
Chapter 1000: Walk with me

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Cao Guifei, who had forgotten to cry, just fell to the ground like this. She couldn't help her for a long time. The whole person was like a fool.

The maid, who was crying awkwardly, was also a little scared. She stepped forward and hugged Cao Guifei, shaking: "Mother, mother ..."

Cao Guifei turned her head slowly, looking at her maid innocently.

"What's wrong with you, don't scare me!" The maid cried and wanted to call someone.

Cao Guifei grabbed her maid's arm fiercely: "Don't shout!"

At this moment, her eyes became extremely unpretentious, as if to eat people.

The maid was so scared that she had never seen her own mother become like this.

"What you said is true?" Cao Guifei asked.

"Yes, it's true ..." The maid said, grinning, and wanted to cry.


Cao Guifei raised her hand and slapped her maid hard.

The maid was stunned on the spot and looked at his master silly.

"What's going on?" Cao Guifei asked coldly.

From the time she heard about her brother's death, to seeing the domain master, and then back here, it was the most, and it was only one hour.

Although her Cao family can't be regarded as a top tycoon, but with her favored concubine, it is now also an emerging tycoon.

How could it be completely overturned in one hour?

Cao Guifei didn't believe it.

"Not long after the news of the death of Uncle Guo, just when you left, the slave-maid heard that the master was greedy and vain, and he also intended to rebel. He was hacked by the law enforcement team on the spot.

The maid choked, bit by bit, and gave the words she had just heard to Cao Guifei.

"Evening in vain, intending to rebel?"

Cao Guifei was shocked.

Just rely on her father? Just rely on her family?

Greedy this ... there must be. The whole royal city ... who can appear in the royal palace, but who is not qualified to appear in the royal palace, which is not greedy?

In vain?

This kind of thing will definitely happen.

But does this matter to the top dignitaries?

Intent to rebel?

My Cao family ... How can He De?

Dare to rebel under the coercion of the domain master?

When my Cao family is the king of Zhentian, the king of heaven, and the king of heaven?

Cao Guifei suddenly laughed like crazy, tore the clothes on her body, kicked off her shoes, and rushed straight out in such a naked way.

He laughed wildly: "Evening the law in vain, intent on rebellion ... Hahaha, hahahahaha! Domain Master, how vicious are you!"

"Why didn't you kill me alone?"

"Just because my brother did something wrong, he might not even do something wrong. You just cut my Cao's house?"

"Zhou Han! You must not die!"


A cold arrow suddenly shot.

The arrows are full of highway runes, exuding endless killing opportunities.

Cao Guifei shot on the spot.

Cao Guifei's crazy cry also stopped abruptly.

Her body shuddered violently, even if there was a real immortal cultivation, she could not bear the arrow.

His body fell softly and fell to the ground.

Afterwards, a large number of guards appeared in Cao Guifei's palace, killing everyone here by chopping melons and vegetables.

Together with Cao Guifei's body, it was quickly packed away.

Later, a large number of eunuchs came here and washed the ground with clean water.

In less than half an hour, it was completely quiet here, as if nothing had happened.

Few people saw this scene in the depths of Gong Wei, but the news was still spreading out like wings.

Those who were still in the hall soon heard about it.

Everyone is stupid.

The domain master summoned them and threw them a report of the whole army's annihilation, and a message that the uncle Cao Wugang was killed. After letting them discuss for a while, they got up and left.

As a result, what happened next made them dumbfounded.

It's too cruel!

The Cao family is already dead, but the domain owner is still not enough, uprooting the entire Cao family!

Anyway, the Cao family is also a relative of the emperor!

Moreover, this is not counted. Cao Guifei, who was favored in the palace, was not spared.

Was shot and killed by the guards around the domain master.

Is the domain master crazy?

There seemed to be a huge cloud over the king's city, making these people in the hall almost breathless.

Even if they are all very deep practitioners, but at this moment, like the unstable snow outside, they feel extremely cold.

"Senior Prime Minister, this is ... why is this?"

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, what is wrong with the master?"

Finally, someone was so bold that he couldn't help but ask the Prime Minister.

The prime minister in the chaotic domain, named Guo Lie, was an adviser to Zhou Han in his early years. It is said that Zhou Han usurped the position and Guo Lie exerted a lot of effort.

Although Guo Lie did not rank in the seventh to seventh, but in the era of Chu domain master, Guo Lie also had a great reputation in the top small circle.

Guo Lie looks forty years old, with a graceful face and no white face. He wears a purple robes and looks extremely majestic.

Seeing a group of people looking at him, Guo Lie couldn't help but sigh: "You guys ... hey!"

With another heavy sigh, Guo Lie glanced at everyone, and slowly said, "Do you think that it is irrelevant in Daze World? It is easy to fight and can draw huge military achievements? After all, it is the old nest of the army ? "

"Isn't it?" The words came out of almost everyone present. No one said it.

"But we lost." Guo Lie smiled bitterly: "We are defeated in a place that is so easy to fight. It is close to 600,000 troops, and the whole army is wiped out. You know, why did the domain master copy the old army nest?

He looked at the crowd in the hall: "The domain master is to anger the army in a complete way! As a result, the whole army is annihilated! You have broken the major event of the domain master!"

More, Guo Lie didn't say any more.

Why anger the army?

Zhou Han wants to make a difference!

I want to completely cut off the back path of the Cangming Army by copying out the Cangming Army's nest, forcing the Cangming Army to fight against them!

As prime minister, Guo Lie was very clear in his heart, and there were actually just a few things that made Zhou Han as a throat.

First, the prince is still alive!

Second, a group of old guys are always ready to move, including Zhou Han's favorite girl, the northern king Shang Wenhong! Zhou Han was very clear about what those people thought.

Third, it is the Cangming Army!

Guo Lie knew that Cang Mingjun was Zhou Han's biggest heart disease.

Because Zhou Han knows more than anyone how powerful the Cangming army is.

If it falls into the hands of those old guys, once the war starts, the Cangjun army can sweep the entire Tiangong world in a short time!

Of course, Zhou Han is not without cards.

He has an open army.

Today after so many years, the Kaitian Army is not the same as the former Kaikai Army.

But even if this is the case, Zhou Han still wants to completely wipe out the army.

As a result, the waste of Chen Xiao, together with a group of noble private soldiers with a haunted fetus, abruptly turned a battle that should be easily solved into a defeated defeat.

The fire in Zhou Han's heart could burn down the entire palace!

And at this time, Cao Wugang ... actually did not know the life and death, in the face of the two kings of Wen Wei and Min Yushan, to humiliate the northern king Shang Wenhong.

On the one hand, Zhou Han will use Wen Wei and Shang Wenhong to die with those of Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen; on the other hand, the status of this group of people in Zhou Han's mind is unparalleled!

Guo Lie knew this well.

Especially Shang Wenhong, that really is a woman who can't mess with it.

At that time, the law enforcement team was so majestic that it swelled into a lifetime, and ran to Shang Wenhong for trouble.

I thought a king who had no military power was bullying. What happened?

The entire Wangcheng law enforcement team has been thoroughly cleaned!

Although other excuses are used, how many of the real discerning people can't see that Zhou Han is venturing for Shang Wenhong?

There is only a small family like Cao's family, who can't see the height of his eyebrows. Everyone is a national uncle. I don't know who gave him the courage, but dare to humiliate Shang Wenhong in the face of killing God like Wen Wei and Min Yushan?

Isn't this death?

The crowd in the hall, some sucked out some taste, and some were still confused.

This is not to say how stupid they can stand here, which is not a human spirit? It can only be said that most of them do not know what kind of person Zhou Han is, nor the old things of those years.

Guo Lie sighed and said: "As for the Cao family, it was his own death."

"When the master of the domain was in full swing, he bumped into himself. Who will die if they don't die?"

Some people couldn't help but say, "Senior Prime Minister, even if the Cao family is guilty, wouldn't it be stolen by the family?"

Guo Lie glanced at the man, and said lightly, "I don't know if I'm going to destroy the house? It's already cheap for them. If you don't punish the Nine Clan and involve more people, it's already a kind of extraordinary mercy."

"..." Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded at this moment.

What kind of extravagance is this?

Amuse us to play?

Guo Lie said: "You don't understand the feelings between the domain master and those kings. In fact, I have reminded you not to feel that those people lose their power and step on others. The details of those people are much deeper than you think."

After talking, Guo Lie shook his head and stepped out of the hall.

This group of people is shrewd and shrewd, but their mindset, pattern and vision are too bad.

You can also compete for interests and power, and talk about other ... just a group of corpse vegetarian food.

The domain master Wen Tao Wulue is extremely excellent. It's a pity that when it comes to the realm of chaos, it's really worrying.

In the back garden of the palace.

Xu Xiaoxian sat on the swing, dangling, wearing a white long dress and a shawl of hair, if she looked from the back, she was like a fairy.

Unfortunately, an ordinary face was born.

Zhou Han strolled up to this place, and when he saw Xu Xiaoxian, he was slightly startled, and then came to Xu Xiaoxian.

Facing this cold-blooded domain master, Xu Xiaoxian said not to be nervous that was nonsense. She has always wondered how she can get that real spirit back these days, but unfortunately she can't find any chance at all.

Inside the palace, it is loose and tight inside. It was extremely difficult to retrieve the true spirit under Zhou Han's eyes.

"Girl, walk with me?" Zhou Han asked Xu Xiaoxian calmly and asked.

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