
Chapter 1007: Don't drop the chain

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This little maid was naturally Chu Yu. He frightened the little goddess of the Six Gods and her lover. The man was changed by Chu Yu to the sea and was thrown here. The lady was taken by Chu Yu to another empty house near the rouge gouache shop.

It is impossible for these two people to escape the Wangcheng completely. If the law enforcement team or the people in the palace know that there is a maid without going out of the palace, they dare to mix with men and ghosts. It is absolutely a dead end.

Chu Yu was kind-hearted and gave them a way to live. After revising the man's spiritual knowledge and understanding the sea, even if someone finds him, he should not kill him.

Those who can check this young man's status will certainly not be low, and killing such a ants who don't know anything is meaningless.

Chu Yu modified the spirit of the maiden to understand the sea again. Even if she was searched for souls in the future, she could only find that the maiden was stunned during the process of buying rouge gouache and left in an empty house near the rouge gouache shop.

It can even perfectly explain why she didn't return to the palace one night.

On weekdays, some maidens who are about to come out of the palace sometimes do not return home at night, and the people above usually pass with one eye closed.

But if it is related to the fact that Xu Xiaoxian was robbed, it is a big thing.

Although Chu Yu used her, it was not harmful to her.

Chu Yu, who became a woman for the first time, was a little bit uncomfortable in her heart. No wonder he refused to tell Lin Shi that they knew that they would really laugh at them for life.

However, in order to save Xu Xiaoxian, Chu Yu also escaped.



Zhou Han, who is going up, suddenly has a whim, and has a strong feeling of restlessness.

Now he told the confidants around him to let him send someone to see Xu Xiaoxian.

That girl he really likes, the real junior.

Even if she turned her face with Xu Zhen, the girl had to call him Uncle seriously.

Therefore, Zhou Han never planned to treat Xu Xiaoxian, but she must not be allowed to run!

Although using a junior is somewhat shameful. But this matter is too important.

It's important to not allow the slightest loss.

Only when Chu Yu is controlled can he feel at ease and fight against the chaotic brothers of the past.

Moreover, the group of people played under the banner of supporting the crown prince, but the crown prince was controlled by him. At that time, it was also a key piece.

There is nothing to lose!

The **** supervisor next to Zhou Han suddenly went down.

But Zhou Han still felt a little uneasy and was ready to take a look at it with his own eyes.

"Domain master, the prince has the tune ..." A minister stood up.

Zhou Han sighed: "Say."

In the Royal Garden.

Xu Xiaoxian sat on the swing, frowning slightly.

She has not tried to buy those little maidens and take the news out through them.

But a little trial and error, I know that this method is not feasible.

It cannot be said how loyal these maidens are, the key is that this matter is too difficult. Even if they were bought, they had the opportunity to leave the palace again. But how can we deliver the message?

Especially the people and things related to her, will definitely be closely watched by Zhou Han's people.

Maybe the news on this side was intercepted before it could be heard. Not only did he useless work, but he might also harm those little girls.

forget it!

Chu Yu entered the palace and first returned to resurrection, and sent those rouge gouaches to the manager.

In the process of changing the spirit of the little maiden to understand the sea, Chu Yu had already obtained most of the memories of the little maiden by searching the soul.

So I am very familiar with the rules and some things in the palace.

The female officer in charge also looked very young, staring at Chu Yu with a solemn expression: "Mer, not me to say you, you really have to pay attention to it. It won't take long for you to be free. Don't fall down At the last moment. There have been too many similar examples before, and I wo n’t say much about you. You can do it for yourself. ”

According to the memory of the little maid named Meier, the female officer regarded her as quite the kind.

Otherwise she would not be so bold to stay home overnight.

This is a felony!

But having said that, if no one ever breaks it, there will be no such rules.

"Got it, I will pay attention next time." Chu Yu lowered his head.

In fact, according to Meier's character, he should grin, and then go up and hug her around the neck of the female officer.

In Meier's memory, this kind of thing was done.

But Chu Yu couldn't do it.

It has nothing to do with the prince's idol baggage. It is purely that he has never done such a thing. If he were not for Xu Xiaoxian, he would not become a woman if killed.

But his monkey master did this kind of thing in mythology, teasing Pig Bajie.

To comfort myself, the elder husband can bend and stretch, straight or straight ... and can't bend even if he is killed. Become a woman, that's the big guy.

The female officer didn't think too much, just waved her hand and sent Chu Yu away.

Although the rules are strict, this group of maidens are also very pitiful. They were sent to the palace from an early age. There is no opportunity to talk about love on weekdays. Inevitable.

Unless there is a big event, you can cover it, but you have to cover it.

Chu Yu bid farewell to the female officer and walked out all the way.

It can be said that the atmosphere in Zhou Han's palace is still very harmonious. The key is that Zhou Han is too strong. What palace fight, what pillow style, once anger Zhou Han, no matter who you are, what power your mother has.

The penalty is the penalty, the killing is the killing.

In addition, there are not many concubines in the harem, so these maidens, unless they are maids around the nobles, need to follow the nobles every day. Most of them are relatively free.

Chu Yu strolled along and walked all the way to the Yuhua Garden, because according to Meier's memory, the "little chef" most of the time was swinging in the Yuhua Garden.

Zhou Han easily sent the minister, announced the retreat directly, and then went to the Royal Garden.

All the people who saw him were silent. Flashing salute.

Chu Yu just entered the Yu Garden, and he felt a slight cold in his heart. The strong sense of crisis made him feel a sudden burst of cold hair.

He directly executes the celestial mind technique to forcibly suppress this uneasiness.

With the operation of Chi Tian Xin Fa, his Dao Xin quickly calmed down.

At this time, from the corner came a tall man.

The man wore a bright yellow robe embroidered with various avenue runes. These high-level runes are not embroidered, but branded with great mana.

In other words, Zhou Han's robe is actually a top-level suit!

He was wearing a black hairpin on his bun, which seemed to be inconsistent with his identity.

But everyone who knows Zhou Han knows that the hairpin is his weapon, and it will never be easily used.

Once used, it is the collapse of the earth.

Zhou Han's eyes fell on Chu Yu and frowned slightly.

Chu Yu was nervous, not too disguised, and bowed his head slightly, saluting: "Have seen the master ..."

Zhou Han didn't say a word, flicked his sleeves, and walked directly to the Royal Garden.

Lying trough!

What the **** is this?

Isn't it true that you are a domain owner?

Isn't this time in the world?

Instead of being bombarded by the courtiers in the main hall, what are you doing in the back garden?

How did I let Lao Tzu walk into the Royal Garden?

Chu Yu didn't even know that Xu Xiaoxian was in the Royal Garden at this time.

The palace was heavy, he did not dare to expand his consciousness at all.

Once you accidentally activate some magic circle that specializes in capturing consciousness, it is no different than stabbing Ma Honeycomb.

He stumbled here, but unexpectedly Zhou Han in front suddenly stopped.

She glanced back at her and frowned, "What are you doing?"

Meier's memory, the domain master is a person with little emotional exposure. Most of these people, the eunuch's housemaid, are blind.

But occasionally, I would chat casually with some little ladies.

But this time is absolutely rare.

In Meier's memory, for so many years, it seems that I have only seen two or three times.

Therefore, Chu Yu felt that he had won the grand prize, and he lowered his eyebrows and replied, "The slave-servant ordered the Xian'er girl to buy some rouge gouache and came back to her,"

"Oh?" Zhou Han raised his eyebrows, and then said: "Then come here."

In Zhou Han's view, it should be that the little maid originally wanted to find Xu Xiaoxian, but when she saw herself, she was afraid and didn't dare to go, so she acted hesitantly.

He didn't think much about it, but Chu Yu's heart was overturned.

Especially, it's easy to dress up as a women's big brother, and the result is so thrilling.

If exposed here, Chu Yu has no doubt that he can't go out at all!

Although he didn't use his consciousness to explore anything, but along the way, he found hundreds of magic circles.

And there is a certain relationship between these magic circles.

Once activated, the entire palace is definitely a real net, and it's hard to escape.

What will happen?

When the girl saw me, what if she didn't know me?

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and ditched the metal ball at the center of his eyebrows.

He didn't think about putting hands on Zhou Han here, because the pressure that Zhou Han put on him was too great.

After he entered the Dao, even if he faced He Shoucheng, Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen, they did not have so much pressure.

Zhou Han was able to directly usurp the throne with the number one Kai Tian King, and succeeded in ascending the throne of the domain master.

Therefore, once discovered later, we must take Xu Xiaoxian out of the place immediately.

As for the success, Chu Yu really didn't have any idea.

Chu Yu honestly followed behind Zhou Han, walked for a while, his eyes suddenly opened up, a tree-lined open space, supporting a swing.

Xu Xiaoxian was sitting on the swing, thinking about what she was holding with her cheeks.

Seeing Zhou Han first, and then seeing the "little lady" behind Zhou Han, Xu Xiaoxian's heart stunned slightly. What kind of combination did he say?

But on her face, she didn't show it at all.

Xiao Yinyin looked at Zhou Han: "How is Uncle coming?"


With a move in Chu Yu's heart, he instantly understood that Xu Xiaoxian's identity had been revealed by Zhou Han!

Otherwise, how brave a little chef girl dares to call the uncle?

Although the appearance is still that of a little cook, Chu Yu is sure that Xu Xiaoxian has been exposed. As for why Zhou Han didn't move her, it was also directed at him. No wonder this girl will fly a kite in the palace.

This is to warn myself to run quickly.

"Come and see you." Zhou Han smiled at Xu Xiaoxian with a smile, then glanced at Chu Yu.

At this time, you can only bet on your wife and your heart!

My baby wife, don't drop the chain for me!

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