
Chapter 1015: Who is my mother?

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

What a special!

How could this be?

Sima Junxiong collapsed a bit, and I can't believe this is true.

He also paid a great price for plotting nine-leaf clover.

Even the big price has bought the people around Zhou Han, at the cost of almost all his net worth!


Never let this person go easily!

Nine-leaf clover ... must be mine!

Sima Junxiong's complexion was uncertain.

However, he still doesn't know who this person is in front of him, and if he knew it, he would be even crazier.

Chu Yu's heart over there was also full of doubts. The metal ball at the eyebrow was like a wanderer who had been away from home for many years and finally returned home.

Exuded a breath of excitement.

Come back home?


Chu Yu looked up in surprise and glanced at the huge gate without words.

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in my head.

He remembered that the young girl Mo once said that it was the infinite amount of Taoist ancestors who gave him the protection of metal balls.

Could it be that the ancestor in this young man's mouth turned out to be an infinite ancestor?

Why is it so coincident?

If he flees indiscriminately, will he actually escape to the dojo of the infinite Taoist ancestor?

At this time, the young man smiled at Chu Yu slightly: "Son, please."

At this time, there is no way to refuse.

Chu Yu could only bite the bullet and followed the young man and entered the mountain gate.

Sima Junxiong was beside Chu Yu, his face was cold, his teeth gritted and said: "I don't care who you are, if I take my nine-leaf clover, I will never let you go!"

Chu Yu glanced at him and said, "Do you think that I keep running away because I am afraid of you?"

Sima Junxiong smiled coldly: "Don't be afraid, dare to fight me? If you lose, give me nine-leaf clover!"

Chu Yu glanced at him: "Naive."

At this time, the young man suddenly turned around and looked at Sima Junyu: "Brother Sima ..."

"Okay, okay, I won't speak for the first time." Sima Junyu seemed a little worried about the young man.

The young man smiled at Chu Yu slightly: "Come on, there is Dao Zu, no one can move you."

Lying trough!

Sima Junxiong's face was black.

What does heart mean?

Are we the same brothers?

Even if you can't look at me on weekdays, but you can't stop me from coming to Taiwan as an outsider?

Don't you dismantle the station?

What do you mean when no one can move you?

What do you mean?

Sima Junxiong looked at the young man's back, and his heart seemed to have 10,000 grass and mud horses roaring past, his face sullen.

But in the end, he just clenched his fist hard in the gown sleeve.

Didn't say anything.

Because of the young man in front of him, he couldn't afford to offend him.

The young man took Chu Yu and Sima Junxiong along the stone steps, all the way up.

This place is like a fairyland. Both sides of the stone steps are full of chaotic fairy gas.

Except for a road, all other places were shrouded in fairy air, and they could not be seen at all.

After walking for a while, there was a bright white jade platform in front of me. A huge dragon column stood around the platform.

The platform has at least a thousand square feet.

Except for the surrounding dragon pillars, there is nothing.

The young man brought the two to the center of the platform, and Chu Yu discovered at this time that it was actually a teleportation array.

"Arrive immediately." The young man said, activating the teleportation array.

At the next moment, Chu Yu found that his eyes had changed and appeared on a beautiful mountain.

The top of the mountain seems to be flattened. A huge palace is located there.

Sima Junxiong's eyes flickered, and his eyes were shocked again. He couldn't help glancing at Chu Yu around him, and he said, "What is this man's origin?"

Master will actually receive him here?

With anxious thoughts, Sima Junxiong followed the young man and entered the hall with Chu Yu.

Speaking of that, Sima Junxiong has not been back for a long time.

Everyone met him, he would stop and bow down to give a gift, either called Brother Sima or Brother Shima.

Back here, Sima Junxiong is just like going home, feeling everyone is very kind.

Of course, except for the young man who led the way ahead.

The young man always had a peaceful smile on his face, and took Chu Yu and Sima Junxiong all the way, and walked all the way from the outside to the central area of ​​the hall to the main hall.

This is a very majestic hall.

It is more than 20 feet tall, and the surrounding walls are covered with various murals. There are goddesses flying, gods and birds fluttering wings, and fierce beasts stand on top of the mountain.

Inside the hall there are two rows of huge pillars, around each of which is a long burning lamp.

The dome is inlaid with huge pearls, and together with the long bead, the whole hall is illuminated brightly.

The end of the hall is different from the ordinary palace, there are no steps, no tables and chairs. Only a huge portrait hangs on the wall.

Chu Yu looked up and saw an old man in the portrait.

It's about sixty or seventy years old, full of kindness. The white hair, white eyebrows and white beards look the same as the old age of the planet, Shou Xing.

On both sides of the hall, comfortable seats were placed, and the floor was covered with thick carpets. Walking on it, there was no sound.

"Son, please sit down first." The young man said with a smile as he looked at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu nodded and sat on the chair, waiting quietly.

Having arrived here, even if Sima Junxiong tried to kill Chu Yu in his heart, he couldn't start blatantly.

He sat across from Chu Yu, with a proud face across the distance of seven or eight feet.

This is his base camp and his mentor. Here, he does not believe that this little thief can escape the palm of his hand.

It's just why the ancestor should meet him in person?

This made Sima Jun's ambition particularly unpleasant.

The young man clasped beside Chu Yu and whispered: "Son later, the ancestor will come soon."

Chu Yu nodded.

Until now, we can only take one step at a time.

It is unclear whether the ancestor here is that infinite ancestor.

Look at it first.

After a while, an old man with a boneless fairy, accompanied by several people, came to the hall.

Sima Junxiong took the lead to stand up and kneel on the ground: "Disciple Sima Junxiong, see Master!"

The old man glanced at him, then nodded, um. There was not much expression on his face: "Get up."

Afterwards, the old man of the bone fairy looked at Chu Yu with a smile on his face.

Chu Yu found that the old man was almost indistinguishable from the portrait just now. Living off a birthday star.

Stand up, clenched fists and said: "The junior has seen the senior."

"How can you be polite?" Said the old man with a smile, and then motioned for Chu Yu to sit down.

Then a young and beautiful maid came in to serve tea and pour water.

Chu Yu had no politeness, and asked directly: "The junior came to this place by mistake and disturbed the senior, and hoped that the senior would be able to forgive."

"It doesn't matter. Speaking of which, I set the mountain gate here just to wait for you." The old man said with a smile.

Immediately after standing up, Sima Junxiong, who had not dared to sit down, showed a shocked look on his face.

Why dare he be so arrogant?

That's because his teachers have the supremacy in the entire chaotic domain!

Even the domain master Zhou Han, when he saw his master, had to be polite to hold the junior ceremony.

His master, the infinite Taoist ancestor, in this chaotic realm, his status is too high.

As high as the entire chaotic domain, almost all creatures are extremely polite when they see his master.

But right now, a small thief who has stolen a nine-leaf clover, why should he be so valued by his master?

Also, what did the Master just call him?

His Royal Highness?

Is he a prince?

Which prince?

Could it be him?

Sima Junxiong's complexion instantly became very ugly. Even if the Master was right in front of him, he looked at Chu Yu's eyes and suddenly became very cold.

In fact, Chu Yu didn't have anything in his heart.

Although Maiden Mo once said, Chu Yu's metal **** were given by the infinite amount of Taoist ancestors.

Sima Junyu also said that the metal ball should belong to him.

But this Tiangong World is a strange land for Chu Yu.

It is not enough to mention anything about the former prince.

For no reason, why should Infinite Daoist protect him?

The old man looked at Chu Yu, with undisguised love in his eyes, and glanced at Sima Junxiong who was still standing there: "You go out."

"Ah? Master ... I ..." Sima Jun Xiong thought it shouldn't be like this!

"Also, your brother is dying by himself, no one blames others! How dare to say the Prince's things originally belonged to him, who gave him this courage?" Stop you. Neither you nor the Sima family behind you, I will not stop you. But if you think about it yourself, do you really want to avenge yourself. "

There was a strong complaint in Sima Jun's heart: I am your apprentice!

However, looking at the indifferent master, even though he was unwilling in his heart, he could only leave the hall in a hurry.

Looking back step by step, I was very unwilling.

He could hear that Master does not want him to avenge this person!

Even vaguely warning the Sima family behind him ...

As for the nine-leaf clover, although he couldn't put it down in his heart, he understood that there was no chance.

A guest who can be greeted by the master in the main hall, a big man who once famously shocked the entire chaotic domain, how could he still have the opportunity to get nine-leaf clover from the other party?

In the hall, the young man who had just introduced Chu Yu also went out.

In the hall, only the old man and Chu Yu were left.

Chu Yu took the lead in breaking the silence. Anyway, he was a junior junior. How could he let his predecessors speak first?

"Seniors and juniors have something on them. They have always followed since they entered the path of spiritual practice. Later, people heard that it was a gift from seniors ..." Chu Yu stood up again, conscientiously consecrated the infinite Taoist ancestor.

Infinite Daozu chuckled: "That's your thing. Poor Dao is nothing more than return to the original owner, so you don't have to care too much. Not to mention, so thank you for poor Dao."

"The thing returns to the original owner?" Chu Yu stunned slightly: "You mean, this thing was originally mine?"

The old man nodded: "Yes, it was yours."

With that, the old man waved his hand, and a huge light curtain appeared in the empty hall.

Is this going to show me a movie?

But then, Chu Yu saw the scene of Jin Ge iron horse, blood flowing into a river.

A large number of horrible creatures, looks close to humans, but wearing scale armor, long horns on the head, sharp claws, galloping as fast as incredible.

Is this ... Realm?

There are so many things in the picture, I don't know how many.

Like there is a long lens, on the vast land, there are countless such victories, I do not know how many billions, towards the camp of humanity, a crazy impact.

A figure came out from the human camp.

Yuanzhu Yuezhi stood in front of the battlefield!

The cold eyes that didn't change their colors looked at the terrible creatures of countless gushing like tide.

Chu Yu stunned a little bit. Was this a picture of his father's fight against the real world?

At this moment, the old man suddenly opened his mouth and said quietly: "That person is you."

Chu Yu froze, then looked innocent.

Although thousands of people go with me?

Under certain circumstances, this possibility may appear?

At this time, in the picture, countless horrifying creatures roared and rushed towards that figure.

Every scary creature exudes a terrible breath.

This breath, Chu Yu felt in Cang Mingjun.

In other words, each of these innumerable terrorist creatures has the same gas field and combat power as the Cangming Army?

Then, that person is me?

What a joke?

When did this happen?


Or the future?

The old man said aside: "This is a picture of a lot of people before the court, singled out the realm."

"Your Highness?" Chu Yu looked at him.

"Well, it's you," the old man said.

"At that time, where was my father?" Chu Yu asked.

The old man glanced at him: "On another ancient battlefield."

"Oh, that is to say, I ... had faced countless realms and fought against them?" Chu Yu asked.

The old man nodded: "Not bad."

Chu Yu looked at you with an expression on my face, looking at Wu Dao Zu: "Well, who is my mother?"

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