
Chapter 1028: Broken city

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Chu Yu looked at the infinite Taoist ancestor.

Infinite Dao Zu said: "It's too difficult to step into the free realm! But there are still some creatures that transcend the virtual realm, such as ... your father."

Beyond breaking through the virtual realm, but not entering the happy world?

Chu Yu was a little strange.

The infinite ancestor looked at Chu Yudao: "What is the ultimate state, in fact, the world's spirits will almost never know. But the spirits who have cultivated to a certain level can know where their limits are. So, any one The souls who have cultivated to the top of the broken virtual world will find ways to break their own limits. Continue to move forward. But that road is full of hardships, and if you are not careful, you will die. Almost all living creatures are living cautiously. Only your father ’s fearless bravery can truly face all the crises. He is the king who should be born in the center of the world. "

Infinite Daozu said, glancing at Chu Yu: "You too."

"Me?" Chu Yu smiled bitterly on his face.

Infinite Dao Zu's face is serious: "Your companion is actually very magical. When can you really understand yourself, your realm and strength, and even your mentality, there will be qualitative changes."

"You are too worthy of me." Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "This kind of thing is too vague, there is no clue at all."

"Well, then go to fight." Infinite Taozu looked at Chu Yu: "Just like your father did."

Chu Yu looked up at the dense projections in all directions. In some places, the realm had launched an attack, the war broke out, and the creatures were mistreated. In some places, the realm of enchantment does not attack, as if waiting for something.

Although this world has not yet fallen, it gives people a sense of storm.

Heavy rain is coming!

"Okay." Chu Yu nodded and looked at the infinite Taoist ancestor: "Please take care of my wife and friends for me."

Infinite Taoist glanced at him and smiled, "I'm going to fight too!"

During the speech, the image of the infinite Daozu changed instantly!

From the image of a kind old man, he instantly became a handsome young man.

A black hair, full of blood, Jianmei star, wearing a Tsing Yi, full of perseverance between the eyebrows.

He looked at Chu Yu: "I am also a creature of this world, how could I just watch you fight?"


Chu Yu exhaled, and a fire seemed to be ignited in his chest.

He nodded at the infinite Taoist ancestor: "Since so many enemies, since I don't know where to start, then kill all the way."

"Good." Infinite Taoist also nodded: "I will seal this dojo, unless there is a top realm, otherwise no one can find it here."

"Please!" Chu Yu clenched his fists and turned to go out.

Infinite Taoist ancestors performed magical powers and directly sealed the Infinite Mountain Dojo, and then left here.

Tiangong World is the highest level of this chaotic domain. Similarly, it is also the domain gate!

The domain master guards the domain gate, and the power can die.

In the peaceful years, the world is singing and dancing, and the civilization is extremely gorgeous.

But if foreign enemies invade, the world must bear the brunt, facing all crises!

The realm is not as brainless as expected.

On the contrary, this is a group of highly intelligent creatures!

There are so many types of realms, and only when you really touch them will you understand that this is a terrible group formed after multi-ethnic integration.

Their world is full of blood and killing, as if the only meaning of their existence is looting and killing.

But they are by no means brainless animals.

Chu Yu has never experienced such a war in the past.

This is the battle between the real ethnic groups.

In the chaotic domain, there is not only a race of humans, but also various other races. In fact, like the demons of the realm, there are many kinds.

So this is an endless battle.

Chu Yu didn't know what his father did, because in legend, the master of Chu domain was almost an omnipotent god.

Lead the left seven and right seven, lead the Cang Mingjun, sweeping all the way!

Eventually drove out the realm from this world.

This thing of Shiji, for a long time, countless things may end up in the text, but in a few words.

Only through personal experience can one understand what it is like.

Chu Yu first came to a large city.

About tens of thousands of realm demons "encircled" the city.

The defensive circle was raised in the city pool, because the city is very large, so the distance between the thousands of realms is actually very large.

Really confident!

Chu Yu was hiding in a cloud, and the whole person's breath was completely converged.

His eyes fell on the leader of this group of demons.

It was a humanoid creature wearing armor all over, with a cold breath, radiating out all the time.

This coldness is very different from any of Chu Yu's previous contacts.

This cold, does not belong to the world.

At this moment, inside that city, someone began to stand at the head of the city and look out.

There were not many people at the beginning, there were only a few thousand people, and it was obvious that this group of people were all very nervous.

The eyes of the demons looking outside are full of fear.

Admittedly, the master of the Chu domain swept through the realm of the realm that year, but that was too long ago.

For example, how many of the younger generations in Palace World have really seen the real world demons?

Only in legend, I heard about all kinds of realms.

And most people have been scared by the words of demon since childhood.

Now that the realm is really here, the fear at the bottom of the heart that was once dominated by the realm is almost awakened without activation.

"It's still not enough ... no intense fear, no **** anger ... not tasty." The leader of the realm, the humanoid creature's voice in the armor all over the body with strong dissatisfaction.

The reason why they are not attacking is that they want to eat people!

But they are very picky. They are too low to eat and tasteless. Those with a high level must also activate a body of blood to taste delicious. It's not good, it can make the soul extremely frightened ... It's not bad to eat. Although it is not as delicious as activating a blood, it is ok.

It's been a long time since I have eaten fresh people.

This group of demons, from top to bottom, miss that taste.

I miss it so much.

"Attack their defensive circle!"

The leader of the realm finally gave orders. Because he felt that the creatures in this city were almost impossible to activate a flesh.

It's just a bunch of garbage!

Too useless!

Soon after the order was issued, hundreds of realm demons attacked the defensive circle of the city.


There were loud and loud noises.

A stream of mushroom-shaped energy rises.

This kind of city that has been through endless years, the defensive circle is very strong, and it is not so easy to be broken.

In other words, even if Chu Yu wants to attack this large-scale defensive circle, it may take a long time.

But this group of demons seems to have a way of restraining the defensive circle. Just half an hour later, the defensive circle rising in this ancient city was almost destroyed by half of its energy!

And the remaining half of the energy is being lost several times faster ... in a frenzy.

If you go on like this, it won't take long for the city's defensive circle to be completely broken. By then, all the creatures in the whole city will fall into a huge crisis.

The breath of fear, at this moment, climbed to a high point.

Many people even started to cry.

The leader of the realm outside the city, with a touch of emotion in his eyes under the mask.

It seems a little satisfied.

However, it is not enough!

The current fear is more of the fear of not knowing what to face.

There is still a lot of fluke in my heart!

This will not work.

"Add personnel to break the defensive circle!"

The leader of the demon coldly ordered to continue.

To kill, let the creatures in this city reach a polarized state.

Or fear to the extreme!

Either get angry to the extreme!

Only by pushing a certain emotion to the extreme, is it delicious food.

Just like the foodies among human beings, all the realms of the realm are experienced gluttons.

They eat very well.

Chu Yu still did not shoot, hiding in the clouds and watching quietly.

If all the creatures in this city had no sense of resistance, he would turn away.

Because he is alone, it is impossible to kill all the realms.

No matter how powerful he is, he cannot do it with his current strength.

If such a big city, with a population of tens of millions, no one dared to come out to fight, it would be meaningless to stay here!

On the side of the realm, hundreds of realms were again dispatched to launch the final attack on the crumbling defensive circle.

The energy shield of the defensive circle was covered with spider web-like cracks. Many places could no longer support it and began to collapse.

This group of demons responsible for destroying the defensive circle, each attack, fell in the weakest place.

Their attack is too precise!

Accurate to despair!

At this time, a large number of figures began to appear in this city!

Suddenly soared into the air, there are millions of people!

A burst of blood blew into the air and instantly struck.

Chu Yu, hiding in the clouds, showed a faint smile on his face, and in his eyes, a gentle color finally flashed.

Fortunately, this city is still saved!

Not everyone is greedy for fear of dying to the point of killing anyone.

The leader of the realm is also very happy.

There was even a smile in its eyes.

That's how good it is!

Come, the anger will be stronger and the blood will be stronger!


The defensive circle of the ancient city finally collapsed completely!


The energy array collapsed collapsed.

In an instant, the practitioners who rushed out of the millions of ancient cities, anger, fear, tension, despair ... Countless complex emotions were directly pushed to the top!

They growled and killed!

In the city, more people who are scared to tremble are crying in despair!

For example, the owner of the great nobleman was already scared to his legs, and he fell on his incontinent urine like a muddy beach and cried.

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