
Chapter 1004: Zhou Han's real purpose

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"I once asked the boss, since you know everything, why don't you take the blame?"

"The boss told me with a smile, no one can take these qi counts. No one can take them in this world. Even if they claim to be able to devour all the demons in the world, it won't work!"

"So, those realm devised to find ways to integrate into this world, want to divide these qi."

"With Qi, you can really survive in the endless plane and across the dimension for a long time."

"With Qi, you can really enter the realm of freedom ..."

Xu Xiaoxian finally heard the statement about the realm from Zhou Han's mouth and questioned: "Xiaoyao realm?"

Zhou Handao: "Yes, the realm, in our opinion, is actually only divided into three types, the red dust realm, the broken virtual realm, and the free and easy realm."

"Reconciliation?" Xu Xiaoxian asked.

"The so-called red dust realm is the realm of the practitioners of all realms, and there are all kinds of sayings, such as the most common practice of Qi, foundation, Jindan, Yuanying, Mahayana, crossover ... Although immortals, true immortals, **** emperors, etc., have different names, but cultivation to the peak, in fact, is only the peak of the red dust realm. "

Zhou Han said, looking at Xu Xiaoxian: "For example, you should be close to the peak of the red dust realm now."

"This state is close to immortality, but it is not really immortal. If you are in this place of origin, your life is about 100 billion years. If it is in some other messy plane, it will be longer. But the red dust environment will eventually be There is a limit. When it reaches that limit, it will still die. "

"Is that kind of dead, the real spirits scattered?" Xu Xiaoxian asked.

"The true spirit ... won't disperse." Zhou Han said: "It's just that the person of the real spirit's reincarnation should not be you."

"True spirit ... more like an organ in the human body. For example, if your organ is transplanted into someone else, then it is someone else's organ, and it has nothing to do with you."

"Only Yuanshen, the Yuanshen composed of three souls and seven souls, is the real you."

Zhou Handao said: "Your primitive spirit is missing, and the rest of it, you should know, the seal is on my throne."

Xu Xiaoxian said: "Isn't that a true spirit?"

Zhou Han laughed: "Who can find the true true spirit? I can't find it anyway. In fact, even if it is the power to break the void, it is impossible to break up the true spirit of people. Even the Yuanshen It ’s hard to break up completely. "

"So you are killing the ring, in fact, fundamentally, you have not been able to kill those people completely?" Xu Xiaoxian asked.

"Of course, otherwise what do you think?" Zhou Han looked at Xu Xiaoxian: "So understand why I brought you here, did you say this to you?"

Xu Xiaoxian nodded: "Understood, souls are actually very difficult to be truly killed. Killing lives is just a means. Finding ways to compete for energy is the root."

"Good." Zhou Han nodded. "That's it."

"The group of you and your father are both in breaking the virtual realm, but the realm is high and low. The so-called breaking the virtual realm is actually enlightenment. Like the infinite Taoist ancestors, their group of hidden world powers should be at the peak of breaking the virtual realm . "

Zhou Han said: "In this world, the only person I have ever seen who has the opportunity to step into a happy world is the boss."

"Master Chu Yu?" Xu Xiaoxian asked.

"Yes." Zhou Han nodded and looked at her: "It's a pity that the boss was too stubborn, or that he was too cherished in the world! I had persuaded him that year, even if the merits are immeasurable, they may not be able to obtain it. Favored by the number of qi, he said that there is no world in his chest, what is the use of qi?

Zhou Han shook his head and sighed: "I don't understand his choice very much, girl, you should understand that to our state, breaking the emptiness and breaking the emptiness ... All vainness does not exist in our eyes. We look at the problem directly. It ’s the source. "

"So, everything is a means, such as establishing a sect, gaining the power of faith, such as doing good deeds, accumulating merits, such as quiet cultivation, and constantly breaking through the limits of the human body ..."

"No matter what the means, in the final analysis, in order to be able to take that step, you can really enter the legendary happy environment."

"But the boss doesn't care about it at all. In his heart, he is really pretending to be the world."

"So there will be a battle with the realm, and there will be later."

Xu Xiaoxian said: "Is it good to be kind?"

"What is good, what is evil?" Zhou Han said: "If you have evil in your heart, you cannot say that you are true and good."

"I understand this truth, but at least it doesn't have to hurt people." Xu Xiaoxian said.

"You haven't harmed anyone?" Zhou Han smiled: "Whether intentionally or unintentionally, any soul, as long as it is in this world, will inevitably do something contrary to its original intention. Is this person good or evil?"

"I don't debate this with you, anyway, I think your thoughts are extreme." Xu Xiaoxian said.

"Maybe, the boss said that to me. He said that year, if one day he died, I will definitely rebel." Zhou Han said.

Xu Xiaoxian nodded, and said that the master of the Chu domain was really like a god, and he saw that there was a bone in your back.

"But the boss doesn't really care about these." Zhou Han said: "Regarding the number of qi, about a lot of things I told you, I actually want to understand a little bit over the years. If I understand these truths at that time, I might not do it. Make the same choice. "

"But there is no turning back."

Zhou Han said lightly: "Since I have left, I can only keep going. There is no way to go back."

Xu Xiaoxian looked at Zhou Han standing in the night. Although there were still many people around and people still coming and going, no one could see them now.

Obviously in the crowd, but Zhou Han revealed a lonely ancient vicissitudes.

She said with a serious face: "These things you said are too far away and too big, I don't understand. In fact, for me, I just want to live in a peaceful world and be with people in love, enough."

"Really?" Zhou Han glanced at her: "Why don't you find a quiet place with Chu Yu and Lin Shi, and don't ask the world since then, isn't it a happy life?"

Xu Xiaoxian glanced at him: "Will you let us go?"

"Yes." Zhou Han said: "I don't believe that if you live in seclusion, your anger will fall on you!"

"You take me back, I will go find Chu Yu and Lin Shi now, and then I will persuade my father ..." Xu Xiaoxian looked at Zhou Han: "I finally understand that you brought me here and told me so much Purpose. As long as you remember your commitment, I will do my best. Even if I can't persuade my father, I will definitely leave Chugong World with Chu Yu and Lin Shi! We will go back to earth, back here, Stay away from all disputes. If you want to fight for that, you will fight for it, and we do n’t care. "

Zhou Han looked at Xu Xiaoxian, his eyes a little complicated, and finally, he nodded and smiled.



Chu Yu, Lin Shi, Chu Die, and Jiang Zilian and their team made a facelift and finally came to the Wangcheng.

Before entering the city, you can feel the tension that enveloped the Wangcheng.

I didn't see any special news about Wangcheng on the Tiangong World network.

After arriving at the Wangcheng, I learned from the mouth of Wangcheng what happened. People in Wangcheng can talk in private, but no one dares to put the news on the Internet.

The law enforcement team is not vegetarian.

They also only have a bad luck on Shang Wenhong's head without opening their eyes.

For others, even if they are heavy ministers of North Korea and China, they dare not easily provoke the people of the law enforcement team.

The three words of the law enforcement team, for the entire Tiangong world, are like a sharp sword, hanging over everyone's head.

"The Cao family is really miserable, hey, what about the upstart? The uncle Guo was cut off from the head on the front line. Cao Guifei asked the domain master to cry, but was murdered. He heard that he was crazy in the end. It's terrible to copy it ... Say that the Cao family is trying to rebel against the law, who believes! Just the Cao family ... say that everyone believes that the law is corrupt, how can they have the courage to rebel? "

"You remember the fact that the law enforcement team was cleaned a long time ago? It seems that at the time, there were legends about the kings."

"Hey, the King of the North ... It is said that there was a big member of the law enforcement team at the time, who took a fancy to the King of the North and went to the door to harass him. He was almost killed by the King of the North. Want to slander. But then it's gone. Soon after, the law enforcement team was cleaned from top to bottom. "

"Yes, this time the Cao family, I am afraid that they have made the same mistake!"

"I didn't expect those kings to be silent for so many years. They seemed powerless, but still so powerful."

The four of them walked on the streets of the Wangcheng city, and various opinions continued to be heard in their ears.

However, when the law enforcement team appears, these voices will automatically terminate.

When the people of the law enforcement team leave, everyone gathers again to discuss.

There was no snow on the streets of Wangcheng, because Wangcheng's defensive array opened before it snowed.

But outside the Wangcheng, it was white, exuding a cold breath.

"Wangcheng is different. We are in other cities, but we can hardly hear such bold arguments." Jiang Zilian looked at several people with bright eyes.

"What's the use of these comments?" Chu Yu said lightly: "You can see a little bit from the Internet?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't see it. We are here and it's enough to hear these." Jiang Zilian looked at Chu Yu. "At least we have confirmed some of the things that Shi Shi said."

Yes, it can indeed confirm some things.

Zhou Han, who is the master of the domain, still seems to miss the old sentiments to those who are Shang Wenhong.

Later, Chu Yu and his team heard a lot about the frontline battlefield.

For example, in Lucheng, there have been several wars recently, and the rebels still have not used the squadrons, and other troops have killed a large number of warriors on the domain master ’s side.

Strictly speaking, the domain owner has suffered several defeats in succession.

Many people said eloquently that the domain master had thundered, killing many people to vent their anger.

This kind of argument is mostly true and false, and speculation is predominant.

Even though they were residents of the royal city, few of them had entered the royal palace. How could they know what happened in the palace?

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