At the foot of taixuan mountain, the gate of taixuanzong.

The gate made of white marble stands at the foot of taixuan mountain. It is tall, solemn and imposing!

At this time, taixuanzong's prestige was blocked by a young man wearing a green grey Taoist robe.

This young man is the way of Wuji daozong.

He has been blocking the gate for three days. During this period, many powerful disciples of taixuanzong came to challenge him, but none of them was his opponent. Even none of them could make three moves on his hands!

In three days, within three moves, he defeated all the disciples of taixuanzong who came to challenge!

If the trend goes on, there will be no need for Daozi to block up for seven days, and taixuanzong will be ruined.

After all, the battle of blocking the door is concerned by the outside world, but they can't come in to watch the war.

If someone pays attention, there will always be hearsay.

Early in the morning, Daozi had already sober up and did a set of morning exercises to exhale the spirit and cultivate the inner strength.

Early in the morning, Zhou Hao went down the mountain early to clean up the road blocking the door.

"Are you the way of Wuji daozong?" He asked, looking at a young man who had a good moral character outside the mountain gate.

The young man nodded and replied in a very peaceful tone: "I am. Who is this elder martial brother's master?"

Zhou Hao said with a smile, "purple leaf elder of Zizhu academy!"

"Zizhuyuan?" Daozi was slightly surprised and looked at him with a strange look.

Zhou Hao had no choice but to exhale and said, "don't look, I'm a man, pure!"

Speaking of the back, he also showed a very masculine voice.

"As far as I know, Zizhu academy has never accepted male disciples, but why can you become a disciple of Zizhu academy?"

Zhou Hao said, "you don't have to worry about it. You just need to know that I'm here to fight!"

He took the other step and said, "fight with you!"

Daozi made a compilation and said, "have you asked the teacher to respect your name?"

"Zhou Hao!" said Zhou Hao

The Taoist nodded and respectfully replied, "the 29th generation of Wuji daozong, please, elder martial brother!"

With that, a pale dust came out.

Zhou Hao shook his sword and said, "I heard that no one can do three moves under your hand."

Tao Zi smiles and says, "it's all the elder martial brothers who let me."

He is also modest and low-key, does not care about personal fame and wealth, and even maintains the reputation of the defeated.

"I'm going to see it today. How many moves can I make on your hands?" Zhou Hao said.

Dao Zi raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "it's not important to take a few moves. What matters is what attitude you left!"

Zhou Hao nodded his head and said, "it's reasonable, it's reasonable!"

With that, he bowed his hands and said, "cut the crap, let's show it!"

Zhou Hao was waiting for a fight, but suddenly he looked at him strangely and said, "you are not the same."

"I'm different?" Zhou Hao hesitated.

"You're not the same person who came to challenge you!" Daozi replied, his eyes suddenly became serious and said: "you are much better than them. This time I will try my best to fight with you!"

Dare you, you have not used your real strength before?

Zhou Hao replied, "you'd better do your best, or you'll regret it!"

The Taoist priest arched his hand and brushed the dust. He said, "elder martial brother Zhou Hao, please."

"Take it, then." Zhou Hao snorted. The green light in his hand flashed and his sword was puffed and puffed. His sword spirit was more like a wild animal escaping from being trapped. He rushed out and ate people!

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