Despite the north city.

It was time for dinner, and the city was full of fireworks.

Zhou Hao and they came to the gate of the city.

It's better here than looking at the imperial city.

The good news is that there are no piles of refugees at the gate, and the gate is wide open.

But there are checkpoints at the gate of the city.

"It's strange that the north city is closer than the Wangdi city. Why do the refugees prefer to go far and near to Wangdi city?" Zhou Hao murmured.

"Brother Hao, can it be that Wangdi city is more comfortable?" Er Gouzi broke in and said in a whim, "maybe the food in Wangdi city is better."

Zhou haodun was speechless and did not know what to say to refute the goods.

Suddenly, Daqingzi stopped them, pointed to a checkpoint under the city gate and said, "brother Hao, look, there are refugees detained there!"

Zhou Hao then looked at them and saw that five or six refugees who wanted to enter the city were detained at the checkpoint. A group of soldiers were checking them for violence.

Those soldiers pick and tear the baggage of refugees. Is that a good inspection?

Just as the refugees were being inspected, two more men came into the city dressed better than the refugees.

They don't have to be checked like the refugees. After they take something out of their pocket and show it to the soldiers at the checkpoint, the soldiers let them pass into the city.

"Why, why are those people not stopped?" Two dogs said.

"Hum." Zhou Hao sneered and said, "because they have VIP."

"Weidexie?" Two dogs muddled than, for a time did not know what new words Zhou haogang said.

All of a sudden, those detained refugees were dragged to a corner of the city by several soldiers.

Then, those soldiers stabbed the refugees to death with knives and guns!

The blood on the refugees was as high as 12 feet, and the wall was dyed red.

The city wall, which was red, was also covered with a smell of blood, obviously more than once stained with human blood.

After the soldiers had stabbed the refugees to death, another group of people went over and dragged the bodies of the refugees away neatly.

"This, this, this!"

Er Gouzi leopard's eyes widened and said, "how did those refugees get killed?"

"Ai ~"

Zhou Hao sighed and said, "because they don't have VIP...

er Gouzi hesitated and asked," brother Hao, what is VIP? Do you have any? "

Zhou Hao looked at Er Gouzi and said, "of course I have!"

With that, the palm spread out and a piece of gold appeared on the palm.

He then said, "this is VIP!"

Two dogs and big green son look at the gold, or do not understand what is VIP.

Zhou Hao made a big move, stepped on ER Gouzi's back, and took them to the gate of the city...

he looked at the gate of refusing to enter the city, and looked at the people who were qualified to enter the city and those who were not qualified to enter the city. After comparison, he guessed that the huoyunzong's refusal of Beicheng only allowed one kind of people to enter, that is, the rich!

The fire cloud clan still knows what to rely on to survive in this world.

By what?

Money, of course.

Huoyunzong set up a branch hall in the eastern region. If nuodai forces want to base on this for a long time, resource supplement is of course the first priority.

The general Hall of huoyunzong is far away in southern Xinjiang. This resource supplement, of course, is that it is difficult to save near fire with far water.

Therefore, the best way to supplement resources is to obtain them locally.

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