Limitless Sword God

Chapter 982: Battle of Happy Palace

According to the views of ordinary immortals, it is actually inferior to some small fairy sects like Xianzong. Although the Xiaoxian faction is weak, many of them are orthodox, and the sects of Xianzong even count the sects. Not on.

Who else on the scene would believe that Xianzong actually formed an alliance with the powerful Daxian School such as Xiaoyao Temple?

In the face of Xing Bai’s doubts, the owner of Liuli City was full of sweat and did not know how to answer his words.

"These mistakes are misunderstandings, all are misunderstandings!!"

For a long time, the glazed city owner took out such a sentence.

"It's not like a misunderstanding? The city owner is not going to kill it now?" Su Yun said.

"I just looked at the eyes just now. I didn't know Taishan. I sue and sue." The owner of the glazed city was completely soft, and did not dare to resist Su Yun.

There is Xing Bai here, borrowing him ten courage, he did not dare to let go.

Su Yun saw it and didn't make any more noise. Such people no longer have to worry about it, whether it is killing or not killing, it doesn't make much sense.

Xing Bai leaned over and whispered: "Adult, need to kill this person to vent their anger?"

"No, let him ask the Xianzong for some damage." Su Yun said: "It doesn't make any sense to kill him, but it will cause a lot of trouble."


Xing Bai nodded, and Xuaner shouted at the owner of Liuli City: "Since you are guilty, you should apologize. This is to ask Xianzong's white protection method. Afterwards, the eyes will be polished!! Ask Xianzong to have a close relationship with my Xiaoyao Temple. The people of Xiaoyao Temple will not sit idly by, but the white protection method is generous and does not want to kill you. You Liuli Xiancheng compensates Xianzong for a 200,000 cents!"


The glazed city owner was stunned.

Is this the rhythm of his family’s ruin?

"too much?"

Xing Bai's eyes are oblique.

The owner of Liuli City trembled and said: "There is not much, 200,000 will be 200,000!!"

Compared with the fairy tales, life is more important. Ask the Xianzong half of the sects to say that the Xiaoyao Temple is not the same. If Xing Bai wants to kill him, it is easy. The Xianyao Temple on the side of Xianting can be used as diplomacy to cover up the past. It is impossible for the court to treat the deputy master of the Xiaoyao Temple for his small city owner.

"I still have something to do, just go."

Su Yun is too lazy to waste time here, intending to leave with Susilo.

But he was just leaving, Xing Bai got together.

"Adult, there are some things I want to discuss with you."

Su Yun turned to look at him: "Is it important?"

"It’s about our happy temple. It’s not important to say that it’s important.” Xing Bai thought about it.

Su Yun silent for a moment, said the child: "Let me come to see me later!"

After all, people and Su Shilu took the lead to leave.

Xing Bai nodded and watched Su Yun leave.

After returning to one door, Su Shilu broke away from Suyun’s big hand and ran away without a word. His face was still the light color. Although she didn’t know what she was thinking, the mess in the depths of her eyes told Su. Cloud, at this moment, she is still in a state of very tangled and confused.

Su Yun thought for a while, and felt that this time should give Su Shilu some time, not too tight, otherwise it would only be counterproductive.

"White Protection Law! I am finally waiting for you!!"

Just then, there was a cry outside the sect.

Su Yun stunned and immediately turned and looked at it, but he saw Su Shentian walking alone here.

"Oh, it turned out to be a big man in the Soviet Union." Su Yun adjusted his mentality and kept his face indifferent. He said: "I don't know what the Soviets are looking for?"

Su Shentian wants to be a ritual, Su Yun hurries to help, Su Shen Tian stunned, and the child smirked and smiled, said: "Bai Hufa, the father-in-law has explained this to his friends, the adult considered again and again, I decided to explain the situation to the Linglong Palace, but the Lord of the Exquisite Palace did not want to, and refused on the spot."

"Ling 珑 为 is a fetish, after use, it will not lose anything, use it to save people, why not?" Su Yun did not understand.

"But it is the treasure of the town of Da Ling Palace."

Su Shentian looked helpless. He took a moment to sigh and said: "In fact, after all, the strength of our people is too low, and the identity is too low. Although the exquisite palace master did not say it directly, we can still see it. Or maybe he thinks that the gods such as Ling Yucai are used on us and will humiliate this fetish."

"It’s just a shit!! Can this be humiliated? What are the guys in their heads?" Su Yun was angry.

Su Shentian slightly stunned, probably did not think why this white protection method is so excited, he secretly speculated, but could not think of a reason, then went on: "White protection law, father-in-law has not given up, thinking about other methods, There is no plan underneath, so I have to come alone to ask about the White Protection Law. Is there any other way to save it? Or is there any magic weapon similar to Linglong?

"I also hope to have it, but the entire fairy world, it seems that only Ling Xiaocai can save her." Su Yun shook his head.

Su Shentian listened, and his eyes were slightly lost.

Su Yun saw it and said: "But the Soviets don't have to worry. They will do their best to let Su Shilu get rid of the bitter sea. There will be nothing."

"Yeah, thank you, but I have a question. Why do you want to help Luo?"

"Sue Daren also asked before, isn't it? I can't answer you for this question. If you will understand it later, you can rest assured. I have no other purpose. I just want to save Susilo, but that's it. Su Yundao.

Su Shentian listened, licked his lower lip and did not speak again.

The two talked for a moment, and Su Shentian went to bid farewell.

After sending away the gods, Su Yun sighed again and again. He thought that he could borrow the exquisite color with the relationship of Shen Wuhuang, but he did not expect that Shen Wuhuang also hit the wall. It seems that he still has to rely on his own means to save his sister.

When Su Shentian left, Su Yun stayed in Taiyi for a moment, and soon Xing Bai came.

Su Yun led Xing Bai to the golden statue. After Xing Bai finished the ceremony, Su Yun would open his mouth.

"Say, what's the matter?"

"The amount is not something else, Xing Bai this time, just to inform the adults, we are going to fight with other Xianpai."


Su Yun was shocked: "Is this not a big deal?"

"Because I have been fighting a few times before, I won't win or lose."

"Is it good for Xianting?"

"I used to manage it, but now Xianting has no time to take care of it. It is said that many people in the world have suddenly broken into the fairy world. Xianting is busy dealing with those people. The other party is also directly obsessed with me because of this loophole. When the temple was in trouble, the temple master immediately noticed that I would call people to prepare materials for wartime preparation."

"It turned out to be."

Su Yun nodded. If you think about it, how can you suddenly have a lot of people from all over the world to break into the fairy world? Where in the fairy world, Wanjie people should know that they are so intrusive, are they not looking for death?

"Right, what is the sentiment to fight with you?"

"This group is called Qianlongtang. The strength and the Xiaoyao Temple are indistinguishable from each other. The Qianlongtang people, all of them are arrogant and uninhibited. The faction has been established for many years and has offended many immortals, if not the school. The technique is the perfect method, which makes the faction strong, I am afraid it has been destroyed."

"How can you fight with you?"

"Because of the dispute over resources, thirty years ago, Xiaoyao Temple and Qianlongtang jointly discovered a rare jade stone mine. In order to compete for this piece of fairy mine, there have been many wars between the two sides. Many of the doormen have also formed hatred since then. Afterwards, Xianting intervened in this matter. After the censorship of Xianting, the resource mine was judged to be owned by my Xiaoyao Temple, and the Qianlongtang people were very proud. Can you accept such a result? It is also a growing resentment against my Happy Temple. They often yell at the Immaculate Temple when they are not paying attention to Xianting. This is also the case, and Xianting’s time has been almost inexpensive. All the people are going to deal with those people in the world, so that they can't take care of others. The power of Qianlongtang is almost 80% higher than the power of their martial art. Seeing this posture, it seems that I want to completely beat my escape hall. For the sake of this, I’m going to tell the grown up, and it’s hard to help the adults during this time.

Su Yun listened, silenced for a moment, and the man touched his chin and thought about it. Then he looked up and said: "There is a lack of people in the recent past, I still need to use the power of the Happy Hall."

"Yes" Xing Bai is guilty.

"It's just a Qianlongtang, don't worry, I will help you." Su Yun said again.

Xing Bai listened, and for a moment, Xuaner said: "If there is an adult help, this time I will not fear the Qianlong Hall."

Su Yunzhi’s means, Xing Baijun dared to question? Although he was only asking the sect of Xianzong, but for his identity, Xing Bai has always felt that it is confusing, mysterious, such a existence, he actually had long been convinced, and there is no idea of ​​resistance.

"Where is Qianlongtang?"

"Nature is the fairy mine that we occupy, and our fine works, they will launch a surprise attack after three days."

"So, are you ready to ambush them?"

"Not yet." Xing Bai shook his head: "Because our intelligence is not prepared, it is said that it is three days. They sometimes arrive in two days. Sometimes they will not come at all, so we just arranged people in Xianxian. On the periphery, it is time to change."

"Are you still afraid that they will attack the Happy House?"

"For the crazy Qianlongtang, this is indeed possible."

"They attacked it, will Xianting not control it?"

"Wood has become a boat, Xianting can't manage too much, they will donate a lot of treasures to Xianting, and Xianting may not be able to help them."

Xing Bai sighed.

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