Limitless Sword God

Chapter 997: Inevitable

Once the Da Ling 珑 发 发 发 , , , , 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦 一旦

Kwai Yang is not a Kwai, and it is as slow as launching Da Ling's technique. He is also stupidly shouting that his Da Ling's technique is almost instantaneous and unpredictable.

Can not compete with the front of Kwai Yang, must open the distance.

He hurried back.

"He wants to communicate!! Stop him at a speed!!"

At this time, Kwaiyang suddenly shouted and said the thoughts in Su Yun’s heart, and rushed over with Lang.


Su Yun screamed badly, and there was no longer any reservation. The Promise Swordsman was directly deployed. A large number of flying swords were pulled out from the swords, such as locusts, which swirled around the Suyun.

"This is Promise Sword?"

Kwai Yang's face changed slightly.

However, Su Yun did not answer his words, but thought about the countermeasures.

"Your every move, all the ideas have been mastered by me, you can't break through, let's just let it go."

Kwaiyang again.

Su Yun bit his teeth and the kill will come over.

He pushes the speed to the limit and wants to win by speed.

However, the speed of Kwaiyang is not slow, the body is shaking around, and it seems to be shadowless. All the traces of Su Yun’s swords are known to him. All his attack routines, all premeditated plans, all plans are known by Kwai Yang. In front of Yang, all means of Su Yun are always lost.

At this moment, Su Yun, there is a brute force in the air, playing in Kwai Yang is like playing on cotton.

Is this the power of Da Ling's technique?

It is impossible for Kwai Yang to dodge blindly. This time he is going to get rid of Su Yun, otherwise his plan will be completely defeated, and the Da Ling Palace will also be in ruins. Therefore, there is no hand in Kwai Yang, and the palm is turned over. A golden dragon imprint flashed in his palm.

Su Yun’s next move was not yet launched, and the body suddenly trembled involuntarily, and then the whole body shrank together, as if there was a rope that bound him.

The exquisite palaces around the elite have smashed their swords toward their bodies.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!哒

A strange sound screamed, and they looked at the sharp swords wrapped in fairy tales. When they fiercely hit Su Yun, they could not break his flesh and blood, and his body seemed to be invulnerable.


Lang was shocked and exclaimed: "What is this person doing? Is there such a means?"

"You don't have to panic." Kwai Yang said: "He is just a guy who hasn't even arrived in Lingxian. It's because he wears a defensive object. This is the **** of the gods." The force is also limited. You continue to attack and kill. According to this frequency, he can't hold it for a long time!!"

"So good."

Lang said a little bit, Xuan also joined the ranks of attacking Su Yun.

The only way is that the ordinary Linglong Gong disciple can compare, his thick and powerful Xian Lilian holy robes are not empty, he plays every palm in Su Yun’s chest, and his power seems to be able to Shake the mountain.

If you go on like this, you will be obliterated.

Su Yun struggled hard, but this body was still bound by death and death, and could not move half a point.

He looked down and found that his body was actually wrapped in a golden dragon.

Is this spell a Kwaiyang?

"This time, I see what else you have."

A smile appeared in the mouth of Kwaiyang.


Just the moment he just finished saying this sentence, the bound Su Yun suddenly disappeared.


Kwai Yang’s eyes widened and he looked around quickly.

But Su Yun is still disappearing, not only him, but even those who attacked Su Yun have stopped, one by one, looking around, confused.

"No, the palace owner, the guy ran out!!"

Suddenly, Lang screamed and rushed out of the palace.

Kwai Yang saw the situation and quickly followed the past.

His forefoot just stepped out of the palace, and his face suddenly changed.

"Not good, fooled!!"

He hurried back, only to find that all the changes around him, the crowd there had a commotion, Su Yun did not know when to break free, is trying to rush out of the crowd.

Seeing this, Kuiyang realized that he was in the illusion of Su Yun, and he did not disappear at all. All this is an illusion.

Although Su Yun is bound, he can release illusion.

And he had an illusion, and the spell that bound Su Yun was interrupted. Su Yun took the opportunity to break free.

"Do you think you can run off?"

Kwai Yang snorted, he did not glimpse Su Yun's state of mind, this kid has such a vicious strategy, really is a sly fox.

He was angry and re-applied to the fairy tales to trap Su Yun.

But this time Su Yun disappeared again.

Kwai Yang sweated on his face and looked very tight. He quickly stepped back a few steps and cast spells on his body.

This is a spell that purifies illusion, but this spell adds, but it has no effect.

This time he did not have the illusion of Zhong Suyun, this time it is true, Su Yun is gone! !

"How could this be?"

He looked around, but found that those people seemed to have the same goal, and they were still attacking constantly. They even saw that many of the disciples who besieged Su Yun fell down directly.

Lang had one hand in his palm and continued to fight in one air. He looked calm and very focused.

"Is it only I can't see??"

Kuiyang Yusi.

Hey! ! ! ! !

Just then, a fire suddenly slammed into the exquisite palace, flew directly to the sky, and then burst open.

Seeing this light, Kwai Yang’s face suddenly changed dramatically, which was extremely ugly.

At this moment, the disappearing Su Yun slowly appeared. I don't know when he was standing outside the hall. The people who besieged him were killed and injured, and even Lang had spent a lot of effort.

Although there is only one person in Su Yun, he is best suited to fight this kind of siege because of the sacred robes. Because the enemy is more dangerous around him, he has more power, and the sacred robes can be continuously drawn. Their Xianli is used by Su Yun. When it comes down, it is a lot of people who suffer a lot.

Seeing this fire sky, Kwai Yang knows that Su Yun has successfully issued a signal, and nearly a million immortals stationed outside have been ordered, and then, it is the real catastrophe of the Da Ling Palace.

"This time it can be considered a total failure."

Kuiyang bitter.

"All this should not be the fate of the Da Ling Palace, but it was forcibly changed by you. I have no choice."

Su Yun is a light road.

"Destiny should be in your own hands. I don't like this fate. I will change him. Do you think you won?"

"I can only choose to win because I can't afford to lose."

Su Yun said quietly, the spine jumped and flew to the sky.

Everything has become a fixed number

Everyone knows that this war can't be avoided.

"Send the signal, let the elders prepare to meet the enemy, and others will kill this person with me!"

Kwai Yang shouted loudly...

Su Yun knows that before Kwai Yang set himself up, he must have considered everything. If the plan fails, he will definitely choose to fight with me. He has no retreat and can only do so.

However, Su Yun can't!

Although he is so imposing with so many people, so many immortals are not suitable for combat, the three sects are too complicated, the command is an extremely serious problem, and the Qianlongtang has just returned, the people are not stable, may not be He sells his life. Moreover, Su Yun does not take advantage of the Shangling Linglong Palace. The reason why Kuiyang is jealous of Su Yun is that he is worried that his battle with Su Yun will destroy the Da Ling Palace, but now it is difficult to cover the water. He will not consider too much, he will go all out.

If you fight with all your strength, whoever wins and loses will be uncertain.

Su Yun’s heart is dark, lifting his right hand and pointing to the rear of the palace.

That gathered the direction of the innumerable disciples of the Da Ling Palace.

It wasn't long before he raised his hand. There was a shock in the air, and then the whole cloud began to shake wildly. The buildings were also trembling, the enchantment collapsed, and the clouds began to separate. A pressure that makes it hard to breathe, and the breath can't be swayed from a distance.

What followed was the scary black smoke.

"not good!"

Kwai Yang first noticed this change, and quickly turned to the back of Da Linglong Palace and shouted: "Distributed!! All scattered!!"


His words were too late to dispel the discerning disciples of the Da Ling Palace, and people looked at this side with inexplicable eyes. Many people did not even understand the words of Kwai Yang.

After black smoke

boom! ! ! ! ! !

A huge black light curtain rushed over!

This black light curtain is so huge that it seems to cover the sky, and it is directly slammed into the crowd of the Linglong Palace with irresistible power.

In the twinkling of an eye, riots, fears, deaths, and sorrows pervaded the entire Linglong Palace.

The person covered by the light curtain on the front directly collapsed and the soul flew out, while the person near the point was also bombarded by the light curtain.

The disciples of the Da Ling Palace, who were neatly arranged and ready to go, immediately fell into disarms under this attack and were completely beaten.

Broken army cannon!

Kwai Yang eyes wide open and looks at where the light curtain passes.

All the buildings covered by the light curtains are now smog and disappear. The entire Linglong Palace is like a big knife. From the middle of the shackles, this dark gully may become the Da Ling Palace. A mark that can never be erased in the history of Zongmen


Just after the launch of the broken army cannon, there were countless broken voices in the distance.

The people of Da Linglong Palace looked up, but they saw that the immortal people had already rushed over.

They went straight here, one by one murderous, Su Yun, Xiangyang, Xing Bai, Qin Qianlong, and the round devils all rushed to Kwai Yang.

"Don't worry about other people, first 斩Kwai Yang and Lang!"

Su Yun took the death sword, took the lead and shouted.

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