"Brother Hao, there is a city below. It seems to be the Wangdi city you mentioned!" Cried the second dog.

Zhou Hao recalled in his heart the cities he had just passed. He remembered that he had already passed two cities. He said, "yes, it should be!"

At that time, ziye got the information from the old headquarters of the youth cult hidden in the eastern regions. The old headquarters of the eastern regions were in the eastern regions, and they knew everything about the eastern regions, so the information was very accurate.

It was they who found out that the wind family was in Wangdi city.

The reason why purple leaf has found out this news in advance is that she has long wanted to wait for a chance in the future, so she will go into Wangdi city and kill the wind family completely!

Thanks to him, fengxiao was still a proud disciple of taixuanzong at that time. Unexpectedly, it was he who invaded his sect with the enemy in the end!

Such a disciple should clean the door!

Two dogs fell down and landed at the gate of Wangdi city.

Because Wangdi city is shrouded by a guard array, if you drop directly into Wangdi city from above, it will trigger the guard array, which will lead to unnecessary losses.

Come down in front of Wangdi city.

At this time, many refugees have gathered in a large open space in front of the city gate, begging the city's general to open the door and let them into the city.

However, the city gate of Wangdi city was closed, and the garrison generals on the city were even more apathetic and ignored the demands of the refugees.

"Please open the gate and let us in

"When we come here through all kinds of hardships, you have pity on us. Open the gate and let us in."

"Please let us in


some people knelt down on the spot, kowtow to the guards on the city wall, and begged them to open the gate.

Following closely, more people kneel down, kowtow and beg, and shout together.

"Please let us in

"Please let us in

"Lord, please open the gate and let us in."


the voices of many refugees kneeling together, and the volume was raised several times, so that people in the city could hear clearly and truly.

But the city's general is still extremely indifferent, even to the refugees outside the City show a look of scorn and disdain, as if to say: "you don't daydream!"

Zhou Hao and his colleagues were unable to look at the closed gate in front of them.

"Brother Hao, it seems that the gate is very thick. What shall we do?"

Big Qingzi said, "do you want to kill from the city?"

Zhou Hao compared a gesture of pressing his hand, saying, "don't be impatient." then he said, "don't worry, I have an old acquaintance coming over..."

he is using the perception ability, and then he feels that there is a very familiar person who is walking towards the gate tower on the wall of the city.


"Can you open the gate for us?" he asked

Zhou Hao said, "it should not be. If so, I will thank his family."

Just then, a new figure appeared on the wall.

When the man appeared, the generals and soldiers who were guarding the city rushed to kowtow to him to show their respect.

They seem to be in awe of that man, as if he were their leader?

Zhou Hao's eyes were sharp, and he quickly saw the man's face.

It is a familiar face that has not been seen for a long time.

That was Feng Xiao, one of the famous disciples of taixuanzong at that time!

That is, the man Yunyan married is also the man who killed Yunyan himself!

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