
Chapter 1046: We are so rich

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Chu Yu looked at Ping Feng.

Ping Feng explained: "It is said that this was an agreement between the senior Buddha and the old monkey, one of the ancestors of the Buddha family."

"Buddhists used to look for habitats in the past and fancy Lingshan, but the old monkeys were suppressed there. It is said that there was still a big battle at the time. The two sides ... seem to be invincible."

Xu Xiaoxian was surprised: "The old monkey is suppressed, but can also display magical powers, regardless of the victory or defeat of the Buddha?"

Pingfeng nodded and said, "Master said that although the old monkey was suppressed, its power was too strong. The suppression can only suppress its body, but not its consciousness."

"But speaking of it, its master consciousness can't leave that place. But if someone gets there, it's its home court."

"Later, I didn't know what kind of agreement the Buddha had reached with the old monkey. Anyway, the Buddha tribe set up the dojo in Lingshan, and the old monkey didn't have any trouble with the Buddha."

"But if you are going to release the old monkey there, not to mention if you can succeed, even if you can really succeed, then Lingshan will certainly collapse."

"Imagine, how can the Buddhist people allow their dojo to collapse?"

Ping Feng smiled bitterly: "So, this thing, I think it is impossible to succeed."

Chu Yu thought about it and said, "If you can succeed, always try. If you continue like this, I am afraid that the Tiangong World is not far away from the fall. If the Tiangong World falls, the entire chaotic domain ..."

Chu Yu didn't say any more, and the next thing, no need to say, everyone knew.

Ping Feng pondered for a moment and said, "If you really want to go, then I will go with you!"

"You? Your injury is serious." Chu Yu said.

Ping Feng shook his head: "His Royal Highness, I am not going to fight. After all, I am a master disciple. Try it. Maybe, the Buddhists looking at Master's side will allow us to see the old monkey. Things, let's talk later when we meet. "

Ping Feng felt that this matter was not optimistic. With his understanding of the Buddhism, it was simply impossible to agree to such unreasonable demands.

Any powerful dojo is a supreme sacred place. How can destruction be allowed?

Just like this time when Dugu alone attacked the dojos left by various powers, didn't they dare to do it while the powers were not there?

Otherwise, he would not dare to be so provocative with his two guts.

Moreover, even if the Buddha really agreed, can the old monkey be released with the help of His Royal Highness?

Why the old monkey was suppressed there, and who suppressed it, even his master Daoist Daoist is unclear!

No one knows what the old monkey is.

In case, if the old monkey were a big demon, did not regard the sentient beings of the chaotic domain as the same kind?

Can it really be released, but it does not help, but instead launches crazy revenge on the chaotic domain?

Therefore, there are too many problems.

Pingfeng is not optimistic at all.

But he also understood that now the entire chaotic domain has no retreat.

Dugu led the group of realm demons, which even concealed the power of the realm demons, and it was apparently smuggling into the country. He wanted to take advantage of the absence of all the power to directly destroy the entire chaotic domain.

If there is no strong and powerful shot, then the entire chaotic domain will really fall into an endless crisis.

No one in the entire Chaos Realm would like to see this happen.

Chu Yu, with Ping Feng and his four daughters, left Wuliangshan Dojo.

Later, on the side of the Wuliangshan Dojo, a hidden circle was also activated, which completely disappeared here.

Despite the temptation of Du Gu, who can guarantee that he will not send someone to clean up again?

Chu Yu and his group of six people took a flying vehicle of Wuliangshan, traversed the void, and flew away from Tiangong World.

All the way to the west.

Myth and reality always have a certain degree of fit, but it is plausible.

Lingshan is a Buddhist temple, indeed in the West.

It's just that the West is very far away.

The chaotic domain is too big!

There are countless big realms.

In the words of Ping Feng, a great disciple of the mountain, even if he is powerful, he does not necessarily dare to say that he has traveled through every realm of the chaotic domain.

Silent all the way, a few years later, the spacecraft appeared in the far west of the chaotic domain.

In front, there are mountains standing in the universe.

Lingshan is here.

Looking at Lingshan in the flying machine, the spectacular scene shocked Chu Yu and others.

Never seen such a big mountain!

This group of mountains is hundreds or thousands of times larger than Tiangong World!

Countless stars surround the Lingshan Mountain.

Those stars are like dust to Lingshan.

It is so small that it is almost negligible.

How many huge galaxies the whole mountains spans is completely uncountable.

"This is Lingshan?" Chu Yu looked with emotion.

"This is Lingshan!" Ping Feng stood beside Chu Yu with a shocking look in his eyes.

He also came to this place for the first time. His previous understanding of this place was from Master.

At this time, there was a wave of communication in the aircraft's communicator.

Ping Feng connected to the communicator, and there was a cold voice inside.

"The Buddhism is a heavy place, please do not enter, idle people, etc., leave quickly."

There is nothing to get off Mawei, only the cold warning.

Ping Feng took a deep breath and responded through the communicator: "Under the countless Taoist ancestor Ping Feng, if you have something to see the Buddhism, please take a convenience."

There was a silence for a while, and he responded: "Wait a moment, I will report."

There is still no change in tone, and there is no such thing as a poor monk among the Buddhist people.

Looking at this shocking dojo, people are certainly not poor, not poor ... naturally it will not be a poor monk.

After a while, another voice came from the communicator, which sounded relatively gentle: "It turned out to be Pingfeng Daoyou, please."

With this sound, a colorful streamer instantly rose from the Lingshan Mountain and flew towards this side.

This colorful light appeared in front of their aircraft in an instant, like a rainbow bridge across the universe, appeared here.

Ping Feng glanced at Chu Yu, then nodded, driving the aircraft and embarked on this rainbow road.


The speed is many times faster than before, and almost instantly, it reached the end of the Rainbow Road.

There is an ancient palace over there.

Huge palaces are lined up one after another, built on the mountainside of a large mountain.

Various huge towering ancient trees grow in the mountains, and a large number of Swiss beasts can be seen everywhere.

Dragon, Phoenix, Unicorn, Peacock ...

And the realm of every Swiss beast is actually breaking the virtual realm!

There is even a white dragon beside the road, which looks only a hundred feet long, and even Chu Yu can't see its depth.

There are eight out of ten, it is a dragon of enlightenment.

Unless there is a fight, it is difficult to infer its true strength.

The background of the Buddhism ... seems to be a little outrageous!

The same scene can't be seen at Wuliangshan Dojo.

Ping Feng also seemed envious, looking at the dragons, phoenixes and unicorns.

As for those powerful beasts, they ignored these strangers at all and didn't take a look.

They were welcomed by a young monk who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Shaved head, dressed in a gray cassock, clear eyebrows, very calm, looking at several people standing on his chest with one hand: "Little monk Huiguang, I have seen all the Taoists."

With that said, the young monk smiled slightly at Chu Yu: "Last time I saw His Royal Highness, it was still a long time ago. The change of His Royal Highness seemed to be great."

"Have you seen me?" Chu Yu stunned slightly, looking at the young monk.

The young monk smiled a mysterious smile, did not answer, but turned to Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi: "The two sisters don't come unharmed."

Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi looked blank and looked at each other.

They are different from Chu Yu, they are people who have awakened their memories!

But in their memory, there has never been anything about the little monk about Lingshan.

"You ... know us?" Lin Shi hesitated.

The young monk looked at Lin Shi and said meaningfully: "My sister inherited the same method of my Buddha Bodhisattva, and now it is close to Dacheng, gratifying."

With that said, without saying anything, make an inviting gesture: "Dear friends, please inside."

This little monk is a little bit spoiled.

Chu Yu thought to himself, and he could see that he must know something, but he refused to say that he was playing a dumb puzzle.

Don't say it without saying it!

I have no interest in those things!

Along with Huiguang's young monk, the crowd entered a palace with a Buddha statue enshrined in the center of the palace.

Chu Yu glanced at it and recognized this Buddha statue, which is the most common Buddha Shakyamuni statue on earth.

Although the myth that Chu Yu experienced reflects the reality is not once or twice, but it still has a very strange feeling.

This great Buddha is not ordinary!

The young monk first incense there quietly, worshipped for a few weeks, and then took the crowd through the hall to the backyard.

A few old linden trees grow in the back, and the bluestone paved ground looks very clean.

A stone table and eight stone benches are placed under one of the oldest linden trees.

The young monk Huiguang brought Chu Yu and others, came here, and sat down.

Soon someone brought tea snacks.

The fragrance of the tea spread, and even Chu Yu couldn't help but secretly panic.

Because the grade of this tea is too high!

This should be top-notch Tao tea!

Even if he is an enlightened person, smelling tea will give him a new impression.

Looking at Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and other people beside him, he was even more fascinated.

"The amount of this tea is already very small, so it can only be one for each Taoist friend. Maybe it will be a little rewarding, maybe not. However, drinking tea itself is an elegant thing, why should you force too much?" Little monk Shang Huiguang said, Tea is placed in front of everyone.

Chu Yu did not hurry to pick up the tea cup, but looked at the young monk and suddenly asked: "Master Huiguang, you should call us the donor, right?"

"Hehe." The little monk smiled slightly and said, "We are so rich, we don't need anyone to give money. And, we are a group, not a sect. So, even if there are a large number of people who are from the Buddhism, but we But still a practitioner. "

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