Limitless Sword God

Chapter 968: Time is running out

The problem popped up, and the people present were not good.

What is Su Yun doing? Questioning Xianting?

He is so bold! I dare to say such a thing.

People looked at Su Yun one by one, and the horrified look pervaded everyone's face.

Fa Ling and Fa Xing turned and stared at Su Yun, and the two had a stiff look. At this moment, it was already filled with incomprehensibility.

"What do you mean by this?"

The law is awkward.

"What? Isn't this obvious?"

Su Yun snorted and expressed some anger: "After the secret of the body of the gods, the heavens and the world have completely shaken, especially the people of the fairy world. It is not long before the secret is passed out, there are dozens or even Hundreds of sects rushed to the unparalleled faction, and they used force to slap their heads and hand over their heads. They couldn’t follow the door. These fairy doors were directly hands-on, especially the angry abbot! Dare to ask that time, they thought Have you ever thought about the fairy tales? They have already considered the celestial rules? This matter must have been known to Xian Ting, but why did Xianting people delay judgments against those people? Or do they not blame the public? Or say that Xianting people are afraid The power of those sentients, and therefore chose to ignore? If this is the case, I just want to say a so-called Xianting, but it is nothing to do!!"

The words landed, the front hall was silent! !

These people's eyes are brushed on Su Yun's body, some people are even more rounded, no one can believe that Su Yun actually dare to say such words.

I don’t know how many years of Xianting have been established, but those who have questioned Xianting in these years have never been.

"Su Yun, don't want to say nonsense, Xianting has the rules of Xianting, they will do things according to the rules, you don't have to worry about this."

The unparalleled seems to think that Su Yun’s words have gone too far, and he immediately opened his mouth.

"I just talk about things. If you feel that I am wrong in Xianting, I will ignore them. I am just a small person. I am not serious about words. If there is any offense, please forgive me." Su Yun said faintly.

"You are not a fairyland person. You first entered the fairy world. I don't know the situation of the fairyland. I understand that in fact, although the fairy world has rules that no outsiders are allowed to enter, this rule is not dead, and the punishment is not heavy. It is just to limit those who want to. It is only necessary to enter the celestial world to improve the greed and spiritual cultivator. As for what you said, Xianting ignores the sinister events of the hundred gates. In fact, I am not sitting idly by. For these sects, Xianting is already formulating relevant triggers. I have stipulated, and began to count all the sects involved in this matter, no matter who they are, they must not be arrogant, they must be punished, and you are still at ease."

That law said seriously.

This statement fell, and the unparalleled face looked good. He nodded again and again: "If this is the case, the unparalleled faction will send a gift to Xianting."

Xianting came out to be fair to the unparalleled faction, and the unparalleled faction also had face. If you only rely on the unparalleled faction, it is impossible to settle the account. After all, the number of participating fairy gates is too large, and he does not want to be the target of criticism.

The law nodded, and the child said: "The power of Xian Ting can't be challenged. We won't allow anyone to commit crimes. Today's business is over. I should wait for it. If you still have anything to tell us, You can always send someone to find me in Xianting, and report me the name."

After that, the two turned straight and stepped away.

There is no arrogant gesture, but it does not give a sense of humility.

Su Yun saw it, and his heart was lighter.

If the Xianting people are really so fair, then they will stay in the fairy world, but they will be safer than other places. There is not only the unparalleled protection, but also the Xianting people staring. I believe that after this incident, The triggering implementation of Xianting, no one dared to chaos again.

"Xianting people really have a well-deserved reputation. There are these people. It is no wonder that the fairy world has been peaceful for years, and it has become the mainstay of the world."

Shangguan Allure said with emotion.

However, the unparalleled but gently shook his head and did not answer.

When the Xianting people left, Su Yunte gave a sigh to the unparalleled voice, and led the devil to the back garden. The two were alone for a while.

I haven’t seen it for so long, and both of them miss it, and there’s a lot more to say.

Since Ziyue Xianguo, San Suer is almost worried about Su Yun, worried about its safety, and Su Yun is also the same, plus all kinds of cumbersome things, almost did not let him collapse, and now it is safe, He was also relieved, and he felt that the pressure on his body was much smaller.

When the two talked about the meeting, they were warm together.

Su Linger’s warm and watery eyes looked at a dark blue grass in the garden, licking the lips, whispering: “Young master, now my god’s body is no longer a secret, the heavens. Everyone in Wanjie wants to get me. What should we do in the future? Do you hide in the unparalleled faction for a lifetime?"

"Reassured, such a day will not last for too long, I will find a way to end this." Su Yun smiled slightly and comforted: "When these are over, I will take you back to Tianwu mainland, and then find the 爹Mother, our family is round and round, and we are no longer separated."


Su Pan’s eyes looked at Su Yun, and there was such a picture in his mind that people could not help but get drunk.

Su Yun smiled and nodded, but although he said so, he was confused in his heart.

Can this really end? Can the body of the devil be solved? If you don't get rid of this spiritual body, everything will not end, not to mention the situation on your sister's side is not very good.

He sneaked his forehead and felt a headache.

Su Dinger can only stay in the unparalleled faction at the moment. If she is here, she will be more than just ask Xianzong, and the immortal means will come to an end. It is similar to asking Tian Baoling that there will be no less. So it is useless to escape anywhere. Only relying on absolute force can get the so-called security.

The current strength of Su Yun is still not able to challenge the people of the world.

Must be faster to improve the strength!

Su Yun secretly vowed to leave the unparalleled faction and return to ask Xianzong alone.

Asking Xianzong to get a large amount of resources, instead of having to work hard to exploit resources, but to use these resources, these things will be handled properly, and he also has his own things to do.

The first thing is the thing of Su Shiluo.

Su Yun sneaked a lot of Xianpai and practiced in the special world for a while. During this time, Susilo had been waiting impatiently, and returned to Taiyi as early as possible.

With the lessons of the previous car, it is obviously impossible for Su Yun to make another Susilo, and Su Shilu can't leave her because she can't leave her. She can't even brainwash her. She can't go alone. Right? Although he is very confident in his willpower, he does not dare to despise the power of the temptation of Taiyi. If he is successfully brainwashed, it will be all over.

The difficulty of stealing Ling Xiaocai is too great. In fact, when Su Yun sneaked into several sects, he thought about attacking Linglong Palace. However, there were not many people in Linglong Palace, and most of the troops were still in the martial art. Even the head did not leave, but in desperation can only give up.


Just as Su Yun sat alone in the main hall and thought about what to do next, a demon ran in and screamed in.

Su Yun looked up and suddenly felt like this, this person is called the devil, is the magic man he sent to monitor Taiyimen.

"what's up?"

"Returning to the Lord of the Monarch, the Virgin Mary retired yesterday, but repaired as a step back, seems to have lost the injury." The devil said respectfully.


Su Yun was shocked and stunned. He was shocked for a long time. After a while, he recovered and secretly pinched his fist. He whispered: "You keep staring at one door, there is any wind and grass, report to me soon!!"


The magic words hold the fist and immediately retreat.

When I heard the news of the magic words, Su Yun’s heart was actually half cold.

This day has finally arrived.

Susilo’s time is running out.

Repairing as a retrogression, and sudden injury, is not caused by external factors, but the role of no sinister rebellion.

Now Susilo's Supreme Taixue has long surpassed the original super-guard, and even can be compared with Taiyi's master. However, she can't escape the death of a single person who was defeated by the supreme and mysterious!

If she can stop practicing immediately and be too arrogant, there will inevitably be saved. However, those who are deeply trapped in one door will not give up the sacredness. Even if they will be countered, they will continue to cultivate, just like The moth is like a fire.

How to do?

How to do?

Su Yun’s fist was pinched, and his face slowly began to pick up.

He does not want to lose this sister, do not want to lose loved ones! !

Otherwise, he will regret his life, regret for life!

However, there is not much time left, and if you continue to drag on, there will be no more chances! !


He made the decision!

"Come on!!"

The magic man outside the door rushed in, kneeling in front of Su Yun: "The devil!"

"Let the devil come to see me immediately!"


The man nodded and the child left.

After a while, the round magic entered the main hall.

Then I saw Su Yun stand up and take all the tokens from the waist and throw them to the round magic.

The round sorcerer stunned, looking at these tokens, asked the sect of the sect, and also the order of the lord, he is not a fool, vaguely guessed what.

"Magic Lord, this"

"The round demon, I have to leave for about a month. In this month, the real devil and the matter of the immortal, I will give it to you!"

After all, Su Yun walked outside the hall, and his attitude was firm and he could not resist it.

The round devil opened his mouth and wanted to persuade, but he did not know what to say. In the end, he only spit out a question: "Where is the devil going?"

"Too one!"

The low voice floated from the door.

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