"You little ant, how dare you hit the lion king in the face

The fierce eye lion was furious, and the third eye fired the fireball wildly!

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!


Fireballs hit in pieces, like a volcanic eruption from the crater of magma fire rain in general!

This fire rain is covering Zhou Hao and drowning him!

Zhou Hao looks nervous.

The fire rain covered the seven or eight Zhang range of his area. No matter how flexible he dodged, he could not escape the devastating fire rain.

Go! Go! Go!


Fire rain has poured down, hitting Zhou Hao's side and on him.


A crisp sound.

Two or three fireballs fell on his hard shell in succession. Although he didn't break his hard shell, the heat almost roasted him to death!

Just like the tortoise king eight, throw into the fire, then the meat is gone, only a hard shell is left.

"I'm going to try the roast ant today!" The fierce eye lion roared, and his voice was filled with a few wisps of complacency.

It decided that Zhou Hao could not escape this time.

And it's still blazing with flames, completely burning Zhou Hao's area into a sea of fire!

The scarred face saber toothed tiger was very happy when he saw the sea of fire: "good! I think you ant will not die this time

Just after it was over, it suddenly felt a sharp pain, which made it scream.

It bent over to see, it was the big green snake and took the opportunity to bite it!

Big Qingzi opened his mouth, lit up the only poisonous tooth left in his mouth, and called to the scarlet face Saber Toothed Tiger: "my elder brother is so clever that he can't die!"

The scarred face saber toothed tiger suddenly spurted out a breath of tiger spirit and said angrily, "you dead snake, return your elder brother's great powers. I think it's arrogant! I'll take you as a snack, and then I'll eat roast ants later

Finish saying, claw toward big green son.

Big green son relies on the body slippery nimbly, Chi slip to dodge to go.

Zhou Hao, trapped in the sea of fire, has already felt his body churning and uncomfortable. Besides the hard shell, other parts of his body are about to melt into liquid!

Uncomfortable feeling is more like drinking a mouthful of pesticide, and then can't live, can't die!

He also tried to run out of the fire, but no matter where he ran or which direction he ran, he couldn't escape the burning range of the fire.

Because the lion with strong eyes is always staring at him. As soon as he runs, the lion will spray fireballs and spread the fire. No matter how he runs, he will be surrounded by the sea of fire.

"Ant, you run, run more, that meat is more delicious!" The lion roared with pride.

Are we going to wait for death?


Zhou Hao looked at the ground and inserted a scythe into the ground to test the hardness of the soil.

His sickle hand "crack" a sound, gently inserted into the soil, it seems that the current soil has not been baked hard by the fire, can dig a hole!

Yeah, dig a hole.

He wants to dig a hole for himself and hide in it, so that he can avoid being barbecued in the sea of fire!

Thinking of doing it, he immediately waved the scythe to clear the weeds nearby, leaving a safety circle that the fire could not burn in.

Then, they slash the earth on the ground, loosen the soil first, and then dig a hole to get the soil out.

He tried to avoid disaster through human wisdom.

In the animal kingdom, other animals may not.

The lion with strong eyes watched Zhou Hao do a series of things that seemed inexplicable to him. Then he saw that the other side was digging a hole.

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