"Yes, yes." Zhang Xiqiao nodded to Li Sha maniacally and said, "I will never forget that when the western land fought the most ferocious war, Li Sha made you save my younger brother's life!"

He said excitedly and sighed: "but at that time, I was just a little horse boy. I don't remember my younger brother when I came to Li Sha Shi, ha ha..."

Speaking of the back, he looked sad and lonely.

But Li Sha Shi grabbed his hand and said in a loud voice, "Tu! You are a Tu

He seemed very excited and almost wanted to embrace Zhang Xiqiao, perhaps because there were so many people here that it was not convenient for him to feel it.

Zhang Xiqiao was more excited than he was when he called "a Tu"!

On the spot, he cried and said to Li Sha, "Li Sha Shi, you still remember ah Tu, you still remember ah Tu! For a long time, no one has called me a Tu, ah Tu, I miss this sound, I miss the day when you called me a Tu

Li Sha also sobbed and said, "ah Tu, call me brother! When I saved you, I let you recognize me as my brother. How could you forget it? "

Zhang Xiqiao immediately said, "brother! How could I forget that I didn't dare to call it out because I was afraid you wouldn't recognize my brother! "

"Good earth! Look at you. In those days, I was just a little pony boy running behind our butts. Now, in a twinkling of an eye, they are all masters of the same sect Li Sha patted Zhang Xiqiao on the shoulder and said, "ha ha ha, it's really helping the leader lead the horse. It's amazing. My brother is very pleased for you."

"A Tu Neng is today. They are all cultivated by the old master and brother Sha!" Zhang Xiqiao's tearful eyes were whirling, and he said, "the old master, brother Sha, and Tu We are so high spirited that we can sweep the whole world of Da Luo. We drink a lot of wine and eat large pieces of meat. It's so refreshing

"It's a pity that later the old master let me into taixuan, so I can't go through the eight wastelands with my brothers from now on. But every day and night, I miss the days when I used to be in high spirits with my brothers!"

Speaking of this, he couldn't help sobbing. He looked at Li Sha with watery eyes and said, "brother Sha, a Tu misses you. A Tu misses you so much."

With that, he burst into tears.

Li Sha couldn't help but burst into tears. He hugged Zhang Xiqiao and said, "good a Tu, good a Tu! You didn't forget your brothers. Good job! It's a good native of our youth education

It's hard to imagine that these two tough men of seven or eight feet, together with a man of nearly 100 years old, are embracing each other tightly and crying loudly at this moment!

But it is such a scene, the hero tears general, directly hit people's heart, people feel very deep, can not help but also cry!

Zhou Hao and ziye look at this scene, but their noses are sour, and their eyes are full of tears.

What ziye didn't expect was that when she came into contact with the youth religion many years later, it would be such a scene that the trees fell down and the birds scattered and fell apart. It was like that things were different from people. However, when she saw the old friends reappear in front of her, she felt that the past reappeared. It was very touching!

So she can understand the excitement of Zhang Xiqiao at the moment.

Zhou Hao was moved by the feeling between the two men.

He didn't know about the past of the youth education, but now he saw that the two were nearly 100 years old. When he saw only a few touching meetings between the men in the youth education, he could really feel their high spirited spirit in those years, and feel the righteous and heroic spirit of the youth education people!

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