a while, then the face of the sinking color, it is a matter of heart.

But see the round magic lightly took a breath, whispered: "Return to the Monarch, just have a disciple to report, someone has gone to the unparalleled faction"


Su Yun looked shocked.

Actually so fast?

"The disciples came to report that there were three roads to the Xianjiamen School. They went to the unparalleled dignitaries under the banner of the sacred rules. They said that they were unaccompanied by the unparalleled people of the world, and they would be harmed by the immortal world. Send people to expel these people from the fairy world!"


Su Yun whispered: "These people are nothing more than hoping that they will leave the celestial world, and they will have a chance to start!! Once the Shangguan Allure and the sorrow have lost the shelter of the unparalleled faction, they will be persecuted!!!"

The round is not a word.

"What is the attitude of the unparalleled faction?" Su Yun asked again.

"I still don't know, the unparalleled faction has not yet spoken, but this is only the front." The round magic smashed the lower lip and whispered: "Maybe, there will be more fairy sects coming to the unparalleled faction, whether it is the big fairy or the small fairy. The moment the pie will not hold back soon!!"

Su Yun has a big eyes.

Yes, for the body of the gods, in order to be able to enter the realm of the spiritual gods, these immortals are absolutely crazy. Here is the fairy world. They can’t do it, but if they are not in the fairy world, they will be able to do whatever they want.

Can't panic, this time definitely can't panic!

Su Yun took a deep breath and calmed down. He bowed his head for a moment and said: "You will immediately give me the information of the sentiments to the unparalleled faction, fast! In addition, the people who gather all the spirits and spirits, whether it is Ask the celestial celestial person, it is the real devil, I need a power!! Absolutely useful power!!!"

Su Yun looked very serious. Although he did not know what he was going to do, he did not dare to neglect and immediately turned to do it.

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