"An asshole is an asshole. Anyway, I'm not the first day to be an asshole!"

Zhou Hao said as if he had broken the jar, and then he rushed out with his chopping blade.

Asiba had already rushed in front of him and yelled "ah Xi Ba". At the same time, his big arm swept, sweeping out a powerful and powerful spirit. He directly beat the four or five monks who were in front of him and made them fly everywhere, as if they had alerted the locusts in the haystack.

When Zhou Hao arrived, his opponent had already been beaten away. He didn't need to wield it again.

"Ash, leave some for me!" He yelled to ashiba in a sullen voice.

"Ash! Ah Xi

Ah Xi barked up in a very unpleasant tone, as if to say: "I am a Xi, it is based on my ability to fight, why should I leave you a few!"

At this time, the friar on the opposite side saw that his accomplice was beaten by his opponent's simple move, and immediately realized that the opponent was not a small role. Therefore, he gathered together, put aside the mentality of watching the play, and directly rushed to kill the opponent together to kill him.

When Zhou Hao saw the situation, he spread out his hand and said to Ashi, "OK, ah Xi, don't leave any of them!"

As soon as this word comes out, ASI bar becomes excited and roars: "ah Xi bar!"

At the same time, he held up several monks who were rushing towards him with one hand, threw them into the air, and then waved them with big hands. Unexpectedly, they tore the monks alive in the air!

A blood rain, suddenly colorful, poured on every monk's face.


The group of friars were horrified and dumbfounded.

Such a fierce man, the friars tearing up the fairyland with their hands are as easy as tearing bread. This method is really frightening!

What's more, just now those friars rushed to kill them with a layer of aura. However, their shields were torn by the fierce man!

Raw tear.

Some friars sent out a strong blade and cut the sky and the earth. However, when they came to Ashi bar, they were easily torn up by him.

Fierce, cruel, this is not enough to describe the awe inspiring power of Asiba.

Asiba ran into a group of friars with his bare hands. He didn't care about the monks' attacks. Anyway, their attacks were just like mosquito bites to him.

And his attack, for those monks, is a terrorist attack that destroys heaven and earth.


Asiba cried out, a burst of anger broke out on his body, and the friars around him flew back and forth one after another, and his body was badly injured.

Just a burst of anger made the monks in fairyland stagger.

When those friars were staggering, Asiba rushed out, waving his big hands, one by one, and smashing the other's brain seeds like watermelon.

With a crack, the monk's brain melon seeds exploded, and red and white things were flying everywhere.

At this time, the friars knew the horror of Asiba, so they dodged and did not dare to approach him.

Even Zhou Hao doesn't want to get close to ASI.

That guy is too young. As long as he is next to him, he will be covered with plasma.

This guy had a fight and took a bath by the way

However, after Zhou Hao was far away from ASI bar, he was hit hard by a group of friars.

After all, they are fighting with a group of friars in fairyland. Their strength is similar, and they can't get much advantage. The only advantage is that they can resist beating some of them.

What an immortal cockroach!

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