Seeing these scorched pits, Zhou Hao naturally thought of the two purple lights from today's mysterious "defender".

It was one of the purple lights that hit the left chest of Asiba, which left this burnt black pit.

He still remembers that another "celestial body", that is, the elder brother of heaven and man, was pierced by the purple light on the spot!

Only two purple lights scared the heaven and man away, and even scared the irrational puppets back to the system props.

This is what kind of operation, what kind of power, can have such an effect?!

However, Zhou Hao looked at the burnt black hole in Asiba's body, and then thought of the picture that the elder brother of heaven and man was pierced on the spot, he thought, does that mean that ASI is really better than that big brother Tianren?

Even if Asiba is just a puppet of heaven and man, is it better than that big brother?

Zhou Hao looked at ASI, but the more he saw it, the more he felt something was wrong.

He always felt that the Asiba was not as simple as a puppet of heaven and man.

He seems to have been a puppet of his own consciousness!

"Ash." Zhou Hao suddenly asked a Xi bar, "why can you appear by yourself in the daytime today?"

"And why can't I get you back today?"

"And are you really a puppet?"


His eyes sharpened as if he were questioning the prisoner.

Today, Asiba really came out of the storage space of the system by himself, and when Zhou Hao wanted to take him back to the system, the other side was not interested!

After Zhou Hao finished asking, the scene fell into silence.

There was a strange silence.

In the bleak night, Asiba stood staring at Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao, on the other hand, just stare at ASI, waiting for the answer from the puppet of heaven and man.

One man and one puppet. The silent look at each other in the night is silent and tense. Even the snoring sound of Er Gouzi seems to be weakened by the strange atmosphere. It seems that he is afraid of being implicated

But can puppets talk?

If Asiba talks, can you really solve all the unsolvable problems?

One man and one puppet were silent for a long time, hardly blinking. Finally, it was Zhou Hao's long breath that broke the strange silence.

"It seems that you are really just a puppet It's me who thinks too much... " Zhou haochang breathed a sigh of disappointment.

It was as if Asiba was disappointed because he didn't speak.

He still has a lot of questions to ask Ashi.

For example, why does the big brother of heaven and man chase him?

Did he and Ashi have been enemies before?

However, if they were enemies before, why did they come together to fight with Zhou zhantian?

Speaking of this, is this gang of heaven and man who were chasing Zhou zhantian?


A series of questions are broadcast in Zhou Hao's mind, which makes him feel like his brain is going to explode.

Looking at ASI, Zhou Hao was stunned and asked, "are you really from Hao heaven?"

Haotianjie, this is another word that makes a lot of problems in his head.

What's in haotianjie?

The aura of haotianjie is so rich that it can make an ant grow into a giant monster in an instant?

What can I do to get to haotianjie?

After going to haotianjie, what can I do to return from haotianjie again?


Zhou Hao suddenly thought that those monks who had been flying to haotianjie from the Dalao realm had ever come back?

"Maybe it won't come back..." He gave himself the answer.

Just like when he was in the wild animals mountain forest, when he was still a little ant, he would stay at the periphery of the mountain forest all the time. Although he had infinite yearning for the mountain forest, he did not rush into it because of his strength.

Later, he finally became a spirit animal. He left the mountain forest and entered the forest to hunt and grow. He would not return to the forest.

Later, he became a fierce beast level spirit beast, so he went further into the mountains of beasts, and would not return to the common animals.

This is probably what level, should be in what position to do something.

If Daqingzi had not been promoted by him, would he not be hibernating in the forest of animals?

And now the big green son, is not also disdain to return to his start of all animals mountain forest?

It must be the same for those who soar into the realm of heaven.

When they get to a higher and better place, naturally they don't go back to where they were.

"Hoo ~" said Zhou Hao.Looking at his Axi bar, he even learned to exhale after seeing his breath: "Hoo ~"

when Zhou Hao saw the goods, he learned to sigh. He was surprised: "I'll go!"

"After that, he said," I'm so surprised that I'm going to learn! "

He also put on a look of surprise like Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao said "I'll go" as soon as he saw Ah Xi. He didn't mention how surprised he was. On the spot, he called out: "I'll go!"

And Asiba followed him and said, "I'll go!"

"I'll go!" Zhou Hao then said in surprise.

"I'll go!"

Another poor voice came.

But this is not what Asiba said, but the two dogs, who were half awake and half awake, said.

At this time, it stood behind Zhou Hao and was looking at him sleepily.

When Zhou Hao heard that Er Huo could speak to others, he was even more surprised. He said to ergouzi, "I'll go!"

This week Hao just finished barking, Asiba also imitated his appearance, looked at Er Gouzi and cried, "I'll go!"

Second dog son suddenly saw a Xi bar, unexpectedly will in addition to "a Xi bar" another words, then Leng for a while, exclaimed: "I go!"

As soon as Zhou Hao heard the two dogs say "I'll go", he confirms that the goods can really speak human words!

Then he stared at Er Gouzi and called, "I'll go."

Asiba naturally began to learn again and cried, "I will go!"

This is, Daqingzi was awakened by "I'll go". When he came to these guys, he just saw Er Gouzi talking about people. Like Zhou Hao, he was surprised on the spot: "I'll go!"

Er Gouzi turned to look at big Qingzi and cried, "I'll go!"

A Xi bar seems to be a child who plays a lot. He also learns from Er Gouzi. He looks at big Qingzi and exclaims, "I'll go!"

As soon as big Qingzi saw Ashi bar and said, "I'll go", he was even more surprised, so he called out again: "I'll go!"


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