
Chapter 1013: succeed

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A figure is almost unbelievable, and only when you reach the level of Chu Yu can you see the trajectory of that figure clearly.

First broke through the magic circle set by those seven people-that magic circle is not only to appease the five ancient beasts, but also with a strong defense effect.

But he was torn open directly by the man and rushed in.

Without stopping at all, he shot directly and grabbed the nine-leaf clover.

This man's goal turned out to be the main stem of nine-leaf clover!

I want to be uprooted!

"Death!" The leader of the eight made a roar, raised his palm, and shot directly at the man.

The man gave a sneer of disdain, and immediately raised his hand.

Coming first, the two forces slammed together.


With a loud noise, the figure rushed over was only slightly blocked. But the leader of the eight on this side suddenly vomited blood and took a lot of steps back.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes, but the reaction was super fast, he roared and rushed towards the man crazy again.

"This is, someone wants to grab?" Chu Die surprised.

"It's actually hidden deeper than us." Lin Shi was also shocked.

Chu Yu didn't speak, and fixed his eyes on the man who shot. He has a feeling: that person is very powerful!

The eight people may not necessarily be the opponents of Lai Ren.

Sure enough, the man shot again, and in a blink of an eye, he vomited blood from the leader of the eight people, and kept retreating.

"Who are you? Dare to **** even the domain master's stuff!" The leader of the eight was furious, and he had activated Fu Zhuan for help the first time.

I believe that the people behind him have got the news and should be on the way to rush over.

As long as this person is dragged down and waits for the reinforcements to come, it must make him look good.

The seven people in the sky looked ugly, and they couldn't help.

Because once they recover the magic weapon, the five guard beasts will definitely rush over the first time.

By then, the nine-leaf clover will definitely be divided by the five-headed beast instantly.

They can't even get their hair!

They cannot afford this responsibility.

Even if it is dead, you can't let the five beasts come over.

The person came and laughed: "Who am I? Can't you guess?"

With a long knife in his hand, he cut directly to the leader of the eight.


With a loud noise, the leader of the eight retreated again, feeling the mana of one body was suppressed by the other party.

A long stick also appeared in his hand at this moment.

This long stick is a weapon that he used many kinds of **** finance together to ask the master to forge.

But the other side was chopped with a knife, and a huge crack was cut.

The rift is very deep. If another knife is cut on the wound, I am afraid that he will cut off the stick made of his gold.

"Report your name if you have the courage!" The leader of the eight fought and retreated, anxious.

Unexpectedly, in this series of mountains, such a powerful enemy would appear.

This person's strength, I am afraid that it is almost the same as those of the heavenly king!

And this person's courage is simply too big, even the domain master dare to grab things.

"I am the confidant of the domain master. I have passed the news here. If you know him, you will leave quickly!" The leader of the eight yelled loudly, trying to suppress each other with Zhou Han's reputation.

"Ha ha ha ha, what about Zhou Han's confidant? Even if Zhou Han comes, what can I do? This nine-leaf clover, I have to make a decision!"

The master of breaking the virtual realm, in close combat, the kind of power generated is really amazing.

Their fighting range is not large, but the whole valley is already like a huge earthquake, and roaring sounds continue to be heard.

Chu Yu's eyes were fixed on the knife in the man's hand, and his heart was shocked.

Because the appearance of the knife was very similar to the killing of his hands!

Could it be said that the killing of the sky was not achieved by batch refining?

As soon as this idea came out, Chu Yu was strangled by himself.

Because this is simply impossible!

The sword that kills the sky, as his realm improves, the power he can exert becomes more and more powerful.

At least so far, Chu Yu has never seen a weapon that is more terrifying than Ji Tian.

"You ... are you His Royal Highness?" The leader of the eight men was more and more startled, because he was not his opponent!

Nine bright red **** leaves hung on the nine-leaf clover, glamorous.

But he has absolutely no energy to pick it.

The seven people who came together needed to appease those fierce beasts, and there was no way to distract them to help him.

If I knew this, I should bring more people over.

It ’s just that the nine-leaf clover is too valuable!

He was afraid that the news would spread, and someone would miss it.

But now that the news hasn't spread, some people are also worried about it.

"Huh, that waste?" The man looked disdainful, and then said: "You should be the prince of the waste, grab it, look back to your domain master, or have an account, haha!"

With that said, this man grabbed directly at the main stem of the nine-leaf clover.

The move was so sudden that even the leader of the eight had almost failed to respond.

The horizontal stick stopped and the two sides fought together again.

The leader of the eight roared: "The five ancient fierce beasts are watching, even if you can take them away. They will also tear you directly, do you think you can have a good end?"

The man responded with a sneer: "That's my business, you don't need to worry about it."

The two of you come and go, and fight in the square of the canyon.

The seven people in control of the magic circle were all anxious. They could only stare now. Once the magic weapon was withdrawn, the five ancient fierce beasts would immediately rush down.

Not only will the nine-leaf clover be taken away, but they will be swallowed alive!

The domain master really greeted the big demon in the Liantian Mountains, but these five are not good!

They certainly won't give the domain a face.

Even the big demon in the Tianshan Mountains, in front of these five ancient fierce beasts, are all small characters.

Not qualified to shout.

At the next moment, the battle between the comer and the leader of the eight became more intense.

Both sides seemed to be angry.

The leader of the eight is also a power-breaking powerhouse. Although he was suppressed by the opponent, the gap was not so great.

The leader of the eight is very clear. If he loses nine-leaf clover, he will end miserably.

Even if one can escape one's death by chance, it will certainly be neglected from now on.

As a domain master, Zhou Han doesn't care what the process is like, he just wants the result.

If he could not get this nine-leaf clover, he was incompetent.

So this man directly desperately tried to cultivate himself, and all of them broke out.

I wish I could kill the **** robber with a stick.

If it wasn't for his trouble, the nine-leaf clover has already arrived!

They have even left this area!


The man kicked the chest of the eight of them. There was a sound like drumming.


The leader of the eight spurted blood again.

But he didn't make the opponent feel better. The long stick made of God's gold knocked **** the shoulder blade of the opponent.


Here comes the body of the person, making a crisp sound of broken bones.

The man also groaned.

But he waved his sword again and again at the next moment, slashing the head of the leader among the eight.

"I am going to kill you!"

This person did not expect to be hurt by the other party, and there was a strong sense of hurting self-esteem.

It's so embarrassing!

At this time, Chu Yu directly opened the door to the world of the body universe, allowing Chu Die, Lin Shi, and Jiang Zilian to all enter.

"Be careful!" Lin Shi said.

"Pay attention to safety." Chu Die said.

"Must grab the things back!" Jiang Zilian smiled.

After Chu Yu sent the three daughters into the small world of the body universe, he walked out of the hiding place.

One step towards the nine-leaf clover in the valley.

His speed is too fast!

If it doesn't move, it's shocking.

Without any disguise, just like that, he walked towards the nine-leaf clover.

As for the defensive circle set up by the seven people, it was like nothing in front of Chu Yu.

After all, this magic circle is mainly used to appease the five ancient beasts. It is no problem to defend the creatures in the general red dust realm, but it is a bit far-fetched to defend the virtual realm.

Chu Yu grabbed the main stem of the nine-leaf clover.

He is also ready to be uprooted!

Nine-leaf clover, one leaf per era, and nine leaves require nine eras.

Then, when it reaches maturity, it takes another nine epochs.

Eighteen epochs are needed to grow from maturity to maturity, which is really rare.

Chu Yu is ready to give it a try, can it be cultivated.

After all, there are farming masters around him. In the future, there is a chance to throw it to Long Qiangu to see if he can feed the nine-leaf clover.

The leader of the eight, and the guy who came over with a long knife and robbed the nine-leaf clover, were instantly stunned.

They did not expect that there are actually third parties here.

"court death!"

The two roared out in unison, and flew towards Chu Yu.

After all, their purpose is not to kill each other, but to want this nine-leaf clover.

How can Chu Yu succeed easily?

But Chu Yu's movements were too fast and too sudden!

Although he took a step without any cover-up, he was too fast.

Push the Heaven-killing Heart Method to the extreme.

A handful of stalks held the main stem of the nine-leaf clover, and pulled hard ... Even with the soil and soil, Chu Yu was like pulling a radish, and pulled out this nine-leaf clover.

After it was pulled out, it was immediately sealed with great power, received at the heart of the eyebrows, and taken away by the metal ball.

At the next moment, heavy crystals appeared around his body.

The crystal shone with the light of the avenue and had a terrible defense.

Chu Yu did not hesitate, turned around and left.


The five ancient fierce beasts were instantly furious, and even if the seven-man magic weapon suppressed it, there was still a strong restlessness.

At this time, Chu Yu had torn open the void and jumped in directly.

The wind is tight!

The most difficult thing to say is the seven people responsible for suppressing and appeasing five ancient beasts.

They were completely ashamed now.

I don't know if I should collect the magic weapon or continue to cast it.

"The little thief is dying!" The man with the long knife left the leader of the eight, and rushed directly to the direction of Chu Yu's escape, following the cracks in time and space that had not been completely closed, and slammed in.

The leader of the eight was also angry, and the nine-leaf clover should not be lost. Never lose it in his hand.

Also rushed in.

Subsequently, the space-time crack closed.

There are seven hard-working guys left, stunned and suspended in the air.

All around, there are ancient fierce beasts with five heads staring at each other.

Endless anger and grievances rose from the hearts of the seven.

What the **** is this?

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