"Yes, in accordance with the master's arrangement!" Purple leaf they kowtow, solemnly listen to the order.

Then, someone yelled: "I will follow the leader to the death and kill the fire cloud sect!"

When he called out, the rest of the congregation immediately followed him.

"I will follow the leader to the death and kill the fire cloud sect!"


the crowd yelled like this, and the momentum was suddenly high and strong, and the blood was boiling!

Ziye looks at Zhou Hao, who is surrounded by the crowd. Her eyes, which are only exposed outside the veil, reveal infinite emotion.

Zhou Hao in her eyes is full of the temperament of a leader at this time. It is quite different from that when she first met Zhou Hao!

It's a thousand miles short!

She once doubted whether Zhou Hao could inherit this noble youth cult, but now it seems that Zhou Hao is the most correct one to take charge of the youth cult.

Zhou Hao is the second leader of the youth education!

Zhou Haoping went down to the crowd's shouts, and then said, "let's remember the route. Except for huoyunzong, we'll see you in taixuan mountain three months later."

Everyone under the map route, echoed in unison, and then suddenly dispersed.

With the instruction of the leader, it will be much easier for them to unite with the old youth departments in various regions.

In a word!

Zhou Hao and ziye immediately returned to the dock, took a boat to leave, and went along the scheduled route.

Within three months, they will get rid of all the branches of huoyun sect and gather in taixuan mountain.

For three months, it wasn't fast.

The ship started and they went up the river to the nearest branch Hall of huoyunzong.

Zhou Hao's route was an important branch hall set up by huoyunzong.

The strength of these sub halls will not be low, and the strength of the sub hall leaders will not be lower than that of the divine realm.

They are all masters of the spirit realm. For Zhou Hao, it's just a rich experience value waiting for his arrival!

The huoyunzong branch hall along the route of other regions is generally less powerful than that of Zhou Hao.

Because Zhou Hao's route, the areas they passed through were all the places that the strategists had to fight for!

Now we are in a troubled time. Huoyunzong has such an arrangement. You can see what kind of plan they have.

if the forces of the clouds scattered in the great Luo kingdom are consolidated and formed, then the great Luo world has the final say of Huo Yunzong.

, "I really don't know, but I'm scared to see it..."

murmured Zhou Hao on the bow.

At this time, purple leaf was standing beside him. After hearing his emotion, he asked in doubt: "how can the young leader say this?"

Zhou Hao took a breath and said, "when I counted the distribution of huoyunzong's forces on the map just now, I realized that the ambition of huoyunzong is really not small. It seems that they intend to control the whole Dalao kingdom!"

Ziye nodded and said, "the city hall of huoyun sect is really deep enough. If it hadn't been for the little cult leader who made the map just now, we didn't know that their plan was to occupy the whole daruo kingdom!"

"Well." Zhou Hao nodded and murmured: "maybe the birth of this troubled time has many indistinct relations with them..."

purple leaf nodded, and then asked, "little leader, do we not look for the bodies of heaven and man now?"

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