
Chapter 180: Stew?

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The old man of the Dean looked at Chu Yu, and his heart was a little complicated.

He was very aware of how much the master of the house valued this person. He once told him more than once that he must pay attention to this Song Shen doctor, he will definitely bring a different atmosphere to Ziyun Academy.

Well, indeed, the twelve little witches are honest.

But at the moment Chu Yu's performance, how to say, if he is an ordinary person, he will definitely feel particularly cool!

But the problem is, he is the dean of Ziyun College!

Ability, confidence, confidence ... It ’s okay to be proud!

Which capable person has no temper?

But he was really scared.

Although at that time, because of the account of the prefect, he took the alchemy branch directly and put it in his own place.

But at that time, or now, he had no confidence in the ability of alchemy branch.

Even if this Song Shenyi and Mr. Song really are so capable, but in just over three months, what can he teach?

Although the girls are very talented, how much can they learn in such a short period of time?

Piaoxiang College brought this time, although it was a combat monk in their battle branch, but since they dared to take them to test alchemy, it means that these students must be very proficient in alchemy on weekdays!

It will never be the kind of slightly involved.

The dean sighed in his heart, and then said in a deep voice: "Go!"

On the side of Piaoxiang College, he walked directly out of a boy, about eighteen or nine years old. His figure was not very tall, but he was well-proportioned and walked like a healthy leopard.

This boy has very big eyes and is very godly. After taking the stage, he clenched his fists: "Du Zeyu, a second-year student at Piaoxiang College Combat Branch, came to ask the seniors of Ziyun College Alchemy Branch!"

Many people at Piaoxiang College couldn't help laughing.

"Student Du is so serious, haha, asking for advice ... it's so humble."

"It's so cool to hit your face in a while!"

"Fighting monks challenge alchemy professionals with alchemy, ha ha ha ha!"

People here are sneering and sarcastic.

Twelve girls over there, but their faces were steady.

"I'll do it." Yuwen smiled and wanted to teach this group of idiots hard, let them understand what a real alchemy genius is.

"This way, you shouldn't need to go, I'll do it." Wang Yan said with a smile, and then went directly to the stage.

There was a burst of cheers from Ziyun Academy.

Then came an incredible voice of discussion.

"This is Wang Yan who used to be the explosive head?"

"Oh ... I don't dare to admit it, it's really her. Unexpectedly, she looks so beautiful when dressed like this!"

"Tall and plump, with long hair shawl, this is simply goddess level!"

Many gentlemen and teachers here at Ziyun College couldn't help but nod secretly.

They didn't look down on that Mr. Song before. They came in a relationship and were kicked to the kind of place where alchemy branch does not shit. What can they do?

Looking at it now with a peaceful mind, I suddenly discovered that this Mr. Song is really different.

Not to mention anything else, he was able to surrender the twelve prickly witches, which is a great skill!

Then looking at Wang Yan on the stage, his face was calm, and he didn't put the other party in his eyes at all. Suddenly, they felt a lot more emboldened.

Wang Yan glanced at Du Zeyu on the side, and said lightly: "Your fighting monk came to make alchemy, and it's really hard for you. Come, I won't bully you. You say, how can we compare, what?

Du Zeyu glanced at her with the same faint tone: "You are pretty, can I have a contact for you later?"

Wang Yan chuckled and pointed at Chu Yu under the stage: "Do you have our old Song looking handsome?"

Chu Yu grinned below and looked up at the sky. This group of girls have been with him for a long time. Although they have converged the kind of witch women in the past, they are still lawless in their bones.

He didn't want to restrain the instincts of this group of girls, and he didn't hurt anyone. Why not allow it?

In fact, at the first meeting, Chu Yu asked them to put away their strange costumes and change their strange costumes, but only to give them a dismount.

Now his prestige has penetrated deep into the hearts of these little girls. Even if they want to dress up like that, Chu Yu won't care anymore.

Du Zeyu took a subconscious look at Chu Yu, who was looking at the sky with two eyes under his stage. His face was stiff, and he was just his instinct flirtatious girl. It was still that kind of superiority, and there was no one in the heart of Ziyun Academy deep in my heart.

Unexpectedly, someone came back directly.

He couldn't answer this, otherwise, there must be something more unpleasant behind.

With a sigh of relief in his heart, he said lightly: "Then refining Yuan Yuan Dan."

Bao Yuan Dan is a word different from Bao Yan Dan, but its medicinal properties are 108,000 miles away.

The so-called "Bao Yuan Pill" is a kind of high-grade pill, which is a life-saving thing for monks when their energy consumption is exhausted. Taking one, the energy in the body will soar in an instant.

And the Pill Flame Pill, that is an attacking pill, the entire mirror world, I am afraid that there are not many people who know this pill.

Wang Yan heard the three words Biao Yuandan slightly startled.

Du Zeyu smiled faintly: "Why? You, a student of the Alchemy Branch, won't you even refine this immortality?"

Wang Yan looked back, glanced at him, and said lightly, "Go ahead."

"..." Du Zeyu was silently stunned again, very angry in his chest, sneered in his heart: cheap, wait until you can't even cry! Let you understand how powerful a combat monk, alchemy is!

Du Zeyu, just like Yuwen smiled, was from a family history, and he had been exposed to alchemy since childhood. Later, because he liked fighting more, he changed his way.

However, he has never stopped learning in alchemy.

To this day, he has reached the level of senior Dan Shi.

Before, they also learned about the alchemy branch of Ziyun College through different channels, knowing that the so-called alchemy branch is actually a gathering place for a group of prickly witches.

Ziyun College, there is no alchemy branch!

So, young people like them, who are in the ranks of senior Dan teachers, aren't they easy to abuse food?

Wang Yan took out her oxen carved oxen, then rubbed two of them, took out the fire, and bounced into the flame chamber.

Next, she moved quickly, and from the various herbs prepared by Ziyun Academy, took out the materials for refining Yuanyuan Dan, and began to throw it into the alchemy furnace.

This action directly showed Du Zeyu aside.

Is there such an alchemy?

This ... is this too rigorous?

Du Zeyu even angrily wanted to stop Wang Yan, because he felt that this was simply spoiling the panacea!

It's not just Du Zeyu, everyone in the audience, except those in Alchemy Branch, but everyone who knows a little alchemy is stunned.

Xin said that this is alchemy or stew?

There is absolutely no way!

The Dean of Ziyun College was a bit dark.

If it weren't for the presence of so many people and a large crowd, he really wanted to stop the messy little girl.

He couldn't help looking at Chu Yu, who had a steady face over there, and really wanted to grab the kid's ear and ask: This is the student you taught?

Many people at Piaoxiang College are already laughing upside down.

"Hahaha, this is alchemy?"

"No, I think she looks like a stew!"

"Yeah, what a wonderful housewife, it must be very virtuous! I am going to pursue her, marry her home, and let her stew my dishes every day!"

"Well, you can do something else."

"Killing me."

But then, Wang Yan gave a slap to the group of people who mocked her.

She began to control the fire precisely!

The strange fire was under her control, either violent or soft ... the flame suddenly grew large and small, and the temperature suddenly increased and decreased.

This hand alone is by no means an ordinary entry-level Danshi.

Only at least intermediate Dan master can achieve such precise fire control.

This hand directly shocked many people.

Ziyun Academy, who was already restless, gradually recovered calm.

"Is she really alchemy?"

"But she went there and threw medicinal materials indiscriminately ... can you really make Dan?"

People are still very skeptical, thinking that Wang Yan's initial action of throwing medicinal herbs into it was simply too hasty.

Chu Yu keeps nodding his head below. These little girls have to say that their talents are really high!

Among the twelve bad girls, Wang Yan is not the top one, and can only be ranked seven or eight.

But whether she is controlling fire or alchemy, they are already much stronger than ordinary intermediate pill masters. Even the senior Dan teacher is not as good as her in many places.

This is just tactics, the most important is the way of alchemy and alchemy!

The same kind of elixir, the elixir prepared by different edicts is absolutely different.

Can the sage's Danfang be the same as the senior Danshi?

As for the alchemy method, it goes without saying.

Everyone knows that the gap between the sage alchemy and the ordinary alchemist is too great!

Chu Yu taught them that although they are all foundations, they are a true saintly inheritance!

Therefore, these people at Piaoxiang College simply don't know what kind of people they are comparing with. Deep down, I feel confident one by one.

I think they can easily abuse food ...

Chu Yu did n’t even bother to observe with his eyebrows. He knew exactly what the panacea made by Wang Yan was, and he also knew what the panacea made by Du Zeyu ... looked like!

Compared with Wang Yan's chaotic stewing of medicinal herbs into the Dan furnace, Du Zeyu is much more disciplined. What kind of medicinal herbs to put in each step and what kind of flame to use are all very standard.

Well, the disciples trained by the standard Dadan teacher.

A shit-fighting monk, obviously learned from a young age just like Yuwen smiled.

Chu Yu sneered.

But he didn't care at all!

After more than twenty minutes, Wang Yan said: "Okay."

During the speech, she took back the fire without hesitation.

Du Zeyu over there couldn't help but glance at her, his spirit slightly slipped, the flames were not controlled well, and the flames were a little big.

Fortunately, however, he recovered instantly and reversed all this in time.

Only then did he breathe out, ignoring the others, and carefully refined it.

After another 20 minutes, Du Zeyu finally refined it. He said lightly: "Alchemy is a real technique. A good medicine is time-consuming."

"Fart, it's as slow as you are, and it has been beaten to death!" Wang Yan said disdainfully.

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