
Chapter 998: Wave paradox

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The people around me didn't dare to take a breath, and all were silent.

Seeing that Wen Wei and Min Yushan were silent, Shang Wenhong grabbed a lieutenant and asked, "Say!"

"Shang ... General Shang, the little ... dare not say." The general's face turned red and he supported us.

"Waste!" Shang Wenhong threw him away, and then grabbed another person and asked, "What's the matter?"

The man shuddered, his eyes closed: "You killed me directly, King."

"I wipe ... what did the old lady do to kill you?" Shang Wenhong rolled his eyes and threw the man out. Then walked coldly to Wen Wei: "You said!"

Wen Weitieqing said with a face: "Don't ask, a trash, kill it!"

"Huh?" Shang Wenhong frowned, and she suddenly felt like this matter seemed to be related to herself!

Otherwise, why would this group of people refuse to give reasons?

Shang Wenhong set his sights on Minyu Mountain.

Min Yushan said coldly: "If the domain master turns around and knows this, he will punish his Nine Clan!"

Shang Wenhong: "..."

She looked at Min Yushan with a black line: "Do you know who he is?"

Min Yushan looked disdainful and looked at the guy who was lying in the pool of blood and had a gorgeous dress but a strange place on his head: "Cao Guifei's younger brother."

"You know ... also said that the domain master knew that he would punish his Nine Clan?" Shang Wenhong was really a little stunned.

That was Concubine Cao, a concubine that Zhou Han loved very much.

Moreover, Zhu nine people ...... did not include Cao Guifei?

There were not only one younger brother of Cao Guifei, but also others.

Hearing Min Yushan's words, there was not much response.

Obviously, I think the ghost king Min Yushan can't say too much.

Shang Wenhong was really a little surprised this time, she smiled: "I must give me a reason?"

At this time Huo Xiuwen suddenly came up and said: "Forget it, they will deal with it, you don't need to mix it up." Then he forced Shang Wenhong away.

He likes Shang Wenhong, and naturally he is also watching other people trying to get close to Shang Wenhong.

This supervisor named Cao Wugang had always had an idea for Shang Wenhong.

It's just that Shang Wenhong's status is too high!

Therefore, even if Cao Wuganggui is the uncle of the country, it is not enough to see in front of Shang Wenhong.

Even Shang Wenhong didn't know that she was remembered by this man for a long time.

But even if you know it, you probably won't take it for granted-there are many people thinking about the old lady, how old are you?

The uncle of the country acted in high profile on weekdays and was favored by his elder sister.

So Huo Xiuwen thought for a moment, and almost knew why Min Yushan and Wen Wei chopped off his fellow.

It was definitely a particularly unpleasant discourse against Shang Wenhong.

This group of upstarts do not understand the truth. They think that Shang Wenhong and Huo Xiuwen seem to have high weights. In fact, they have been aerial, but they are nothing but awesome.

What if I can play again? Now is the time of peace, a group of martial arts, how can you use the land?

It's just a group of outdated old guys.

There are too many people with this idea, including the dogs of the law enforcement team, a person of five people and six people, even if they dare to be arrogant in front of these people, it is not that this group of old guys are out of favor, and No soldiers have no right?

As everyone knows, this group of elderly people can bow their heads to Zhou Han, or even their heads, but it is definitely not what they can cause!

Once he was in a hurry, he drew a knife and cut it on the spot. Zhou Han knew he had to say a word.

If Shang Wenhong is the one to provoke, the result will be even more terrible.

Don't look at Huo Xiuwen getting on board for La Shangwenhong, saying that the law enforcement team dare to humiliate Shang Wenhong's people. In fact, there are follow-ups, which are deliberately ignored by Huo Xiuwen.

That was the law enforcement team that humiliated Shang Wenhong and the people around Shang Wenhong, and was directly criticized by Zhou Han without hesitation. The scene was called miserable.

Of course, that incident happened long after Shang Wenhong was humiliated. And the reason for finding it has nothing to do with Shang Wenhong.

But people with good eyes know why those unlucky eggs died.

It's just that those who are discerning are of extremely high status. Apart from warning their family members not to provoke Shang Wenhong, they will never reveal anything.

Otherwise, the domain owner will be unhappy.

Therefore, even if Cao Guifei was favored, if it was really his brother who publicly humiliated Shang Wenhong, he was known by Zhou Han. Don't think about the result, Cao Guifei's entire family, even relatives and friends, will suffer bad luck.

The entire chaotic domain has no metric. Even the creatures in the Tiangong World are trillions of dollars.

The most beautiful woman is the younger sister who may be recognized by Zhou Han, only Shang Wenhong.

He can deprive Shang Wenhong of his military power and let her be a worthy king, but he will never allow anyone to trample on her dignity.

Huo Xiuwen could see clearly, but Shang Wenhong thought about it and realized it.

She didn't want to know what Cao Wugang actually said, only to anger Wen Wei and Min Yushan to cut him with a knife, but she was sad and tangled.

Because in addition to taking away her military power, Zhou Han did not say anything to her.

But she has decided to fight Zhou Han.



"The Internet in Tiangong World is so calm." Jiang Zilian, the Internet addicted girl who finally got Internet access, lay lazy on the comfortable lounge chair of the spaceship and said lazily: "The atmosphere in Lucheng is extremely tense, but on their network, they are I can't see any news, and I'm still singing and dancing. "

"Hehe." Chu Die smiled, and was also browsing various information of Tiangong World.

Her gaze stayed on one of them, looked at it with interest, and then said: "It's not that no one said, but just be more careful."

"Oh?" Jiang Zilian looked at the light curtain in front of Chu Die.

Chu Die pointed to one of them: "Well, like this ..."

Jiang Zilian frowned and read, "The kings are competing for deer, who will die?"

The following person replied: "The local chickens and dogs are destroyed by a single blow."

There are people who reply below: "You don't know the legends."

"There is ... uh, what does that mean?" Jiang Zilian's eyes stayed on a reply and murmured: "Germany doesn't match ... Wang sees Wang, hehehe, a bunch of harmony turns the sky ... what does this mean? Yeah? "

Chu Die said lightly: "The undeserved person is Zhou Han. Wang Jianwang said that Xian'er and Shi Shi's father and the current princes said that they would be happy and together after meeting each other. Overthrow Zhou Han. "

Speaking of which, Chu Die himself felt funny: "It's nonsense!"

Lin Shi raised his eyebrows, his thoughts appeared on his face.

"What? Do you think it is not?" Chu Die looked at Lin Shi.

Lin Shi said: "The information that can be found is limited. The network of Tiangong World is too closed, but I always feel that the people who betrayed the left seven and the right seven ... it seems ... a bit strange."

With that said, she looked at Chu Yu: "What do you think?"

Chu Yu glanced at her: "I don't know."

Lin Shi rolled his eyes and said: "Say it!"

Chu Yu was helpless and said: "The relationship between the left seven and the right seven is too far away from us, and I am not like you, awakening the memory, how can I know the grievances and entanglements between them?"

Lin Shi thought about it too, and temporarily let Chu Yu pass there, analyzing: "There are a lot of relevant information in my memory, I can tell you."

As soon as Jiang Zilian heard the interest, he came over and said: "Hurry up and talk."

Lin Shibai gave her a glance: "Would you like to prepare some seeds and beer for you?"

"What's that?" Jiang Zilian didn't mix with the earth after all, and he didn't understand what must be equipped to watch the masses.

But Chu Die knew it, and said with a smile: "Don't mess with poems, say it quickly."

"It's a little hurt to say it." Lin Shi looked at Chu Yu and said with a smile.

Chu Yu smiled a little helplessly. He didn't awaken any memory. The identity of the Prince of Chaos Domain is at most the kind: how I felt in my last life.

So far, this identity has brought him nothing but trouble.

If possible, Chu Yu really hopes that he has never been a prince of chaotic domain.

"Speak, it doesn't matter." Chu Yu said.

Lin Shi followed Chu Yu all the way, and naturally understood Chu Yu's mind very well, otherwise it would be impossible to make jokes or stimulate Chu Yu with such things.

Lin Shi said: "Actually from the left and the right seven, in the part of the memory I awakened, their relationship with each other is very good. Although they are not brothers, they are no different from their brothers. Especially in the Chu domain Lord led them This is even more true in the years when the world was hit. "

With Lin Shi's narration, some things about what happened that year have emerged a little bit.

"So even the Zhou Han rebellion is still an internal contradiction between their brothers in the hearts of the left seven and the right seven."

"Including my father."

Lin Shi said lightly: "Although Zhou Han personally shot and razed the Lintiangu Lin family, it was also because my father ... indeed, at that time, he was ready to rebel."

"Hate is real hatred, there is nothing to say."

"But this kind of thing really needs to be divided into right and wrong, and it's not that easy."

"After all, different positions make different decisions naturally."

"Some of the seven left seven, right seven middle school people who supported Zhou Han, Shang Wenhong, were the only women among them, and the little princesses of the left seven right seven. Almost most of the left seven right seven loved her secretly. "

"However, in the future, it still persists, it seems that only Zhentian Wang Xu Zhen, and the Western commander of the year, now the Western king Huo Xiuwen."

"These things were told by my father when they told me the story."

Lin Shiyou said: "Later Uncle Xu Zhen also married his wife and gave birth to a daughter, but Shang Wenhong has never been married. Between her and Zhou Han, she has a deep feeling of brother and sister ..."

"Why have you never heard of these things?" Chu Die asked.

Lin Shi smiled bitterly: "The so-called memory awakening is actually like giving you a memory card. The information inside is so vast, there are many things that you will not find in a moment and a half. Even a powerful monk wants to be in a short time It ’s not so easy to browse all the previous memories of the past. "

Jiang Zilian asked with excitement: "Does it come to mind when something happens?"

Lin Shi nodded: "Almost, it needs some external stimulation."

Chu Die thought for a while and said, "That is to say, Shang Wenhong and his group of rebellious people may not really fight your father with their desperation?"

Lin Shi nodded: "The things between them are intricate and unclear, so we can hide far away, which is not necessarily a bad thing."

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