
Chapter 1036: Realm

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Another month later, when Chu Yu appeared again over a large city, he found that the realms surrounded here were many times stronger than those realms encountered before!

There are only more than three thousand people in the realm that surrounds this big city.

This quantity, it seems to be surrounded, seems a bit exaggerated, but this is the fact!

They really surrounded this big city with more than 30 million people!

They even set up a lot of magic circles here!

Even Chu Yu almost caught their way. When there were tens of thousands of meters away from a phalanx, I finally felt something was wrong and stopped.

If you break into one end and want to come out, I am afraid it is difficult.

Because the power of the law in that circle was never seen by Chu Yu!

Obviously, these magic circles are unique to this group of demons!

This time, Chu Yu did not rush into it as he always did.

The more than three thousand realms are not surrounded. It is gathered together.

The images of these realms are just like humans.

Wearing a magnificent armor, his body exudes a strong and breathtaking atmosphere.

Everyone is very calm.

Above the sky, there is a huge palace suspended there.

More than three thousand realms are in this palace.

They used countless arrays to seal this big city with a population of more than 30 million people, and then watched the people below each day breaking through the array.

It seems to be very leisurely, with no intention of killing the big city below.

But Chu Yu felt the sinister intentions of this group of demons from the overlapping circles.

Less than 10% of these magic circles are really used for siege!

The remaining more than 90% are all of various refining formations!

Chu Yu came here for a long time, and saw many monks who rushed out of the big city, rushed into the refining magic circle, and then it turned into a pool of blood soon!

You know, those practitioners who dare to rush out are at least those who break the virtual world. But in those refining magic circles, they couldn't even support an hour.

Not to mention breaking through, it is impossible!

Suspended in the palace above the sky, cheerful laughter came from time to time.

"Human beings are stupid, knowing that there is no way to break our circle, but they have to break into it and turn into a pool of blood, the soul is scattered, the gods are all destroyed, hahaha, it is not too interesting.

"Only regret that I was born late, and did not catch up with the time of those predecessors, otherwise there is nothing about that Chu domain master? We can directly occupy this chaotic domain with our direct action!"

"Don't brag about it, the Chu master is actually very powerful, otherwise the ancestors of our group will exist, and there is no need to confront and fight with them after awakening."

"Haha, what about that? Those people have persisted for so many eras, and now they are not close to running out of light. The one who ultimately won the victory must be us!"

"That's it, we are the Devil Group, the most powerful race in the world! There is no group that can compete with us."

The voice of their conversation came out unscrupulously.

What surprised Chu Yu was that this group of demons didn't tweeted?

Could this group of demons be more advanced?

It should be like this.

However, they set up so many refining circle, is it to wreak havoc?

For fun?

Chu Yu frowned, watching the practitioners constantly flying out of the big city below, breaking into those magic circles. I couldn't help feeling anxious.

Can't even help wanting to remind those people.

Why do you know you are going to die, but you still have to break in?

Man ... It's so complicated!

The human heart is the most unpredictable thing in the world.

It would be nice if Xiaoxian and Shishi were here. Chu Yu thought.

Chu Yu can only be regarded as a master of the magic circle, but he definitely cannot reach the level of Xu Xiaoxian.

Even if he cracked the road wall at the fingertips of the starry sky dam, he still couldn't.

The magic circle under these realms is far more unknown than the wall of the Star Dam.

It seems that among the realms, there are also capable people.

Moreover, this group of demons is also very different from the legend.

Either the information about the realms left in those years is wrong, or ... this group of realms have also experienced unimaginable evolution in this endless years!

At this time, from the big city below, tens of thousands of people suddenly killed directly!

Because of the heavy magic circle seals, Chu Yu could not hear what the group was shouting. But through the mouth, it can still be judged. The group of people want to kill them completely, and fight against this group of demons in the palace above the sky!

They are cheering themselves up. Some people say that the demon in this palace above the sky is only good at arranging, and the combat power must be very weak. So as long as you break through those magic circles, you will be able to wipe out all these three thousand realms!


Chu Yu couldn't watch tens of thousands of people die, he was not so cold-blooded, and could not be indifferent.

And after his observation, he finally found out some laws of the group of demons in the palace.

If you want to come, even if you can't kill the group of demons, but if you retreat, you should still be fine!

Therefore, when the group of people in the big city below was about to rush into a refining formation, Chu Yu started.

He held the sky, and slashed toward the palace hanging above the sky!

The following more than 10,000 people who are about to rush into the refining formation, all stopped at once.

Even if they were separated by heavy circles, they could still vaguely see that someone was working on the palace.

"Your Highness Prince!"

"The Prince's Hall must have come down to save us!"

"We are saved!"

"Brothers, rush, cooperate with His Royal Highness, let's die the **** demons!" Someone shouted.

"Calm down, the prince is reminding us!" Someone suddenly reminded.

At this time, the following group of people, through heavy formations, vaguely saw four characters flying in the sky behind Chu Yu.

"Don't run around!"

"His Royal Highness is warning us!"

"How can these **** demons become so cunning? Aren't they a group of brainless beasts? Did some of us trust them?"

"Yes, we thought these magic circles were trapped. Our companions didn't come out after entering. Now it seems that it is probably not just trapped, but killing!"

"Damn, when will the stupid brainless world demons come out?"

There was a burst of exclamation and scolding from the crowd.

But the impulse of this group of people finally calmed down because of Chu Yu's reminder.

Chu Yu's knife was directly directed towards that palace!

The sword is light and cold, with a bright light, and contains the power of endless laws.

If this knife goes down, even if it is a pinnacle of practitioners who break the virtual realm, he will not dare to push the peak.

But at the moment when the light was about to be cut on the palace, there was a light mask, which suddenly lit up.

Then more than a dozen figures appeared, and in the direction of Chu Yu, directly sacrificed more than a dozen artifacts!


The knife light chopped on the mask, and made a loud noise.

Like a terrible big bang!

The mask was crumbling and madly fluctuating, as if it was squeezed by terror, but in the end it was not cut open!

And each of those dozens of magic instruments that slammed into Chu Yu was filled with terrible coercion!

Some instruments are in the realm of time!

At the moment of blasting to Chu Yu, a time field was created to cover Chu Yu.

This kind of time field is so unusual, even if Chu Yu has already entered the Tao, he can still feel the indelible power in the field, which is quite terrifying!

For the general practitioner of breaking the virtual realm, the moment he was shrouded in this domain, I am afraid it will become very old.

Even weak to death!

There is an infinite amount of light blooming in Chu Yu's body, and his Tao is constantly running, blocking the era of the time field.

But this is just one of the magic tools, and there are another ten pieces, each with different functions!

There are emotions!

It also forms a field, which overlaps with the time field, and the emanating path makes people's emotions instantly magnified countless times!

Regardless of whether you are happy, sad, sad or worried, no matter which one, it will be magnified to the extreme!

If the soul is influenced by emotions, it will lose its mind and the whole person will fall into an alternative ethereal state.

In this ethereal state, few creatures can persist for too long.

Will crash in an instant!

There is also a magic weapon full of dark power, and the field formed by that thing will completely close all the light once it covers the people!

Let the trapped people see nothing!

Not only can't you see with your eyes, you can't see with your mind!

When a person is completely blind, and there are enemies around him, it is definitely an extremely dangerous thing.

There is no murderous yet, but there are hidden magic tools!

Silently approaching the target, erupting in an instant, almost no creature can escape under the blow.

The other magic instruments also have other terrible functions.

It is hard to imagine that such terrible things exist in the hands of the realm.

Chu Yu even felt that these magical instruments should not be the realm, more like a human race!

Because only human beings can open their brains to refine these different but powerful instruments.

The whole universe, countless races, who are really good at alchemy, only human race!

The remaining races, not to mention good at it, are few, even if they are proficient. Once an alchemist or refining master can appear, it is a remarkable genius.

So, where did these realms come from?

Chu Yu did have thoughts about these things.

Because this time, the metal ball at his eyebrows has finally changed dramatically!

The metal ball, like liquid, enveloped Chu Yu's whole body!

Chu Yu's companions in the mouth of this infinite Taoist ancestor flew to Chu Yu's eyebrows at the moment these magical instruments slammed into Chu Yu, flowing through every corner of Chu Yu's body in a liquid state.

Then, a battle armor was formed.

Chu Yu, who is wearing armor, is a true god.

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