
Chapter 1057: who are we

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"In that dream, we seem to be very powerful, so powerful ... It is difficult to describe in words." Chu Tianbei frowned and looked at Chu Yu: "Do you understand what I mean? It is us in the dream , As if it were a true god, as if in this world, there is nothing we can't do ... Mana is boundless, you know? "

Chu Tianbei intermittently told Chu Yu something about his dream.

"In short, this dream, my mom and I have been doing it for many days in a row. We don't know what is going on. There are many scenes in the dream that we have never seen before!"

"In the beginning, I thought it might be my own dream. I knew your mother told me that she had the same dream. After the two of us confirmed each other, we found that ... it was highly consistent!"

Chu Tianbei looked at Chu Yu: "Also, the Zhou Han you said, the former chaotic domain master ... He seemed to have called your mother-in-law when he caught us here that day. Guessing, will there be any problems here? "

Song Yu also looked at Chu Yu and said softly: "Yeah, I think with your father left and right. I can't understand the key to this."

The couple had known for a long time that their son Chu Yu was probably quite big. This has already involved all kinds of reincarnation.

If you think about it, you admit your fate!

Who is he in his life? Anyway, in this life, he is our son!

And he also recognizes our father and mother, and is very filial, which is enough!

But in the recent period, the couple's dream made them murmur a little.

It's hard to say, not only the son's great origin, but also their own ... the origin is also great?

Chu Yu was a little surprised, no, it should be said that it was a little shocked!

Who is his father and mother, of course he knows!

Chu Tianbei and Song Yu should be the consciousness of Chu Yuzhu and his wife, or their obsession.

Of course, this involves a deep layout, even Chu Yu, it is difficult to say clearly.

But there was one thing that didn't run.

That is, Chu Tianbei and Song Yu are indeed his Chu Yu's parents!

And emotionally, Chu Yu definitely recognizes them more!

"Here, some words are long." Chu Yu hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

This is indeed somewhat difficult to explain.

In this world, any creature thinks that he is an independent individual!

Not even Chu Dahua at the time?

She gave birth to her own wisdom and thought, so she resisted Chu Die and did not want to be Chu Die's puppet.

Those who are high on the road have great wisdom. These problems are not unthinkable to those who are tens of millions.

And they don't care!

Because on the day they want to be unified, all they need is one thought, and all their avatars will be like epiphany!

The feeling of "to know me today is me" is born.

Chu Yu didn't try that feeling, because he created the avatar, he was controlled by the same mind, so he didn't dare to say he felt the same.

But Chu Die said to her that it was a ... feel like Zhao Wen, Xi Ke was dead!

There is no conflict and unhappiness.

Of course, for the deity, naturally this is the case.

But for Doppelgangers, is that really the case?

Those experiences, those feelings, those past ... are they really just a small insignificant mark?

I'm afraid this may not be the case.

But this involves a very deep road, even if Chu Yu is an enlightened person, he can understand this method, but he has not tried it.

So he dared not think about it. When he told his parents the truth, what would they think?

Will you accept it?

Still sad?

"Son, we are no longer mortals." Song Yu looked at Chu Yu with a smile: "We are not only spiritual practitioners, but even in the spiritual circle, we are all top-notch existence!"

Chu Tianbei nodded and looked at Chu Yu: "So, no matter how bizarre things are, we can actually accept it. Even if you tell us, my mother and I are just two other people's avatars. And accept. "

Chu Yu smiled bitterly: "This matter is too complicated. Some things I haven't fully figured out till now. This involves a particularly complicated and profound layout."

"However, I can say something that I know."

Chu Yu said, looking at his parents, a little bit, he told the whole chaotic domain, the master of Chu domain, and the seven things from the left and the right seven.

There is no concealment.

Because he is emotionally inclined to the parents in front of him.

In his view, they are his parents.

Even if they are really the avatars of the two divine thoughts, what does it matter?

After listening to Chu Tianbei and Song Yu, both of them were a little dazed.

They couldn't think of it, they even said it was a prophecy.

It turned out that my old couple might actually be just the avatars of the two gods.

Moreover, their origin is so big!

How many generations of Chu family have passed down and reproduced from the day of the record?

Even Chu Tianbei was a bit unclear.

If it is said that such a huge family is the layout of the Chu domain master, all from the man ’s handwriting, then ... To what extent is the Chu domain master strong?

I actually ... will it be a thought of that man?

Chu Tianbei has an incredible feeling.

Song Yu is no different.

When she heard that her body should have fallen to the real world demons' nest, her eyes were all red and she couldn't help crying.

She murmured: "I am such an ordinary woman. The greatest pride in my life is to have such a son as you. So good? "

Chu Yu stepped forward to hug her mother and said softly: "In my mind, you are the greatest woman in the world! Otherwise, how could you have such an excellent son?"

Song Yu smiled and patted Chu Yu on the back. The sense of authenticity returned to her body again and back to her heart.

"Anyway, I believe in this life and believe in everything I see." Song Yu said.

Chu Tianbei was sitting there, his eyes a little dazed, and whispered softly: "I am such a talented person, would there be such a terrible beginning? Is this true?"

Song Yu gave him a white look: "You're just a spray among the vast minds of people, do you understand?"

Chu Tianbei laughed and said: "So what? That's also in the sea!"

Looking at his parents, Chu Yu felt relaxed.

He took Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian and lived here for a while.

He even opened altars and lectured to teach these people.

In his current state, it is really easy to open a forum for these people to teach the classics.

The resources here are too rich, whether it is this group of friends and family, or Wujiang Sect, it is simply not exhausted.

Now that he has come to a top-level world like Tiangong World and has so many resources, he naturally hopes that everyone's cultivation can go further.

One day, you can all step into the red dust realm, truly walk out of this world, and enter the world of Tiangong.

Chu Yu lived here for three years!

During this period, he and Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian have been working hard, wanting to have a man and a half.

Chu Tianbei and Song Yu both want to hug their grandchildren.

Chu Xi's vision is extremely high. With such a brother in front, she can't look down on ordinary people at all.

It is not that there are no young talents in Wujiang Sect, but she does not like it.

Chu Liang's talents are actually average, but in recent years, he has devoted almost all his experience to cultivation.

The feelings of men and women are even more indifferent.

So it is hard to count on them.

Anyway, Chu Yu still has two daughters-in-law ... No, to be precise, in the eyes of Chu Tianbei and Song Yu, there should be four! No, five!

There are also Shi Qingya, Phantom Yin and Xiaoyue!

Xiaoyue can follow here all the way, and have been close to each other for so many years.

Chu Tianbei and Song Yu especially like this girl and hope she can have a good result.

But what do you say?

No matter Shi Qingya, phantom sound, or Xiaoyue, you do n’t need to say much about your appearance.

Now with the continuous improvement of the realm, the temperament is even more noble.

Even in front of Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian, there is actually no obvious difference.

However, the vicissitudes of the sea ... This long period of practice, Chu Yu experienced too many things.

His feelings with Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian are too deep!

Does Jiang Zilian really feel anything about Chu Yu? Not necessarily.

The girls such as Shi Qingya, Huanyin and Xiaoyue are all smart, they are not stupid, and they have lived for so many years. Who does n’t have an exquisite heart?

Therefore, although their attitude towards Chu Yu was very cordial, they all kept a certain distance.

Even if Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian seem to have nothing to say in front of them, they didn't take it seriously.

Many things in this world are about the sea and mulberry. Many things, missed, just missed.

Unfortunately, after two or three years of hard work, the two women Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian still did not move at all.

Song Yu, who is in a hurry, looks for two women in private, saying that you are all so advanced in practice. Is it really difficult to have a child?

The two women were also very depressed, what should they say?

They are all enlightened, and they can vaguely touch the people of the mystery of reincarnation.

How could it not be so easy for people like them to want a child?

To put it bluntly, this world ... is not a person who is qualified to be their child!

Not to mention, this kind of thing, in the final analysis, it depends on fate.

It has been three years, Chu Yu has basically basically passed the Fa that can be passed to everyone temporarily, and the rest will be slowly understood by themselves.

He has paved the way for people, and the tolls (cultivation resources) are all there. How far he can go is really up to these people.

He said goodbye to everyone, from top to bottom, everyone was very reluctant.

This group of people with no frontier ancestors has experienced these years as if they were dreaming.

They never even thought about it, and one day they would have such a fantastic experience.

I'm afraid that even Chen ... I can't think of these at all?

Chu Yu promised everyone that he would visit them whenever he had a chance.

Then took Lin Shi and Xu Xiaoxian to leave.

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