Limitless Sword God

Chapter 971: dispute

These scenes made the hundreds of immortals laugh, and the bursts of smug laughter rang out of the door.

"Ha ha ha ha, is this the strength of a single door? Even a big brother's finger is not as good!"

"Is this too weak? Is this strength still open?" I don't know how to be high."

"I really don't understand why the third brother chose to join such a martial art and was killed by this evil girl!"

Those immortals talked to each other and looked at Susilo when they were full of disdain.

On the other hand, Taiyimen did not show disappointment or disdain. They still looked at their saints and still looked at them quietly. Susilo gave them thoughts that they thought that Susilo would not Losing, no arrogance is invincible.


Even Susilo would think so.

But Su Yun over there will not.

Immortals are immortals, while others are weak, but there are also strong anti-sky existence! In the end, Su Shilu is a person who came from the world of extreme weapons. In such a short period of time, she could not immediately have the means to defeat the immortal. Although it is indeed terrifying, it is true that the immortals have been practicing for thousands of years and have exhausted. Is it just in vain to get the chance?

Not all immortals are afraid of being too sinister.

The current one, Su Shilu can not easily win, the other party not only repaired to completely crush her, even the fairy, is her dozens or even hundreds of times, if she has Ling Xuan Xian repair, to that The strength of the stage to promote the super-extraordinary spirit, the effect of the display is absolutely amazing, crushing the opponent is not a word, but now she is not, the current repair is urging too much mysterious, afraid that it is fundamental I can't take the breath of the other party.

However, if you can't take away the other's scent, you can't rely on Taixuan to win. Su Shiluo's only means of winning is gone. How can he beat the other side?

not to mention

The current Su Shiluo is still suffering from injuries, and it has long been inconvenient to push the sacred spirit. If the battle continues, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"too weak!!"

The man with the sword shook his head, although he was very surprised when he looked at Susilo, but at the moment his sword had already appeared, and his face did not have the slightest affection of the jade, his eyes glimpsed, and the sword rushed. past.

Full of murderousness, like a waterfall pouring down, wrapped it directly into Susilo!

He participated in this battle with the determination to kill each other. He will not have any mercy, and will not stay.

This sword contains all the power of a master of the four spirits of Ling Xuan Xian. The fierce momentum has already cut open the void, shattering the messy atmosphere of the Quartet, pulling the sky and hooking the power of the stars. What a complicated and powerful blow, and how violent and powerful.

Although Su Shiluo did not have the color of fear on her face, her hands that accumulated no arrogance were a slow shot.

Probably she also knows that this person is not good at dealing with this, and most of the blows are not answered.

She took a deep breath and slowly closed her eyes, and there was a strong resilience in the depths of her body. For Taiyimen, death is not afraid at all. They should have no joy, no sorrow, no fear, no fear, even if they are to be killed, in their view, this is just to enter the line that they yearn for. Awkward world.

Su Yun knows that if he does not take the shot, Su Shiluo will be killed. The existence of today is not a general generation, and he does not know which way.

Taiyi’s actions are afraid that the fairy world cannot be tolerated. Perhaps there will be more and more such things in the future.

The fairyland is not a world of extreme martial arts. The original Taiyimen was built to be the pinnacle of the world of extreme martial arts. They are arrogant and arrogant, and even if they provoke public anger, they can fully rely on their original strength. Confronting any existence of the extreme Wu world, but not here, here is the fairyland, they are the newly established Zongmen, the strength is at the bottom, and can you continue to use the original set? If this continues, it will only be self-defeating.

Su Yun no longer hesitated, and the sword rushed over.

The bright lotus star sword is like a white meteor from the shuttle, staring at the man's sharp sword, directly hit the past.


The crisp sound was floating outside Taiyi.

Then Su Yun took a quick retreat with Susilo, his body trembled violently, and the hand holding the Lotus Sword was also shaking sharply. The strength of the other side is too strong, and it is the guy who shocked him to numb. Is it really the four spirits of Ling Xuan Xian? His strength, afraid of being a lot higher than the ordinary Ling Xuan Xian four products!

Seeing that someone resisted his offensive, and the other side actually used a sword, the man was obviously wrong, because as far as he knows, too many people do not use weapons, and most of them use their own breath as weapons. What happened to this person?

"who are you?"

The man whispered and drank.

"Too a disciple."

Su Yun is a light road.

When the man heard it, he looked at Su Yun and circled it. He finally stayed on his eyes. After a moment, he shook his head and said, "Not like."

"This is a fact."

"Why are you intervening?"

"The saints have been wounded, and now they are against you, and it is difficult to support."

"I am not alone with you today, but to seek justice for my brother. Do you know what your intervention represents?"

"I don't know." Su Yun shook his head.

Then the man’s face suddenly looked awkward, and the sword rushed toward Su Yun, and his mouth chilled and screaming: “It means you die before her!!”

As soon as the voice fell, the sword came.

At this point, the momentum of the other party is several times stronger than before. Looking at this posture, it seems that Su Yun’s sudden intervention has completely angered the other party! So that this person wants to solve Su Yun faster, so that face loss.


Su Yun dares to shoot, and has his own coping style. Even if this person is stronger than the strength of Ling Xuan Xian, he is not afraid. At this moment, Su Yun is the peak of Ling Xuan Sheng, with the sacred robes and the devil. It is not difficult to kill this person, such as the Holy Spirit and the Promise Sword.

When the seemingly fierce sword hits, Su Yun holds the lotus star in one hand, reverses the circle, and a white light sways in the sword. The light is accompanied by the sword, which is like a flying elf, floating in the air. Ripple between the heavens and the earth, and eventually they gathered together, like a chopstick that was tied in a circle, could not be broken, hit the sword that was killed.


This time, it was not Su Yun who was defeated, but the man.

The man was inadvertently planted a head in the air, so that he couldn’t fall, and when he stood still, it was already a cloak, and he was embarrassed.

More than a hundred immortals over there saw it, and all of them were so cold that they were amazed.


The man gasped, and was shocked and angry looking at Su Yun, probably not thinking that this guy who is completely inferior to himself could actually make such a superb blow.

What was the mysterious meaning of the sword, the sword, and the sword heart. He never thought that anyone in the world could use the shape, meaning, and heart of a sword so vividly, it was a life of the sword!

Who is this guy? Is it really a person who is too one?

He quietly turned around and found that the sight of more than a hundred immortals behind him was concentrated on his own body. Most of his eyes were hopes and desires. He knows that if this battle is defeated, it will not only lose face, but also the trust of these so-called brethren, he will lose a lot.

Never lose, this person must die.

Thinking of this, the man’s face was distorted, and the sword was rushed to Su Yun again.

At this moment, he no longer has any reservations. The power of the four spirits of Ling Xuanxian all volatilized. The amazing and singularity of the stormy waves hit the face of Su Yun, and the horrible smell seemed to collapse the world. Normal people simply Can't breathe.


This seemingly majestic and irresistible blow, in the moment of Su Yun, suddenly collapsed, disappeared without a trace, everything, all turned into a bubble, all nothing, the sword hit in Su Yun The body has no effect.


The man's eyes widened and he couldn't believe the scene.

And the next second


A sword runs through his chest!

Looking up, Su Yun’s cold eyes are facing him.

"Maybe my sister is indeed wrong, but she is right or wrong, I don't give a comment, I will only do what a brother should do, and anyone who hurts my sister, I will not be merciful!"

He bowed his head and said with a voice that only two people could hear. The spinner turned his hand in the lotus star sword and drank: "Broken!"


A burst of sound like a firecracker rang from the man's body.

The man's body trembled violently, and the flesh of the whole body bulged a small drum kit. When he went to see it, the man was already in a coma, and he did not know what the current situation was.

The victory and defeat have been divided, Su Yun completely defeated the master of this Ling Xuan Xian four products with a completely crushed situation!

The hundreds of immortals have long been stunned, and all this is a dream for them.

Is this person too a disciple? The lady who is uncertain about the saint is in front of him, but how many times when he has recruited such a powerful person?

Su Yun took a breath and kicked the man out.

He did not kill the other party, but just abolished the other part of the repair, used for shocking, once strangled, he did not fear anything, just afraid that it would cause the attention of Xianting, and brought many unnecessary troubles to Su Shiluo. .

"Be careful!!"

Just then, Su Yun’s voice suddenly sounded a low voice.

He groaned and hurriedly turned and looked at him.

This sound? It seems to be Su Shiluo?

However, he has not seen Su Yingluo’s figure, his chest suddenly hit by a breath, and people flew straight out.

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