"Shut your dog's mouth to me!" Purple leaf furiously drinks, no longer long winded, straightens the sword then to Chixiao stab!

Chixiao has also killed at the same time, relying on the sword in his hand, not because the other side is a woman and muddled!

"Son of a bitch, dead eight old woman, give you some face, you are really a Laozi, afraid of you? Pooh He cursed aggressively and spat with saliva!

Two big men, regardless of their identities, ran into each other in the blink of an eye!


The silent sword sounds long and wide, but it is composed of three swords.


Three swords?

Yes, there are three swords.

Purple leaf and Chixiao's sword stabbed on the blade of the same sword.

A sudden appearance, the shape is extremely wide, bending is very amazing, dark black sword!

It's a sword, but it looks more like a big sword.

Zhou Hao is very fond of this "knife".

When and where did the sword come from?

Moreover, the owner of the sword did not appear.

People did not appear, but only with a big sword to interrupt the two masters of the contest?

When ziye and Chixiao saw that big sword, their faces all showed panic, and immediately stopped to take the sword, and at the same time, they bowed their hands and said respectfully, "Lord!"

At this time, Fang had a voice like the big Lu of a Hong Zhong coming from afar, containing a powerful spirit of all sides!

"What's the etiquette of the two elders in charge fighting in public?"

As soon as the voice came out, not only ziye and Chixiao were surprised and awed, but also a group of disciples around, who all worshipped at the same time and called out: "see the Lord!"

The voice said again: "purple leaf, Chixiao, disciple Zhou Hao, come to see me quickly!"

If the sound comes from the golden top of taixuan, it covers the whole taixuan.

Purple leaf, Chixiao two people in unison respectful return, dare not neglect, namely to taixuan Jinding and go.

Chixiao wants to go, but also toward the purple leaf cold hum, the face is not good-looking.

Ziye sneers, and then takes Zhou Hao to taixuan Jinding.

Zhou Hao's inner guess was not because he was afraid of being led by taixuan, but because he was worried about causing trouble to ziye.

"Purple leaf, give you trouble again." He said sheepishly.

Purple leaf took his arm and walked like a thousand miles. The scenery on both sides turned backward!

Under the night, she looks a little hazy, but more attractive.

She said to Zhou Hao, "the little leader is too serious. Ziye is not a small minded person."

She stopped for a moment, then suddenly began to laugh and said, "besides, in taixuanzong, even if the little leader broke the sky, it would not be a trouble!"

Zhou Hao was puzzled. He felt as if she had something in her words, so he asked, "how do you say this?"

Purple leaf again can ran a smile, way: "little master to Jinding will know!"

Zhou Hao was silent, wondering what the purple leaf implied?

With the rapid plunder of the surrounding things, and then suddenly stopped in an instant, taixuan Jinding finally arrived.

In front of it is a large palace, with a huge plaque hanging on the door of the hall, which reads "taixuan Liuhe" in four powerful gold characters, which is magnificent and magnificent!

In front of the palace, Chixiao and his mount Huo are waiting at the gate.

When meeting with the Lord in the clan, the audience should go to the door at the same time. Those who come early need to wait outside the hall. Those who haven't arrived can't come one by one. Otherwise, what's the system?

When Chixiao saw ziye and Zhou Hao, he was extremely impatient. He snorted coldly: "for a short time, are you here for sightseeing?"

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