Zhou Hao's hard armour still can withstand the heat. Ergouzi was originally a fire and would not be hurt. However, Daqingzi was hard to bear. He had no fire capacity. The closer the big brother of heaven was to him, the more miserable he was. It was just suffering!

I saw that they were almost holding their breath, looking at the closer and closer of heaven and man, feeling the boiling air around them.

The man of heaven was staring at them as if he were looking at them, but it seemed that there was no one in his eyes.

"Brother Hao, he's coming..." Er Gouzi took a cool breath and shivered.

Zhou Hao has secretly run Jidao jiulei fist, and is ready to incarnate as big black ants. As long as the Tianren attack them, he can fight with the Tianren elder brother in an instant!

Dong ~

all of a sudden, a sound like a drum came from the outside.

As soon as the big brother of Tianren heard the noise, he stood up and ran straight into the wall of the cave on the left. Then he heard the sound of Zi La, bang bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

He just dashed forward, and the hard and thick mountain was like soft sand tofu in front of it. With a touch, it separated a road.

"Look for yourself. What do you want me to do with such a guy?" Zhou Hao looks at Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi grinned and didn't answer.

"Brother Hao, what shall we do?" Da Qingzi asked Zhou Hao.

"He seems to be out. Let's follow him!" Zhou Hao said.

Then he got up and ran into the lava cave just hit by man and nature.

Daqingzi and ergouzi immediately followed.

After entering the cave, I can see that the lava on the wall of the cave is much fresher and hotter than that in the previous tunnel.

The lava is just like hanging slurry, still dripping.

When the lava falls to the ground, it will make a sound of nourishing in an instant, and then burn a pit on the ground.

The ground is also lava ground, uneven, red lava like water flowing, boiling.

These lava, if touched by ordinary people, will immediately turn into fly ash!

Ordinary people, let alone the lava, can't bear the high temperature in this cave.

As soon as they entered the cave, Zhou Hao heard a sound coming from the outside of the cave and reverberated in the tunnel.

At first, the movement was not obvious, but it became more and more loud after Zhou Hao and Zhou Hao walked a distance in the cave.

"Brother Hao, how can this sound like a fight?" Big green son tight eyebrow says.

"No, it's the sound of fighting!"

Zhou Hao puffed out, but his brow widened and said, "we should be going out!"

"Great!" Er Gouzi was surprised and exclaimed, "at last he's going to leave this ghost place!"

It looks like it's really cathartic.

Sure enough, after walking in and out of the dark tunnel for some distance, they finally saw a piece of light at the end of the tunnel in front of them!

"That's the way out of the cave!"

When they saw it coming out of the cave, they immediately ran out.

However, the closer they ran out of the cave, the more they felt a strong sense of killing, as well as the sounds of fighting, Jinge dancing, screaming and bloody.

That killing intention, that movement, is no longer a simple fight can be described.

It was a fight!

It seems to be a fierce battle!

Sure enough.

When Zhou Hao and his party went out to the entrance of the cave, they just saw the sun, and then saw the full of tragic pictures in front of them.

What I saw in front of me were scenes of blood and flesh, broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and a group of monks surrounded in a circle, as if they were attacking someone?

However, the group of monks surrounded by them was like a pile of sand dunes, and the man surrounded by them flew out of the circle from time to time.

It's lucky that those who are bombed can still have three limbs and two arms. After most friars are hit, they become dregs on the spot. When the wind blows, they can't even find them!

"Brother Hao This This is What happened? " Big green son and two dog son all are startled, do not know words.

Of course, Zhou Hao also wants to know what happened, but he doesn't know what happened.

Moreover, among these friars, the soldiers of the Dragon Dynasty and the friars who came to snatch the corpses of heaven and man were combined.

That is to say, the two men who were still fighting endlessly just now have an alliance?

Finally, a rainbow suddenly burst out of the circle of monks!

Rainbow light is like a sword light rising from the sky, a sword light cold 19 states!However, in fact, hongmang is not a sword.

However, it is a hundred times better than the sword!

Because the true shape of the rainbow is the elder brother of heaven and man!

"It's the guy!" Cried the second dog.

As soon as he saw that it was a man of heaven, he was frightened and hid behind Zhou Hao.

"How did he fight these people?" Big green son murmured.

He was much calmer than Er Gouzi. He could only think about why this man of heaven had a fight with that group of people.

However, it is unnecessary to talk about this issue here.

"These people are all for the sake of this big brother of heaven and man. When he appears, it's strange that these people don't rob him!" Zhou Hao said.

What he said is indeed a fact.

This group of people came all the way here just for the corpse of this day. Now it's strange that they don't grab the corpse and deliver it to the door!

But what these people don't know is that the corpses of the people on this day have been "resurrected". Even when they see the bodies of heaven and men moving and flying, they even beat them like dogs!

They still regard the "resurrected" elder brother of heaven and man as a corpse.

No matter how powerful it is, it is just a moving body...

this is the result of the lack of a social beating.

This is not, they a large group of people, a large group of experts jointly attack Tianren big brother, but also failed to take the other side, is hit by the other side in a mess, but also killed a lot of people!

At this point, some of them doubted whether the corpse of heaven and man was still a corpse?

This offensive, this attack, just like a living man of heaven?

However, they are still in the stage of doubt about the corpses of heaven and man.

That may be the reason for the first impression.

Since the appearance of the body, the public has always thought that the body of heaven and man is a corpse, which can't move or fight!

But who knows, today's body of heaven and man, this is a fine?

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