
Chapter 1018: what's going on

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It just doesn't make sense!

Zhou Lenglan looked at everyone thief: "Do you want to die?"

"Don't talk nonsense, Sun Thief, if you want to threaten Chu Yu with the Lord, save it. Even if the Lord dies ... it won't cause trouble to the brothers!" Everyone seems to be a little bit angry like it.

People always change, so do thieves.

When Chu Yu had just debuted, he was no stronger than everyone else. At that time, everyone was half a catty, and no one was much taller.

But later Chu Yuxiu's promotion speed was too fast, so fast that people around him were desperate!

In the end, only Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian managed to keep up with him.

Although this group of people never mention it, it does not mean that they are not sad.

Especially to their current state, almost all came to an end. It is difficult to go one step further.

In other words, they probably have no chance to catch up with Chu Yu in their lifetime.

Since there is no way to stand beside Chu Yu and become a helper to him, then he must not be a burden to him!

This view is almost everyone's consensus.

Are you thieves afraid of death?

Of course afraid!

Is it scary and useful?

They followed Chu Yu all the way. Although they were far away, they also walked all the way from the earth to the world.

I have seen too many things.

The one in front of him actually grabbed them out.

Instantly return to earth from the world.

That hand, like the five-finger mountain of the legendary Buddha Lord, made them unable to escape even with thousands of magical powers.

In the face of this terrible existence, what is the use of fear?

"Don't be afraid of death, then die." Zhou Han's eyes instantly became extremely cold.

With the exception of a few, the relatives and friends around Chu Yu can be directly killed in Zhou Han's eyes!


Suddenly, he suddenly rang.

Chu Tianbei walked out of the crowd and looked coldly at Zhou Han: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

When Zhou Han saw Chu Tianbei, the whole person was stunned.

He knew very clearly what happened to Chu Yu's parents. So he felt that he could face it calmly.

But it ’s just the two spirits that read the remnant soul, what is there?

When facing the boss in the past, haven't you always been at ease?

But things in this world, think about it, do it. It is completely different.

When Chu Tianbei appeared in front of Zhou Han, although he was totally incomparable with the boss's aura, the expression between the eyebrows and the temperament of his body were almost the same as the boss!

That rebuke, in a flash, Zhou Han even had a feeling of facing the boss!

What a **** ghost!

How is this possible?

Zhou Han knows better than anyone. Really powerful people can be transformed into thousands of people, each with an independent personality.

The character is also completely different.

In the final analysis, even if it is transformed by the same mind, the personality is also various.

This is also the power of the top power.

In fact, even Chu Die in those days had different personalities in those incarnations.

So Zhou Han suddenly felt a horror.

At this time, the appearance of another person exacerbated Zhou Han's feeling.

Song Yu!

A woman who doesn't have much presence in the crowd.

As Chu Yu's mother, Song Yu's position certainly goes without saying.

In the world of Thousands of Thousands, it was the birth mother of the devil Great Emperor Dangdang, who was regarded as the Holy Mother by many people!

But the realm of Song Yu is not very high, at least among the group of people in front of her, her realm is a very general one.

But the moment when such a woman appeared in front of Zhou Han made Zhou Han stunned.

"Sister-in-law ..." Zhou Han murmured, his eyes turned red.

Subsequently, his figure flashed, and his figure disappeared directly in front of everyone.

At the next moment, he took the palace and passed the teleportation array without a word, returning to the heavenly palace world.

Take this palace with you to a place far away from the royal palace and enter a big world.

This big world is extremely bright, rich in products, and all kinds of top-level resources are everywhere and readily available. There is no human figure.

Afterwards, he placed the palace here, sighed, and turned away without saying anything.

This big world was a trail left by Zhou Han when Chu Yu was still there before the endless years.

In his current state, it is almost unusable.

But if he did not see Song Yu, he said that he would not put this group of people there.

Because of that place, like his secret garden.

It belongs only to him.

Even if he became the domain owner, he would often go back there and stay alone.

After coming out, Zhou Han couldn't help but laughed silently. Am I kidnapping the hostages, or are they fulfilling them?

The resources in it can be called top-notch, not to mention the world of thousands, even if there is no eternal **** realm!

Even in this Tiangong world, no one can get it.

So, he left the group there and allowed them to use those resources. It is estimated that it won't take long before those people's strength will have a rapid increase.

However, he did not regret it.

He really did take the hostages.

Chu Yu is too important!

He didn't want to kill Chu Yu, but he had to control Chu Yu.

For some reason, it is impossible for him to come down to catch Chu Yu in person, which would cause some reactions from the ancient existence. There will be a series of unpredictable consequences.

Therefore, only Chu Yu's family can control Chu Yu.

"Well, the process is not important, the result is the same." Zhou Han sat on a cliff, at the foot of which was a surging river.

His thoughts flew to that era of rampant smoke.

That is their time!

That woman is Zhou Han's most respectful person.

Because she gave his mother the same care.

The elder brother is like a father, and the elder sister-in-law is like a mother.

The Chu domain master took him like brothers and brothers, and his sister-in-law treated him very well.

When he was a teenager, he vowed secretly in his heart that one day he would find his wife, so he must find his sister-in-law like this!

It's a pity that such a gorgeous woman is unique in the world.

Sister-in-law has been away for too long.

Why did the domain master go crazy and enter all the realms of the realm, and wipe out all the realms?

Except for Zhou Han, the remaining seven people from the left and the right are unaware.

Because the sister-in-law died in the hands of the ultimate demon!

Sister-in-law's true spirits and spirits seem to have been taken away by Realm Supreme!

The Lord Chu domain is indeed cherishing the world, but he is also a man and a husband.

How can it be indifferent in the face of the looting of his wife's true spirit?

Because of knowing these things, Zhou Han was very sure. Master Chu Yu ... his brother, his boss, could never come back.

Unless, he can really kill the realm of demon supreme, and successfully recapture the true spirit and soul of the sister-in-law from the opponent.

But the world is supreme ... No one can be the enemy.

That's the real horrible existence that can swallow half of the chaotic realm!

Zhou Han couldn't figure it out, why did Chu Tianbei and Song Yu have the breath of almost 100% boss and sister-in-law.

Could it be said that this is the backhand that the boss left for himself?

But if it is the back hand, why is the state and strength so poor?

In Zhou Han's eyes, the realm and strength of Chu Tianbei and Song Yu are really not worth mentioning.

He couldn't figure out why.

Could it be said that Chu Yu, who has no blood connection with them, really deserves their attention?

Can't figure it out!

Zhou Han stood up and left the place.

Inside the palace, a group of people were in doubt.

Chu Tianbei, Song Yu, Chu Liang, Chu Xi, thieves, Lao Huang, Fat Man, Xiao Yue ... A large group of people are all confused.

They don't even know where this is.

When Chu Yu went to Tiangong World, he didn't greet all his relatives.

So at the moment, Chu Tianbei and his group could not have dreamed, they would come to this ultimate place.

Every thief was almost the rest of his life after the disaster, fluttering his wings and flying out of the palace.

I glanced out, and I was stunned.

"Lying trough! That guy is a good person? Ah ah, it's terrible! Baby everywhere!"


The thieves rushed out regardless of anybody and rushed to a big medicine.

The great medicine jumped out of the mud, and countless roots seemed to be countless legs, running toward the distance. Directly throw away everyone thieves.

"Mom can still run?" The thieves stopped dumbfounded in the air.

But immediately, it stared at a vein of rock exposed on the surface.

Water is almost draining!

"What kind of mine is that? I'm going to ... The breath that makes him almost drunk!"

As everyone yelled, a group of people in the palace were alarmed.

When I came out, I was dumbfounded.

Who the **** is that horrible guy?

At first, it seemed to want to be against them, and even seemed to want to kill everyone.

But after seeing Chu Tianbei and Song Yu, not only did they change their minds, but they also sent them to this incredible place with abundant resources?

what's going on?

Xiaoyue frowned slightly, took Chu Xi's hand, and walked carefully to the vein exposed on the ground.

Before they were near, the expressions of horror appeared on the faces of the two women.

Feeling faint, there is a feeling of breakthrough!

"My God ... what is this place? Is fairyland?" Chu Xi's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

The fat family has also come out. In the endless years, the two foreign girl wives have already cultivated to a very high level, and they have an unpretentious temperament.

But at this moment, all looked dull.

Chu Tianbei and Song Yu looked at each other.

"This matter is related to his son?" Chu Tianbei asked.

Song Yu pondered: "How come I seem to hear that man calling me sister-in-law? Is it possible that it's about us?"

"When did we have such a powerful brother?" Chu Tianbei smiled bitterly.

Song Yu was also puzzled: "Yeah, I can't think of it."

Chu Tianbei thought for a while and said, "I think it's still related to the child. But the problem is, we don't even know where it is. There is no way to leave."

Song Yu nodded and said, "Let's go step by step. Since the man threw us here, no matter whether he has bad thoughts, we can't control it. There are so many resources here, don't use it, let everyone practice first. Yes!"

Chu Tianbei sighed and nodded: "It can only be so now."

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