
Chapter 1009: Slipped away

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Under normal circumstances, it is indeed unlikely.

So Chu Yu stayed in Xu Xiaoxian's room for a while, and left here joyfully with some "rewards".

Someone secretly stared at Chu Yu coldly.

The maiden named Meier had just been checked and turned up.

Even the fact that Meier has a good man outside has made it clear.

For a while, the place where the young man was found was found.

The intelligence ability of the people around Zhou Han is still very strong.

After reporting to Zhou Han, the man specifically asked Zhou Han if he wanted to deal with it.

Zhou Han said it was unnecessary.

A thought, Maid Maier and the young man survived.

This kind of broken thing is of no interest to Zhou Han, who is a status leader.

He didn't know that those maidens who were about to leave the palace would be robbed outside. No matter how cold-blooded he is, he won't even have to step on two feet of some ants.

Since Meier's identity is no problem, and he is about to leave the palace, it seems that the relationship with Xu Xiaoxian is not bad. Zhou Han is unwilling to make Xu Xiaoxian unhappy in this kind of thing.

So with a big wave, this matter was ignored.

Chu Yu was sent out to buy again the next day, and he also saw Meier's friendship again.

Because the young man was modified by Chu Yu to understand the sea, he forgot everything before, and when he saw Chu Yu, the hippie smiled and came over. Vaguely indicates whether you can stay at night.

Chu Yu's heart was so crooked, he said that he didn't know anything about life and death, and had walked around the gate of the ghost door. Did he still have nothing in his heart?

He was too lazy to tell the young man directly that he was honestly waiting to go home and come to the house to raise relatives. The palace is not peaceful recently. Once found, not only will he die, but it will also affect his family.

The young man was scared enough to choke, and that desire disappeared instantly. Hurry and leave quietly.

After Chu Yu returned, he went to see Xu Xiaoxian again.

Subsequently, Chu Yu left Xu Xiaoxian's residence.

In the early morning of the next day, follow the side door and stroll out.

When I came to an empty house behind the rouge gouache shop, I saw that the real maid Meier was still sleeping there. Chu Yu calculated the time, and within one hour, Meier would wake up.

Chu Yu then cast a spell and added some new memories to Meier's spiritual knowledge.

This is some interactive pictures with Xu Xiaoxian these days.

For practitioners in the realm of Chu Yu, it is really easy to control the memory and thinking of people like Meier.

After doing all this, Chu Yu flashed and disappeared into the void.

Soon, he returned to the hotel where he stayed.

Lin Shi, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian are already waiting here.

Seeing Chu Yu's return, all looked concerned.

Lin Shi asked: "What about Xian'er?"

Chu Yu said: "Hurry up and leave now! She was completely sealed by me and placed in the small world."

Why do you want to seal completely? Because once a little bit of breath leaked out, Zhou Han, or those powerful people beside him, could find it along the way.

Even if it is a complete seal, can you leave this royal city smoothly?

"Okay, I'm ready here." Chu Die said in a deep voice.

Everyone knows that at the critical moment, we must go all out to get out of danger.

Lin Shidao: "Once there is any situation, I can put a lot of news on the Tiangong World's network for the first time, enough to make the entire Tiangong World chaotic.

A group of people separated and left. After reaching the agreed location, the easy-going people boarded a huge spaceship directly.

I heard that this is the car of the son of a large nobleman in the east of Tiangong World, which is extremely luxurious.

I don't know how Chu Die got the ticket for this spaceship. Although it is only the most common one, most people don't come at all.

Because the ticket of this spaceship is not something that can be bought at all.

In just a few days, it was not easy for Chu Die and Jiang Zilian to get so many tickets.

A group of them boarded the ship separately and did not sit together. During this time, some others boarded the ship.

After a while, the ship lifted off the sky, successfully left the Wangcheng, and flew towards the East High Speed ​​of Tiangong World.

When the spaceship flew halfway through the journey, a group of Chu Yu appeared in the warehouse, which is the bottom of the spaceship.

Directly changed into dust, and flew out of this spaceship along the vent.

At the next moment, a group of people fell directly into the huge mountains below.

At this point, it cannot be said to be safe, at most it can be regarded as temporary safety.

Because Zhou Han found that Xu Xiaoxian had escaped, he would definitely send someone to hunt them down.

The most terrifying thing in the entire Tiangong world is not the strong power-breakers, but the pervasive monitoring system!

This is the exact news that Xu Xiaoxian got in the palace.

In the whole Tiangong world, the kind of sky eyes with the support of a powerful magic circle is everywhere, even if they are the pinnacles of the red dust realm.

The network of Tiangong World is extremely developed, and it is directly connected with those Tianyan.

Once traces are captured by Sky Eye, unless they can completely disappear on this land, no matter where they appear, they will be informed in the shortest time.

Of course, there are some places where the sky eye is destroyed.

For example, Lucheng.

It's just that in Lucheng, Chu Yu they can never go back.

Although Lin Xuesong and Xu Zhen would not put Chu Yu under house arrest directly, they would never give him any chance to become famous.

Even if he saved Daze World and the relatives and descendants of the Cangjun Army, but in Lucheng, apart from a few people, they would say in private that no one mentioned Chu Yu's merits in public.

He didn't hold Chu Die less, but he didn't mention Chu Die was Chu Yu's side.

In short, they still have a long way to go.

There is no hope at present for wanting to stand firm in this world and fight back.

However, this first step finally went out.

You can breathe a sigh of relief for now.

Lin Shi couldn't help but ask: "Is the fairy's true spirit brought back?"

Chu Yu nodded: "I took it back, it was Zhou Han who gave it back to her."

"What?" All of them looked surprised, froze there, and couldn't think of what was going on inside.

Why did Zhou Han return Xu Xiaoxian's true spirit?

"Walk while talking." Chu Yu looked up at the sky above him, and there was always a layer of chaos in him.

This is used to cover the omnipresent sky eyes on the endless sky.

"Be careful, don't leave me too far away, once the trace is found, our days will be sad."



In the palace, after Zhou Han went down, he walked to the Royal Garden.

These days he is used to chatting with Xu Xiaoxian every day.

He likes this girl in his heart, he has not married in his life. The woman she once loved most was Shang Wenhong, but he always regarded her as a little sister.

When Xu Xiaoxian was still in her baby, Zhou Han actually liked the little girl. He even mentioned to Xu Zhen that Xu Xiaoxian would be accepted as a righteous girl.

Xu Zhen agreed at the time, but then too many unpredictable things happened, and this thing just went away.

Later, Zhou Han had seen girl ink several times, but he didn't like that girl. He still likes Xu Xiaoxian.

To be precise, what he likes is the temperament emitted by that part of the soul on this girl. And that part of the temperament, in Xu Xiaoxian, was not in the girl ink.

Zhou Han was very happy to see Xu Xiaoxian again.

He even moved the thought of accepting Xu Xiaoxian as a righteous girl again.

Although she is Chu Yu's wife, how about that?

The crown prince is the crown prince, and Xu Xiaoxian is Xu Xiaoxian. In Zhou Han's heart, the two cannot be confused.

Moreover, he is not cheating Xu Xiaoxian, he really will not kill Chu Yu.

As he said himself, one can't kill it, the other is meaningless.

After the endless reincarnation, it will still return.

Just like fate!

No one can stop it.

Perhaps if you step into the unrestrained state, you can really turn your hands over the clouds and rain, and truly control the world everywhere and everywhere?

He just wanted to attract Chu Yu through Xu Xiaoxian, and then he would really send these people to the earth.

Sealing their mana, sealing their spirits and understanding the sea, let them go to the earth to be ordinary people.

Anyway, Xu Xiaoxian looks very rich. You can drink mutton soup at least every day.

In Zhou Han's view, the life of drinking mutton soup every day is very happy.

And ignorance is also a kind of happiness.

Xu Xiaoxian is here every day on the swing of the Imperial Garden, but today Zhou Han came here, but did not see her.

Subsequently, Zhou Hanning thought for a moment. Suddenly found that the strong feeling of "Prince is here" disappeared ...

"What about her?" Zhou Han asked the air.

There was a faint wave of thoughts in the air: "Back to the domain master, she was always in the room today and did not come out."

"In the room? Are you sure?" Zhou Han raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Okay, only the court girl Meier had been to her before. After a while, she left."

There is a very strange feeling in Zhou Han's heart. In his realm, as long as he is moved, many things will naturally feel.

"She is no longer there." Zhou Han said.

"Impossible master, her breath is still there." The voice in the air was very certain.

"Aura?" Zhou Han's figure flashed and disappeared in the Royal Garden in an instant.

The next moment, he appeared at the door of Xu Xiaoxian.

The place where Xu Xiaoxian lives is very quiet, and she doesn't like to be served by others, so there are few people in this place on weekdays.

Zhou Han didn't even knock on the door, just pushed in.

The room was clean and tidy, and all utensils were placed there in a proper manner.

The gifts that Zhou Han and the harem nobles gave Xu Xiaoxian on weekdays were just as many, and they were all there.

A letter was placed on the table. The so-called Xu Xiaoxian's breath was uploaded from this letter.

"This ... impossible!" The voice in the air was full of surprise, and then seemed to want to explain: "I am really ..."

Zhou Han waved easily.


A cloud of blood mist flashed in the air, and the voice came to an abrupt halt.

Zhou Leng coldly said: "Waste!"

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