
Chapter 1024: Frozen

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"I'm going to ask someone to ask." Xu Zhen frowned and glanced at everyone: "You be on guard, Zhou Han hasn't moved for so long, which is very abnormal. He's definitely not the kind of person who was beaten and upright."

Everyone nodded one after another. For many years together, who didn't know Zhou Han's temper?

It was not Zhou Han's character to be beaten but did not respond.

"In addition, I think this snow is very strange, especially wrong." Xu Zhen looked at everyone: "I have a guess, this snow is like opening a way to some kind of creature."

There were doubts on everyone's faces.

Xu Zhendao: "We did not encounter this strange phenomenon when we played the realm of the world. However, I vaguely remember that the boss mentioned that there are many realms of the realm, and there are always things that are difficult for us to understand."

"Do you mean that this might be done by extraneous creatures?"

Lin Xuesong looked at Xu Zhen: "Who has such a great skill? Have you concealed all of us?"

"I don't know, so I'm going to ask." Xu Zhen said.

"Ask who?" Shang Wenhong looked at Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen said: "An ancient existence that may know the truth, but I can't say his name."

Subsequently, Xu Zhen left directly.



Wuliangshan Dojo.

Lin Shi, Xu Xiaoxian, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian and others have already served Jiu Tian Jiu Dan and went to retreat in order to break through the virtual realm.

The red dust realm to the broken realm is a huge watershed.

Chu Yu did not retreat, and his current state of retreat did not make much sense.

His second snowfall in Tiangong World was strange in his heart.

"The Tiangong World is a world of high dimensions and high rules. Under normal circumstances, there should be no rain or snow in this world. Unless it is someone, who likes rainy days, casting rain and snow on a small scale. But the snow falls Will also melt away in a short period of time and will not survive at all. Because the law does not allow it. "

Chu Yu looked at the infinite amount of Taoist ancestors: "So, what is there that can make this snow fall to the ground and can even cause a lethal threat to the low-end creatures in the red dust world?"

Infinite Taoist glanced outside, white and blank.

Then sighed: "It's time to come, or to come."

"What's going on?" Chu Yu realized that things were more serious than he thought.

Infinite Taoist ancestors said: "The chaotic domain has actually encountered several major disasters. These several major disasters are almost all related to the realm."

"Later, countless strong men grew up and set foot on the real battlefield spontaneously, defending the realm at the forefront."

"Among them, there are also your fierce men like your father who killed the Demon Nest in one go."

"However, no matter how to defend, there will still be fish in the net."

Infinite Daozu sighed: "It seems that I'm going to invite some old folks to get shots. I just don't know, they are still there."

"Are you not an opponent?" Chu Yu looked at Dao Zu, a little surprised.

He didn't know that the infinite ancestor Dao blocked Zhou Han's full blow with one finger, but he could feel that the infinite ancestor Dao's realm was unfathomable!

Even if his deity is not here, just this avatar, for Chu Yu, is an invincible existence.

Infinite Daozu nodded: "If it can be solved, then I will not let it fall for the first snow. Let's take a look at it, the real look of this world!"

With that said, the infinite Taoist stood up and a teleportation array appeared in front of him.

He took Chu Yu and set foot on the teleportation array.

The next moment, Chu Yu found himself in a rather strange place.

Lonely, but cold.

And it's dark!

This is like an endless emptiness.

There are no sun, moon and stars, nor a vast continent.

Nothing at all!

Moreover, there is no feedback even in this place even when the consciousness is detected.

To Chu Yu's current state, how much space can he let his consciousness come to an end?

Not calculated, but even a huge universe, Chu Yu's mind is enough to cover it.

"What is this place?"

Chu Yu is actually invisible even to the infinite Taoist ancestors around him.

But fortunately, it can be sensed.

The infinite Dao ancestor beside him said, "Land of burial."

Chu Yu: "..."

The name sounds uncomfortable.

Burial ground?

Is it the burial place after God's death?

But in this world, who is God?

In the eyes of the most common creatures in the world, even a little monk who can live for hundreds of years is like a god.

In the eyes of Chu Yu and their people, even the existence of the infinite Taoist ancestor is difficult to be regarded as a god!

So, who is God?

Wuliang Daozu didn't say anything to Chu Yu anymore, suddenly a deep voice came out of his mouth. It's like chanting a verse, it's like calling something.

Huo Di!

Right in front of Chu Yu, it was hard to say a quiet and dark place at a clear distance, and suddenly, a little light came on.

A very soft light.

Like a candle lit in the dark.

The light spot is not large.

Swaying in the quiet darkness, it seems that it may go out at any time.

Infinite Daozu sighed and whispered: "Sorry old man, disturb you to sleep."

After the infinite amount of Taoist ancestors finished speaking, they stood silently, as if waiting for something.

Then, with that little light, zoom in, zoom in, and zoom in again.

The light has changed from a point to a piece of film and a long line.

At this time, in the deep darkness, the light shines instantly!

Chu Yu suddenly felt stunned.

Facing the bright and dazzling light, there was a feeling of being afraid to look at it, and then there was an overwhelming avenue of breath that swept along the light.

Chu Yu's way is like a grass swaying in the wind.

It seems that it may be uprooted at any time!

But in the end, Chu Yu's way was kept!

His way, like the grass growing in the cracks of the cliff, seems weak, but extremely tough.

Let the wind and waves tremble in the road storm, but it is rooted there.

"Huh?" In that light, there was a soft huh, it seemed ... a little surprised.

At this moment, Chu Yu finally saw clearly that the piece exuded the light of Majestic Avenue, which turned out to be ... one eye.

A one-eyed, but has the prestige to reflect the heavens.


"This ..." Chu Yu was so shocked in his heart that he couldn't add more.

He had never seen such a horrible existence.

Even in the infinite Taoist ancestors, I have never felt this way before.

At this moment, Chu Yu seemed to understand somewhat, why this place is called the land of burial gods.

"Old friend, I haven't seen you for a long time." Infinite Taoist stood beside Chu Yu and spoke softly. There was a sigh in his tone.


A divine thought fluctuated gently.

Very ethereal, as if floating from ancient times.

"Yes, it's snowing." Infinite Taozu sighed softly.

"Another reincarnation!" The ethereal soft sigh came with emotion.

"This bureau, only the old man can crack it." Infinite Taozu sighed: "I can't suppress it."

"I understand that your deity is on the 'battlefield'. Speaking of it, our group of old guys with long and persistent breaths are really useless." The ethereal wave of thoughts seemed sad.

Subsequently, he passed waves of thoughts.

In this lonely and dark vast universe, light spots began to appear one after another. Just like this existence, these light spots were all made up of points, and then turned from the face into a radiant light.

Those are the eyes, open here!

There are a total of eighteen.

Chu Yu was extremely shocked.

This is incredible!

Every eye is far apart.

Although the light blooming in each eye is endlessly gorgeous, reflecting on this sky.

But apart from these eyes, Chu Yu could still see nothing.

The infinite ancestor seemed to know what Chu Yu was thinking, looking at him and saying, "They are too big."

Chu Yu thought a little bit of the picture that Wu Daozu had shown him before.

Later, the infinite amount of Taoist princes communicated with these beings. Chu Yu didn't know what to say.

Soon, the eyes that radiated with dazzling light disappeared here one after another.

The entire universe became dark and quiet again.

"Let's go." Infinite Taoist said.

"Where did they go?" Chu Yu asked.

"Sniping!" Said Youyou, the infinite ancestor, "out of bounds."

With that said, the infinite amount of Taoist ancestors took Chu Yu and left this place. On the way, he was silent and seemed very sad.

"They are all dead?" Chu Yu couldn't help asking.

"They are a group of people who have reached the end of their respective paths. Shou Yuan is about to dry up and wait for death here." Wuliang Daozu said.

"Then they will come back after this shot?" Chu Yu asked again.

"Maybe come back, maybe, not come back."

At the next moment, the infinite Taoist ancestors and Chu Yu returned to Tiangong World.

The whole Tiangong world ... No, it should be said that the entire chaotic domain, the vast universe, and snowflakes are scattered everywhere.

The biting coldness shocked Chu Yu's heart.

He and Wuliang Daozu returned to Wuliangshan Dojo in Tiangong World, only to find that even the Wuliangshan Dojo began to snow!

Deer city.

A group of people like He Shoucheng, Lin Xuesong, Xu Zhen, Huo Xiuwen, Shang Wenhong all looked at the heavy snow outside with anxiety.

In their realm, they could not understand the source of the snow.

And this kind of cold, the creatures in the red dust environment are almost unbearable.

It is permeable, and even small worlds have begun to infiltrate.

Throughout the chaotic domain, a large number of creatures have begun to die. Directly frozen to death, stiff became a sculpture-like existence.

Fairyland, a magnificent and beautiful world, full of immortality, quiet and peaceful. But with this sudden snow, it was immediately sealed!

The endless creatures of the fairy world, together with the soul, are frozen!

The eternal God Realm "apart from the wall" of Immortal Realm was not spared. The moment the heavy snow fell, it was frozen!

To some extent, it seems to achieve another kind of eternity.

Under Eternal God Realm, the world is frozen!

Under the Great Thousand Worlds, the big universe merged together is frozen!

But the strange thing is that under the heavy world, only the bottom is left, and the universe where the blue planet is located is still running smoothly.

The heavy snow fell outside the boundary wall, forming a huge layer of ice and snow.

But it cannot penetrate.

Everything is as usual on that azure planet.

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