
Chapter 1011: Liantian Mountains

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"How about Qi count? Don't you have Qi count?" Lin Xuesong asked.

He Shoucheng glanced at him and said lightly: "I think the boss has already said that about the number of qi, although this world may not necessarily be good and good for evil, but at least you must be worthy of your conscience. Counting on that thing, the boss took us to sweep the world, fight against the realm, and endure the endless years of ascending to the domain master, but what about that? Does the boss really get the number of qi? "

"If he really got the gas, why did he eventually die in the realm's nest?"

He Shoucheng stood up: "So the number of qi is too mysterious, it is different from the national games. Although the chaotic domain under Zhou Han's governance looks calm, we can see how the national games are."

"Who can see this thing? Can you see it, or can I see it?"

"If you want to fight for power, then just say that the fight for power is good. It's no big deal. The brothers looked at Zhou Han's discomfort and tried to overthrow him."

He Shoucheng walked to Lin Xuesong: "Cedar, you tell me the truth, do you want to get gas, pursue chaos, or do you want to be a domain master?"

"I ..." Lin Xuesong was speechless, facing his brother, it was difficult for him to say that kind of disobedience.


Since he returned from the battlefield that year and suffered a trauma, his heart in pursuit of freedom has long since faded.

Especially after a battle with Zhou Han, he almost died.

Until today, he hasn't been able to slow down completely.

Therefore, Lin Xuesong didn't even believe that he wanted to pursue a happy environment.

This time he rebelled against the army, in fact, for two purposes, first, to kill Zhou Han!

It was indeed a brother at the time, a brother at the turn of life and death, but now, it is no longer. Now they are enemies of life and death!

Sooner or later, he will face up to Zhou Han. Only two of them will survive.

Second, board the domain master!

Only by being the most powerful person in this world can you live with dignity.

Lin Xuesong looked up at He Shoucheng, hesitating for a while, and finally said: "I want to be the domain master!"

"Hey, isn't this over?" He Shoucheng patted his shoulder, turned back, and turned back to Lin Xuesong's pair of tiger eyes, revealing a complex color, and smiled bitterly: "Why didn't Zhou Han do that right? The others from the left seven and the right seven will do it, but they will do it to you, Cedar, why do you say this? "

Lin Xuesong sat there, silent and did not answer.

In fact, He Shoucheng didn't say another thing. That is, Lin Xuesong knew that the prince had a marriage contract with Xu Zhen's daughter Xu Mo, but still didn't stop her daughter from pursuing Chu Yu.

Although it is common for the practitioners in this practice group to be in groups, what is their status?

Under normal circumstances, how can one easily let his daughter go to serve with others?

There is no way to say such words. Once they are said, they will be hard to read. Lin Xuesong should not be able to bear such accusations.

He Shoucheng's gaze turned to Xu Zhen: "Lao Xu, what about you? What is your ultimate purpose? Is it Qi?"

Xu Zhen glanced at Lin Xuesong, and then he smiled: "The purpose of Cedar is to become a domain owner. I really do n’t have any interest in power, so I really want to be angry. At the same time, I also want to verify one thing."

"You said this, I believe it." He Shouchengdao said: "I have been thinking about a problem in the past years, and I have been thinking about a problem. I have deduced it in my mind countless times. Even the boss ’s truly stunning natural arrogance has n’t finally figured out the secret of his vitality. We ’re afraid it ’s even harder. So making multiple attempts is not necessarily a bad thing. ”

"However, there is one thing, I have to make an explanation with my brothers first. I neither plot power, nor have interest in the domain owner. I don't try to be angry, this thing is too serene. I only hold my breath for those years. So I want to fight against Zhou Han. It does n’t matter to me whether you are the domain masters. But once the prince really shows that kind of talent and is qualified to become a domain master ... "

He looked at Lin Xuesong: "I will turn around to support the prince."

Lin Xuesong looked calm and smiled: "OK."

He Shoucheng stood up: "It's time to say hello to the old guys on the opposite side, and see how they look. I'm afraid that this mind is similar to mine. The two old guys Wen Wei and Min Yushan just slaughtered a country Uncle. I'm not afraid that Zhou Han will ask them to settle the bill. "

Xu Zhendao: "What account? That stupid dare to humiliate Wen Hong, fortunately he was slaughtered by those two guys, otherwise I will make him worse than life!"

He Shoucheng hey hey: "Old Xu, do you still remember Wen Hong? I have a little news, do you want to hear it?"

Xu Zhen blacked: "I don't want to listen."

He Shoucheng sighed: "If you don't listen, don't listen, it's no big deal. Anyway, one day, sooner or later, they will take you when they drink.

"I won't go." Xu Zhen said coldly, then turned around and went straight out.

Lin Xuesong smiled bitterly: "Why stimulate him?"

He Shoucheng glanced at him: "Your group of people is a group of cheap bones! At that time, the boss did not want to sit in the position of the master of the domain, and asked who you want. You pushed each one three and four. Including Zhou Han, that is a sinister little. People. He pushed the most powerfully, saying that he was not capable enough, and his virtue was still shallow. If something went wrong with the boss, he was enough, and his virtue was deep. Fuck ... what kind of stuff! "

He Shoucheng said, and turned and went out.

Lin Xuesong was sitting there, his face green and white for a long time, and then he said angrily: "Who am I going to mess with?"



Liantian Mountains.

Legend has it that the mighty inhabited this mountain.

But this kind of illusory thing, many people only think he is a legend.

Few people know where those ancient hidden existences put the dojo.

Chu Yu walked with Lin Shi, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian in the depths of the Liantian Mountains. Chu Die was still sealed by Chu Yu in the body universe.

Although secret and careful enough, it is logical that Zhou Han did not find their whereabouts so easily. But Chu Yu still has a feeling, it is not so easy to completely avoid Zhou Han's pursuit.

He learned from the network of Tiangong World that it is difficult to say whether there is an ancient big mountain like the Liantian Mountains in which there is a hidden power. But there must be a big demon!

What can be called a big demon in Tiangong World is obviously not a simple and easy generation.

At least all the creatures that break the virtual realm.

Most of the time, monks of the human race rarely go to this place to find trouble.

Chu Yu didn't care.

His troubles are big enough.

One Zhou Han has countless troubles.

So don't care about one or two more.

But it's best to not cause trouble.

After coming to the Tiangong World, the situation faced was unprecedentedly grim.

Chu Yu had never thought about it before. On this cultivation road, after practicing to such a high level, he would encounter such a thing.

If his cultivation speed is very slow, it is estimated that he is still dealing with the forces of the large and small world.

Those who face the Thousand Worlds are definitely better than facing the enemies of Zhou Han.

"There is a big medicine on this mountain!"

Chu Yu walked, his eyes fell on a basin in the distance, murmured.

They had already reached the depths of the Liantian Mountains at this time. Because of the chaos in Chu Yu's body, they hardly disturbed any powerful creatures.

Occasionally encounter some general strength, are far from Chu Yu and others.

They are unwilling to cause trouble, and the little demon are even more reluctant to meet the terrible human monks.

"Great medicine?" Chu Die looked at him with two eyes, and there were two runes looming in her eyes.

"It's really ..." Chu Die's face showed surprise: "It seems that the grade is not low!"

Chu Yu nodded: "Go, take a look."

The group did not fly, approaching the basin directly from the ground.

When I came close, I discovered that the terrain of this basin was very peculiar.

The surrounding mountains were not seen from the previous angle. Only when we saw them nearby did we find that the mountains around the basin, which were not so high, turned out to be like ancient beasts.

It's not just a divine question.

Strictly speaking, it is like a few ancient beasts sleeping there.

I do n’t know how many years have passed, and eventually mountains have formed on the surface of the body.

"Isn't it ... really the soul is sleeping?" Jiang Zilian asked carefully.

At the same time she looked at the basin, but she didn't see any big medicine coming. I can't feel any breath. I didn't think there was anything strange.

But both Chu Yu and Chu Die said that there was a big medicine there, that should be there.

Chu Die turned his head and glanced at Chu Yu: "If that great medicine is available, it is estimated that a few of us will have the opportunity to break through to the virtual realm!"


Both Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian were surprised.

A big medicine, can give several people a chance to break through the virtual realm?

Is it possible?

If this is the case, how could the power in the mountains be easily let go?

After all, Xiaoyaojing is too far away, time goes on forever, countless epochs have passed, and I have not heard of anyone who really stepped into that level.

There are not many practitioners who break the virtual realm. It can be said that every existence that breaks the virtual realm can become a prince in the heavenly world.

Lin Shi whispered: "If we have a few masters who have broken through the virtual realm, we might be able to lay a land in this heavenly palace world."

Chu Yu opened his eyebrows and opened his eyes, looking towards the mountains that seemed to be formed by fierce beasts.

It has been a long time since he used the metal ball at the center of his eyebrows.

The medicine in the middle of the basin was too tempting, and he didn't want to give up.

In fact, the big drug did not really reach the maturity stage, and it was still a little bit short of complete maturity.

But Chu Yu had a way to let it mature in an instant.

The immortal crane danjing he obtained that year was obviously not an ordinary thing. Even in the state of Chu Yu now, looking back at some Danfang that could not be refined that year, it still felt magical.

Moreover, after deduction, Chu Yu found that some of the Dan's recipes, if they could be refined into a Dan, would still be effective against the red dust realm and even the virtual realm!

The earth is really a magical place. Ancient China has hidden too many incredible secrets.

Under the staring eyebrows, Chu Yu was somewhat depressed to find that the mountains were dormant inside the beasts.

It seems that, out of ten or nine, someone put these beasts here to guard the great medicine.

So, take it or not?

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